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417 results about "Mercury vapors" patented technology

A mercury-vapor lamp is a gas discharge lamp that uses an electric arc through vaporized mercury to produce light.

Nanomaterial-based gas sensors

A gas sensing device (nanosensor) includes a substrate with at least a pair of conductive electrodes spaced apart by a gap, and an electrochemically functionalized semiconductive nanomaterial bridging the gap between the electrodes to form a nanostructure network. The nanomaterial may be single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) functionalized by the deposition of nanoparticles selected from the group consisting of an elemental metal (e.g., gold or palladium), a doped polymer (e.g., camphor-sulfonic acid doped polyaniline), and a metal oxide (e.g. tin oxide). Depending on the nanoparticles employed in the functionalization, the nanosensor may be used to detect a selected gas, such as hydrogen, mercury vapor, hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen dioxide, methane, water vapor, and / or ammonia, in a gaseous environment.

Method and apparatus for the zonal transmission of data using building lighting fixtures

This invention relates to the zonal transmission of data by the modulation of the light output of arc lamps or discharge lamps; including the visible or invisible light output of fluorescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps, high or low-pressure sodium lamps, metal-halide based lamps, or other arc or discharge lamps. The method results in an easily installed, easily maintained, and economical to purchase, optical-wave communications system which exploits the existing infrastructure of a building or facility to facilitate the transmission of data in individual zones; thereby facilitating the transmission of wide-area as well as zonal-specific data to compatible receivers, and further facilitating the determination of location of remote devices or users, and the delivery or exchange of information or data, utilizing limited range transmission techniques.

Air sterilization apparatus

A portable sterilization apparatus that includes a face mask connected to a kill chamber having an ultraviolet source to destroy biological contaminants such as viruses, bacteria and fungi in air supplied to the mask, further includes a disposable particle filter in the kill chamber for filtering out particulates prior to irradiating the air with UV light, and in the case of a mercury vapor lamp UV source, a quartz sleeve surrounding the lamp. Valves are included in the face mask to limit carbon dioxide exhalation back into the kill chamber and to facilitate exhalation of air to the atmosphere.

Low wattage fluorescent lamp

A low-wattage mercury vapor discharge fluorescent lamp is provided for use with existing 110V high frequency electronic ballasts. The lamp has a discharge sustaining fill gas of mercury vapor and an inert gas that does not require a starting aid. The inert gas has 40-100 vol. % krypton, balance argon, and the fill gas has a total pressure of 0.5-3 torr. The phosphor layer has a coating weight of 2.3-4.3 mg / cm2.

Method and apparatus for highly efficient removal of water organisms by utilizing photoelectric Fenton reaction

The invention provides a photoelectrical FenDun method for removing the non-degradable organic substance in water, which combines photochemistry reaction and electrical FenDun reaction to co-treat the organic substance effectively with multiple actions. The invention also provides a device applying the photoelectrical FenDUN reaction to remove organic substance in water, which comprises: the reactor employing shape stable electrode (DSA) as anode, employing activated charcoal as cathode, putting the low pressure mercury vapor lamp closed in the quartz glass tube vertically between the anode and cathode and venting a certain quantity of oxygen to the cathode surface, adding marginal ferrous salt into the organic wastewater with pH being about 3 as catalyst and importing current flow for electrolysis to remove pollutant. The invention oxides and degrades organic substance by using the hydroxyl free radical generated by photochemical reaction and electrical FenDun reaction, the hydroxyl free radical possesses strong oxidability which can oxide organic substance without selection, and is characterized by the complete, fast and effective oxidation and no secondary pollution.

Method of removing mercury from flue gas through enhancement of high temperature oxidation

In a method for removing mercury from flue gas produced by combustion devices burning coal and other fuels that contain mercury and chlorine the combustion process is controlled to generate a flue gas comprising fly ash containing at least 0.25% unburned carbon, and preferably at least 5.0% unburned carbon. In addition the flue gas is rapidly cooled from a temperature within the range of 1450° F. to 900° F. to a temperature below 900° F. at a rate of at least 1000° F. per second. This step will enhance the concentrations of Cl-atoms and Cl2, which accelerates the rates of mercury oxidation in both the gas phase and on particle surfaces. Finally, the flue gas is directed to the particle removal device for removal of the fly ash to which some of the mercury is bound, and also directed to a wet scrubber for retention of the oxidized mercury vapor in wastewater and solid effluents.

Low-pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp and illuminator

A low-pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp (101) includes a translucent airtight container (1), a pair of electrodes (2) and (2') mounted in the airtight container (1) and arranged at both ends and so that a distance of one of the electrodes from the sealing portions (1a) and (1a') becomes longer than that of the other electrode, a mercury emission body (5) filled in the airtight container and discharge medium including mercury discharged from the mercury emission body (5) and inert gas. A cold spot is formed at one sealing portion (1a) of the low-pressure mercury vapor discharge lamp (10) and mercury is filled by the mercury emission body (5) and therefore, there is almost no excess mercury existing in the tube (1), luminous flux starts up fast, mercury collected in the cold spot scarcely moves to other portion, and the lamp characteristic is stabilized.

Nanostructured sorbent materials for capturing environmental mercury vapor

The present invention is a method and material for using a sorbent material to capture and stabilize mercury. The method for using sorbent material to capture and stabilize mercury contains the following steps. First, the sorbent material is provided. The sorbent material, in one embodiment, is nano-particles. In a preferred embodiment, the nano-particles are unstabilized nano-Se. Next, the sorbent material is exposed to mercury in an environment. As a result, the sorbent material captures and stabilizes mercury from the environment. In the preferred embodiment, the environment is an indoor space in which a fluorescent has broken.

Ferrite-free electrodeless fluorescent lamp

An electrodeless fluorescent lamp comprises a glass closed-loop envelope filled with inert gas and mercury vapor at pressure of 0.1-5 torr. An induction coil of few turns and made from Litz wire is disposed on the outer surface of the lamp inside of the closed-loop envelope. A phosphor coating is disposed on the inner surface of the envelope surface and a reflective coating is disposed on the inner surface of the area adjacent to the induction coil.

Method for increasing yield of natural cordyceps sinensis

The invention provides a method for increasing the yield of natural cordyceps sinensis. The method comprises the following steps of (1) selecting a base for increasing the yield of natural cordyceps sinensis; (2) placing a trapping lamp; (3) preparing trapping liquid; (4) screening and preparing culture medium of hepialidae hirsutella sinensis and paecilomyces hepialid; and (5) controlling yield increase conditions. According to the method, at the adult stage, a high pressure mercury vapor lamp is used for trapping, so the imagoes of hepialus armoricanus around the lamp fly to the base, and the egg-laying amount is increased; ethanol, vinegar and sugar solution are sprayed on meadows beneficial to larva growth, so the larvae gather together; and the hepialidae hirsutella sinensis and the liquefied paecilomyces hepialid are sprayed on the gathering area of larvae to raise the infection rate of the larvae of hepialus armoricanus, so the aim of increasing the yield of cordyceps sinensis is achieved and the industrialized production is realized.

Fluorescent lamp

A mercury vapor discharge lamp having a barrier layer and a single phosphor layer. The phosphor layer comprises 10–50 weight percent halophosphors and 50–90 weight percent rare earth phosphors. The lamp has an Ra value of 70–81, more preferably 70–79, more preferably 75–79.

Filtration Media for the Removal of Mercury From Flue Gas Emissions

InactiveUS20090101015A1High mercury removal levelEfficient removalGas treatmentSilicaFiltrationTrapping
Filtration materials comprising heat-treated metal-doped precipitated silica or silica gel materials with sulfur-containing functional silane surface treatments are provided. Such materials exhibit excellent mercury removal properties from flue gas emissions through the trapping of mercury vapors within a smokestack (or other like site). The metal dopant and the sulfur-containing functional silane components applied to the surface of the target metal-doped gels effectuate the desired mercury reactions to permit capture thereof. In combination, such components permit versatile utilization in either a fixed bed configuration or through a dynamic mercury removal procedure. Methods of using and specific filter apparatuses are also encompassed within this invention.

Process and apparatus for removal of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides and mercury from off gas through oxidization

Provided is a process for integrating treatment of off gas through NOx removal, SOx removal and mercury removal, which could avoid high energy consumption resulting from high temperature required for the reaction, and a corresponding apparatus thereof. The process comprises the splitting of the off gas to a sub-stream off gas flow line as a carrier for the oxidizing agent. In the sub-stream line, a heating chamber is set for the decomposition of the oxidizing agent to form free radicals (when hydrogen peroxide is used, the free radicals formed are hydroxy and peroxy hydroxy free radicals) having stronger oxidative capacity than the original oxidants used, these free radicals carried in the sub-stream off gas are then combined with the unheated mainstream off gas, and react with the reducible contents such as NOx, SOx and mercury vapor in the off gas to generate NOx, SOx and mercury ions with higher oxidation state, wherein all the acidic products and mercury ions will be removed in the subsequent gas scrubbing device. The process and apparatus enable substantial reduction of energy required for oxidization and effective removal of NO2 and SOx as well as the reducible heavy metals such as metallic mercury, owing to only a portion of flue gas used as the carrier for the oxidizing and ionizing of the oxidative agents.

Heated Graphite Scrubber to Reduce Interferences in Ozone Monitors

The present invention provides a means of greatly reducing interferences from mercury vapor, UV-absorbing compounds and water vapor in the measurement of ozone by UV absorbance. A heated graphite scrubber destroys greater than 99% of ozone passing through it while reducing biases from typical atmospheric UV-absorbing interferents by large factors compared to conventional ozone scrubbers. Substitution of a heated graphite scrubber in place of traditional ozone scrubbers such as hopcalite, metal oxides and heated silver scrubbers, results in a more accurate measurement of ozone by reducing the responses to UV-absorbing interferences and water vapor. The heated graphite scrubber also may be used in combination with other ozone sensors, such as electrochemical and HMOS sensors, to provide a reference measurement with ozone selectively removed and thus greatly reduce contributions from interfering species in those measurement devices as well.

Fluorescent lamp

InactiveUS20090079324A1Decreased mercury consumptionImproved initial lumen output lumenDischarge tube luminescnet screensElectroluminescent light sourcesPhosphorFluorescent lamp
A fluorescent lamp includes a light-transmissive envelope, means for providing a discharge, a gas fill comprising mercury vapor and an inert gas sealed inside the envelope, a barrier layer on the inner surface of the envelope and a phosphor layer on the barrier layer. The phosphor layer contains at least one phosphor and alpha alumina and has a coating weight from about 1 to about 5 mg / cm2.

Calibration scheme for continuous monitoring of mercury emissions from stationary sources by plasma emission spectrometry

The disclosed invention relates to a calibration method, system and apparatus for a multimetals continuous emissions monitor system (hereinafter "multimetals CEMS"). More specifically, this invention relates to a calibration scheme for continuous monitoring of mercury emissions from stationary sources by plasma emission spectrometry. A source of mercury vapor, preferably a mercury permeation tube, entrains mercury vapor into a constant flow of carrier air. The carrier air mixes with a constant flow of diluent air in an aerosol mixer. The mixer is operably coupled to the analyzer. A gaseous mixture having a calibration mercury concentration flows from the mixer into the analyzer at a constant rate. A graph having coordinates of analyzer signal intensity and mercury concentration is used to plot the calibration scheme. A first signal intensity generated by the analyzer in response to the calibration mercury concentration is used for the first plot on the graph. A second signal intensity generated by the analyzer in response to a blank having zero mercury concentration is used as the second plot on the graph. A linear relationship between the analyzer signal intensity and the mercury concentration on the graph is established from the first plot and the second plot. The slope intercept and slope are used to create a mathematical relationship between the analyzer signal intensity and the mercury concentration. This enables the analyzer to be calibrated by inserting a known mercury concentration into the analyzer and adjusting the signal intensity to conform to the signal intensity calculated from the graph or mathematical relationship.

Ozone generator having a mercury lamp with a filament temperature detective circuit

An ozone generator including an electric starting circuit for measuring the temperature of at least one filament and further including a mercury vapor lamp. In one aspect, the oxone generator includes and outlet spout which injects ozone into a body of water. The electric starting circuit accepts voltages from about 100 to 270 volts and frequencies as low as 45 hertz.

Flue-gas processing technique based on adsorbent-polymer composite material

The present invention provides one process of eliminating air pollutant, such as sulfur oxide, nitrogen oxide, mercury vapor and fine dust, from industrial fume. The process is based on one kind of microporous adsorbent-fluoride polymer composite material, which converts the sulfur oxide into acid solution and excludes the acid solution to its outer surface and needs no complicated regeneration. Inside the adsorbent chamber with the modularized composite material, sulfur oxide is converted into high concentration sulfuric acid and thus eliminated from the fume. The composite material adsorbs the mercury vapor inside it via chemical adsorption and eliminates fine dust via surface filtering. The converted sulfuric acid and the fine dust on the surface of the composite material drops into one acid collector.

Methods, compositions, and devices for safe storage, transport, disposal and recycling of mercury containing light bulbs

The present invention provides methods and devices for the safe and cost efficient storage, transport and disposal of mercury. A puncture resistant container is provided having an interior element comprising a mercury sequestering substance to permit the safe storage, transport or disposal of mercury containing light bulbs and to capture mercury vapor by chemical sequestration in the event that the bulb breaks during storage, transport or disposal. The mercury sequestering element may be removable to facilitate further processing and reclamation of sequestered mercury using various methods known in the art.

System for analyzing mercury

An analyzer system (10) for measuring the mercury content of samples includes a mercury vapor analyzer (12) for generating and detecting analytical beams. A furnace (24) is mounted to a measurement cell (22). A sample boat (30) containing a sample is adapted to be disposed within the furnace to release heated sample effluent gas from the sample into the measurement cell. An optical bench (16) mounted to the mercury vapor analyzer (12) into which the measurement cell (22) is positioned in a path traveled by the analytical beams projected out of the vapor analyzer whereby the analytical beams traverse the measurement cell, interact with the sample effluent gas and return back to the vapor analyzer (12) where the amount of mercury in the heated sample effluent gas can be determined. A pump station (56) to draw the sample effluent gas from the measurement cell.

Ultrahigh pressure discharge lamp of the short arc type with improved metal foil to electrode connection arrangement

An arrangement with a relatively high pressure tightness in a super-high pressure mercury lamp which is operated with an extremely high mercury vapor pressure is achieved in accordance with the invention in a super-high pressure discharge lamp of the short arc type having a light emitting part in which a pair of electrodes are disposed opposite each other and which is filled with at least 0.15 mg / mm3 mercury; and side tube parts which extend from each side of the light emitting part and in each of which a respective one of the electrodes is partially hermetically sealed and is connected to a metal foil, by the area of the respective metal foil which is connected to the respective electrode has a smaller width than the width in the remaining area of the metal foil, the area with the smaller width wrapping at least partially around the outside surface of the electrode.
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