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5054 results about "NOx" patented technology

In atmospheric chemistry, NO x is a generic term for the nitrogen oxides that are most relevant for air pollution, namely nitric oxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO 2 ). These gases contribute to the formation of smog and acid rain, as well as affecting tropospheric ozone.

Dry 3-way catalytic reduction of gas turbine NOx

A power generation system capable of eliminating NO, components in the exhaust gas by using a 3-way catalyst, comprising a gas compressor to increase the pressure of ambient air fed to the system; a combustor capable of oxidizing a mixture of fuel and compressed air to generate an expanded, high temperature exhaust gas; a gas turbine engine that uses the force of the high temperature gas; an exhaust gas recycle (EGR) stream back to the combustor; a 3-way catalytic reactor downstream of the gas turbine engine outlet which treats the exhaust gas stream to remove substantially all of the NOx components; a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG); an EGR compressor; and an electrical generator.

Strategy for controlling NOx emissions and ammonia slip in an SCR system using a nonselective NOx/NH3

One aspect of the invention relates to controlling the ammonia feed rate to an SCR reactor using a NOx sensor cross-sensitive to ammonia. The sensor, positioned downstream of the reactor, is interrogated by introducing a pulse in the ammonia feed rate. A positive response to a positive pulse indicates ammonia slip. A negative response to a positive pulse indicates NOx breakthrough. Another aspect of the invention related to a combination of feed-back and feed-forward control. Upon detecting ammonia slip, the controller enters into an ammonia slip recovery mode in which the ammonia feed rate is reduced for a period to restore the reactor's ammonia or NOx buffering capacity. After the recovery period, feed-forward control is restored, optionally with an updated control objective. A further aspect of the invention relates to a learning probabilistic model for feed-forward control trained according to the occurrence or non-occurrence of NOx breakthrough and ammonia slip.

Integrated NOx and PM reduction devices for the treatment of emissions from internal combustion engines

One concept of the inventors relates to a system and method in which a particulate filter comprises at least about 40% by weight of an NOx adsorbant. The filter can be used as both an NOx trap and a particulate filter. By constructing the filter elements using a substantial amount of NOx adsorbant, a large volume of NOx adsorbant can be incorporated into the particulate filter, which substantially reduces the volume and expense of an exhaust system that includes both a catalytic diesel particulate filter and an NOx trap having a large quantity of NOx adsorbant. In a preferred embodiment, the filter also oxidizes NO to NO2. In another preferred embodiment, an SCR catalyst is position downstream of the filter elements.

Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

A method is presented for estimating an amount of ammonia stored in a urea-based SCR catalyst based on a dynamic model of the catalyst. The model takes into account chemical and physical properties of the catalyst, such as catalyst volume, the number of available ammonia storage cites, adsorption and desorption dynamics, as well as sulfur poisoning, thermal aging, and different catalyst operating temperatures, and generates the estimate based on a measured or estimated amount of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture upstream of the catalyst, an amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to facilitate NOx reduction, and on a measured value of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture downstream of the catalyst. The estimated ammonia storage amount is then used to control the amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to maintain desired ammonia storage amount such that maximum NOx conversion efficiency coupled with minimum ammonia slip are achieved.

Catalyst for purifying exhaust gas

A catalyst has a base catalyst layer containing platinum and barium as precious metal supported by alumina and an over catalyst layer containing platinum and rhodium as precious metal supported by zeolitr. The platinum and rhodium in the over catalyst layer activate NOx and HC so as to make them more reactive in terms of energy, and the barium in the base catalyst layer makes the platinum be more dispersive in the base catalyst layer. Under the existence of dispersive platinum, NOx in exhaust gas is decomposed and purified by reaction with reactive NO2 and partially oxidized HC generated in the over catalyst layer.

Emissions reduction system

An engine, an exhaust system, and a method for reducing NOx in an exhaust stream are provided. The system comprises a first SCR catalyst, a second SCR catalyst, and a particulate filter positioned between the first and second SCR catalyst. The engine comprises an intake air system, at least one combustion chamber, and an exhaust system comprising a first SCR catalyst positioned upstream of a particulate filter and a second SCR catalyst positioned downstream of the particulate filter. The method comprises the steps of passing the exhaust through a low-temperature SCR catalyst, passing the exhaust through a particulate filter, and passing the exhaust through a high-temperature SCR catalyst.

On-board reductant delivery system

An on-board reductant delivery system for a motor vehicle includes a mixer / nozzle system for connection to an exhaust system of a motor vehicle. The on-board reductant delivery system also includes a fluid metering system connected to the mixer / nozzle system for metering reductants to the mixer / nozzle system. The on-board reductant delivery system further includes an air supply system connected to the mixer / nozzle system for delivering pressurized air to the mixer / nozzle system. The mixer / nozzle system mixes the reductants and pressurized air and sprays the mixture in the exhaust system of the motor vehicle to reduce NOx.

Internal combustion system using acetylene fuel

An environmentally clean dual fuel for an internal combustion engine, comprising acetylene as a primary fuel and a combustible fuel, such as one or more fluids selected from an alcohol such as ethanol, methanol or any other alcohol or alcohols from the group comprising C1-C20 carbon chains, ethers such as from the group comprising dimethyl ether, diethyl ether, methyl t-butyl ether, ethyl t-butyl ether, t-amyl methyl ether, di-isopropyl ether and the like, low-molecular-weight esters such as from the group comprising methyl formate, methyl acetate, ethyl acetate, methyl propionate, ethyl propionate and the like, or other suitable combustible fluid such as mineral spirits and the like, as a secondary fuel for operatively preventing early ignition and knock arising from the primary fuel. The dual fuel, internal combustion system, which generally utilizes a two-stage process for start-up and operation and can be operated with air- or liquid-cooling, is environmentally clean with hydrocarbon, CO, NOx, and SOx emissions substantially eliminated.

Engine exhaust emission control system providing on-board ammonia generation

An exhaust emission control system that provides on-board ammonia generation includes a valve disposed upstream of the LNT and SCR catalyst that operates to selectively control the flow of engine exhaust gas to an LNT and / or an SCR catalyst; while reformate fuel is being conveyed from a reformer to the LNT, the valve operates to cause the exhaust gas to bypass the LNT and flow directly to the SCR catalyst. The exhaust emission control system further includes a controller provided with an algorithm that monitors engine operating conditions and exhaust gas conditions, estimates the cumulative amount of exhaust gas created by the engine and the amount of NOx stored in the LNT, and calculates the amount of NOx required to be converted to NH3.

Method and system for removal of NOx and mercury emissions from coal combustion

InactiveUS20050147549A1Emission reductionReduce mercury in gas emissionCombination devicesGas treatmentHalogenSorbent
A method to reduce emissions in flue gas due to combustion of coal in a combustion unit including the steps of: combusting coal in a primary combustion zone of the combustion unit; releasing elemental mercury from the combustion into the flue gas; injecting NH4Cl, NH4Br, or NH4I into the flue gas; oxidizing the elemental mercury with halogen from the additive; adsorbing the oxidized mercury generated by the combustion of the coal with an adsorbent in the flue gas, and collecting the adsorbent with the oxidized mercury in a combustion waste treatment system.

Catalytic combustion adjuvant for coal

A catalytic combustion improver of coal for increasing combustion efficiency and decreasing the exhaust of SO2, CO and NOx is composed of the primary raw materials chosen from 17 salts of organic acid, including acetate, oxalate, succinate, etc, the organic compound prepared by reaction between 17 organic acids and ore, metal, metallic oxide, or compound, chloride, etc, and the secondary raw materials chosen from high-caloricity agent, surface coating agent, solvent, assistant, emulsifying disperser, sulfur fixating agent and filler.

Methods and apparatus for injecting atomized fluid

ActiveUS20050235632A1Reduce oxide of nitrogen (NOx) emissionImprove performanceInternal combustion piston enginesExhaust apparatusDiesel engineNOx
The present invention provides methods and apparatus for injecting fluid, such as an aqueous urea solution, into an exhaust stream in order to reduce oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions from diesel engine exhaust The present invention uses mechanical spill return atomization techniques to produce droplets approximately 50 μm SMD (Sauter mean diameter) or smaller. This size range is appropriate to allow urea to react into ammonia within the residence time associated with an on-road diesel engine. This effect is achieved through the use of a whirl plate having a plurality of whirl slots surrounding an exit orifice of the injector, which produce a high velocity rotating flow in the whirl chamber. When the rotating flow of fluid is passed through the exit orifice into an exhaust stream, atomization occurs from a combination of centrifugal force and shearing of the fluid by air as it jets into the exhaust stream.

Reagent dosing system and method of dosing reagent

A method of dosing a reagent into an exhaust gas stream of an internal combustion engine having an SCR catalyst, the method comprising injecting reagent from a reagent tank into the exhaust gas stream at a position upstream of the SCR catalyst using a reagent injector in accordance with a first dosing schedule in order to remediate a predetermined proportion of NOx in the exhaust gas stream, the first dosing schedule being associated with a first range of engine operating conditions; and injecting reagent from the reagent tank into the exhaust gas stream at a position upstream of the SCR catalyst using a reagent injector in accordance with a second dosing schedule in order to enable heat transfer between the reagent injector and said injected reagent, the second dosing schedule being associated with a second range of engine operating conditions.Dosing in accordance with said first or said second dosing schedule is carried out in dependence on whether engine operating conditions lie within said first or said second range of engine operating conditions, and the proportion of NOx in the exhaust gas stream which is remediated by dosing using said second dosing schedule is less than said predetermined portion. A reagent dosing system is also provided for dosing a reagent into the exhaust gas stream of an internal combustion engine, comprising a reagent tank for storing a supply of reagent, an injector module comprising an atomising dispenser and a positive-displacement metering pump which draws reagent from the reagent tank and delivers it to the dispenser a supply line coupling the reagent tank to the injector module, and a dosing control unit operable to control the injector module to inject reagent into the exhaust gas stream. A priming pump is provided to urge reagent along the supply line toward the injector module under selected conditions.

Emission Treatment Catalysts, Systems and Methods

Zoned diesel oxidation catalysts containing a higher precious metal loading in the inlet zone that the outlet zone and an equal or shorter length inlet zone are described. Emission treatment systems and methods of remediating nitrogen oxides (NOx), particulate matter, and gaseous hydrocarbons using zoned diesel oxidation catalysts are also described.

Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

A method is presented for estimating an amount of ammonia stored in a urea-based SCR catalyst based on a dynamic model of the catalyst. The model takes into account chemical and physical properties of the catalyst, such as catalyst volume, the number of available ammonia storage cites, adsorption and desorption dynamics, as well as poisoning, thermal aging, and different catalyst operating temperatures, and generates the estimate based on a measured or estimated amount of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture upstream of the catalyst, an amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to facilitate NOx reduction, and on a measured value of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture downstream of the catalyst. The estimated ammonia storage amount is then used to control the amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to maintain desired ammonia storage amount such that maximum NOx conversion efficiency coupled with minimum ammonia slip are achieved.

Reformer assisted lean NOx catalyst aftertreatment system and method

A method and apparatus for catalytically processing a gas stream passing therethrough to reduce the presence of NOx therein, wherein the apparatus includes a first catalyst composed of a silver-containing alumina that is adapted for catalytically processing the gas stream at a first temperature range, a second catalyst composed of a copper-containing zeolite located downstream from the first catalyst, wherein the second catalyst is adapted for catalytically processing the gas stream at a lower second temperature range relative to the first temperature range, a hydrocarbon compound for injection into the gas stream upstream of the first catalyst to provide a reductant, and a reformer for reforming a portion of the hydrocarbon compound into H2 and / or oxygenated hydrocarbon for injection into the gas stream upstream of the first catalyst. The second catalyst is adapted to facilitate the reaction of reducing NOx into N2, whereby the intermediates are produced via the first catalyst reacting with NOx and hydrocarbons.

Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

A method is presented for estimating an amount of ammonia stored in a urea-based SCR catalyst based on a dynamic model of the catalyst. The model takes into account chemical and physical properties of the catalyst, such as catalyst volume, the number of available ammonia storage cites, adsorption and desorption dynamics, as well as poisoning, thermal aging, and different catalyst operating temperatures, and generates the estimate based on a measured or estimated amount of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture upstream of the catalyst, an amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to facilitate NOx reduction, and on a measured value of NOx in an exhaust gas mixture downstream of the catalyst. The estimated ammonia storage amount is then used to control the amount of reductant injected into the catalyst to maintain desired ammonia storage amount such that maximum NOx conversion efficiency coupled with minimum ammonia slip are achieved.

Selective catalytic reduction of nox enabled by sidestream urea decomposition

A preferred process arrangement utilizes the enthalpy of the flue gas, which can be supplemented if need be, to convert urea (30) into ammonia for SCR. Urea (30), which decomposes at temperatures above 140 ° C., is injected (32) into a flue gas stream split off (28) after a heat exchanger (22), such as a primary superheater or an economizer. Ideally, the side stream would gasify the urea without need for further heating; but, when heat is required it is far less than would be needed to heat either the entire effluent (23) or the urea (30). This side stream, typically less than 3% of the flue gas, provides the required temperature and residence time for complete decomposition of urea (30). A cyclonic separator can be used to remove particulates and completely mix the reagent and flue gas. This stream can then be directed to an injection grid (37) ahead of SCR using a blower (36). The mixing with the flue gas is facilitated due to an order of magnitude higher mass of side stream compared to that injected through the AIG in a traditional ammonia-SCR process.

Lubricating oil composition

ActiveUS20080110799A1Excellent in thermal/oxidation stabilityInhibit of acid numberLiquid carbonaceous fuelsAdditivesInternal combustion engineSoot
The present invention provide a lubricating oil composition suitable for internal combustion engines, which composition is excellent in thermal / oxidation stability and can inhibit the increases of the viscosity and acid number even in the presence of NOx and can be used for a long period of time or provide a lubricating oil composition particularly suitable for diesel or direct injection engines equipped with an exhaust-gas after-treatment device such as DPF or various catalysts, which composition is excellent in high-temperature detergency and base number retention properties and further can achieve the effect of inhibit wear caused by soot contamination in the oil occurring significantly when the content of phosphorus compounds such as ZnDTP is decreased, at a high level and can inhibit the exhaust-gas after-treatment device from being adversely affected. The lubricating oil composition comprises a lubricating base oil containing, a specific amount of a base oil with specific properties, and two or more types of additives selected from specific additives.

Fuel injector with bifurcated recirculation zone

A gas turbine fuel injection system of the lean direct injector type designed to reduce nitrous oxide (NOx) emissions is provided. The configuration includes a pilot fuel injector for injecting a pilot fuel stream, and a pilot swirler for providing a swirling pilot air stream to atomize and entrain the pilot fuel stream. A main airblast fuel injector is located concentrically about the pilot fuel injector, for injecting a main fuel stream concentrically about the pilot fuel stream. Inner and outer main swirlers provide a swirling main air stream to atomize and entrain the main fuel stream. An air splitter is located between the pilot swirler and the main swirler. The air splitter is so arranged and constructed as to divide the pilot air stream exiting the pilot swirler and the air splitter, from the main air stream exiting the inner main swirler, whereby a bifurcated recirculation zone is created.

Multistage reductant injection strategy for slipless, high efficiency selective catalytic reduction

One aspect of the invention relates to an exhaust treatment apparatus having an NOx reduction system comprising first and second catalyst beds in series with associated first and second ammonia injectors. The first catalyst bed with its associated ammonia injector preferably targets removing only about 80 to about 95% percent of the NOx in the vehicle exhaust. The second catalyst bed with its associated injector preferably target removing about 70 to about 100% of the remaining NOx. Staging the reduction system in this manner improves control over NOx reduction and reduces the risk of ammonia slip. Other aspects of the invention relate to methods of treating vehicle exhaust to remove NOx and an SCR reactor comprising a housing having an entrance port, an exit port, and an ammonia injection port, wherein the injection port is configured to inject ammonia in between SCR catalyst beds contained in the housing.

Gas engine with a gas fuel reforming device

The gas engine with a gas fuel reforming device thermally decomposes CH4, a major component of natural gas, into a reformed fuel of CO and H2 to increase the heat produced and thereby reduce the CO2 content in the exhaust gas and prevent the formation of NOx. The gas engine mixes CH4 with CO2 and sends the gas mixture to the catalyst reactor installed in the exhaust passage where the gas mixture is thermally decomposed into a reformed fuel by using the thermal energy of the exhaust gas. CO2 is extracted from the exhaust gas by the CO2 supply device which in turn sends the CO2 to the catalyst reactor. The CO2 supply device comprises a CO2 dissolving device that accommodates a solution to dissolve CO2 of low-temperature exhaust gas and a CO2 delivery device installed in the exhaust passage through which high-temperature exhaust gas flows and adapted to release CO2 from the solution supplied from the CO2 dissolving device. The CO2 supply device can be formed of a CO2 separation membrane that separates CO2 from the exhaust gas.

Gas turbine combustor, combustion method of the gas turbine combustor, and method of remodeling a gas turbine combustor

A gas turbine combustor comprises a premixed combustion burner disposed on the periphery of a pilot burner, an approximately cylindrical combustor liner disposed on the downstream side of the premixed combustion burner, which defines a combustion chamber in the liner. The gas turbine combustor is characterized by further comprising flame stabilizers radially disposed at the exit of the premixed combustion burner, and a fuel injection means with which the pilot burner is provided injects at least one of gas fuel and liquid fuel, in which a plurality of air nozzles are provided which are located outside the pilot burner and inside the premixed combustion burner, and which spout out air into the combustion chamber. Adequate combustion can be accomplished with a combustor which is capable of using gas fuel and liquid fuel, and at the same time, NOx can be reduced.

Exhaust gas aftertreatment systems

A method are presented for monitoring an amount of ammonia stored in a urea-based SCR catalyst based on a response of a sensor coupled downstream of the catalyst to a periodic desorbtion of a small amount of ammonia. The sensor could be an ammonia sensor, or a NOx sensor whose signal is sensitive to presence of both NOx and ammonia. The method can be performed at engine start to establish initial ammonia storage amount, or, alternatively, to adjust ammonia storage amounts or diagnose degradation when NOx conversion efficiency of the catalyst is below a predetermined value.
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