This Dispenser having a cutter plate, which is flexibly mounted on a Tape roll, helps in peeling the Tape and is able to cut it by serration provided at the other end.There is an open space, in between the rod and cutter plate, so that Tape can be drawn over from both sides of the dispenser, to cut it by serrations present at the other end.On the cutter plate of the Dispenser, there is a notch and a hole is provided, so that, the cut end of the tape which sticks on the plate, can be easily removed for the next operation.This cutter plate assembly being flexibly attached on a Tape roll, by means of two 0 rings, can swivel like a hinge, so that Tape can be cut at any desired and from a suitable angle.A double cutter is provided to hold a firm grip on the tape, to cut it easily, besides, to protects from injury also.Thus It is a novel, Tape Dispenser which is User friendly, Multipurpose and a unique and most simple in Design, useful for most of varieties of Tapes, having variations in, Materials, Widths, Diameters, Thickness, Toughness, Stickiness, and various Applications and Uses. Most suitable for a common Man, Office, Industry and Packaging use in Industry.