Apparatus, method, and system enforce compliance with Transportation Safety Policies (TSP) governing vehicle fleets, subways, trains, busses, airplanes, etc.The apparatus identifies, authenticates, authorizes and logs-in all drivers / operators before enabling vehicle operation. Assigned privileges are granted to Transportation Safety System (TSS) enrolled drivers / operators. After drivers / operators log-in, the apparatus detects, reports, and alarms safety violations to the governing TSS. Biometric log-in precludes driver / operator repudiation.In preferred embodiments, biometric readers and / or card-based fingerprint readers are mounted into vehicle dashboards for driver / operator authentication / log-in.The invention helps reduce inattentiveness accidents due to unauthorized wireless use (phoning, texting, Internet, games, etc.). Unauthorized wireless usage by drivers / operators is detected in driving and control areas. All unauthorized activity is logged, alarmed and / or reported to Transportation Safety System administrators, depending on incident type, severity, and / or safety violation.Remediation action varies from issuing warnings, to logging violations, to incapacitating vehicles forcing safety stops requiring supervisory intervention.