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425 results about "Candidatus" patented technology

In prokaryote nomenclature, Candidatus (Latin for candidate of Roman office, named after the white gown worn by Roman senators) is a component of the taxonomic name for a bacterium or other prokaryote, that cannot be maintained in a microbiological culture collection. It is an interim taxonomic status for yet-to-be-cultured microorganisms. An example would be "Candidatus Phytoplasma allocasuarinae". This can be abbreviated to "Ca. Phytoplasma allocasuarinae". Candidatus status may be used when a species or genus is well characterized but yet-uncultured. With today's technology much information is obtained by 16S ribosomal RNA or even near-complete genomes with modern metagenomics techniques.

PCR identification and quantification of important Candida species

The subject invention relates to a set of DNA primers which, when utilized in conjunction with the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay, can amplify and speciate DNA from five medically important Candida species. Furthermore, the PCR amplified products, generated by the primers, can also be used to create species specific probes which can also detect and confirm the five species of Candida. Thus, the present invention allows for early diagnosis and treatment of an infection. The assay is useful in the context of monitoring antifungal treatment regimens, screening potential antifungal agents, and similar applications requiring quantitative determinations.

Pharmaceutical compositions and methods to vaccinate against candidiasis

A Candida albicans bloodstream infections cause significant morbidity and mortality in hospitalized patients. Filament formation and adherence to host cells are critical virulence factors of C. albicans. Multiple filamentation regulatory pathways have been discovered, however the downstream effectors of these regulatory pathways remain unknown. The cell surface proteins in the ALS group are downstream effectors of the filamentation regulatory pathway. Particularly, Als1p mediates adherence to endothelial cells in vitro and is required for virulence. The blocking of adherence by the organism is described resulting from the use of a composition and method disclosed herein. Specifically, a pharmaceutical composition comprised of a gene, gene product, or specific antibody to the ALS gene family is administered as a vaccine to generate an immune response capable of blocking adherence of the organism.

Species-specific, genus-specific and universal DNA probes and amplification primers to rapidly detect and identify common bacterial and fungal pathogens and associated antibiotic resistance genes from clinical specimens for diagnosis in microbiology laboratories

InactiveUS20040185478A1Reduce usageDetermine rapidly the bacterial resistance to antibioticsMicrobiological testing/measurementFermentationBacteroidesNeisseria meningitidis
DNA-based methods employing amplification primers or probes for detecting, identifying, and quantifying in a test sample DNA from (i) any bacterium, (ii) the species Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterococcus faecium, Neisseria meningitidis, Listeria monocytogenes and Candida albicans, and (iii) any species of the genera Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Neisseria and Candida are disclosed. DNA-based methods employing amplification primers or probes for detecting, identifying, and quantifying in a test sample antibiotic resistance genes selected from the group consisting of blatem, blarob, blashv, blaoxa, blaZ, aadB, aacC1, aacC2, aacC3, aacA4, aac6'-lla, ermA, ermB, ermC, mecA, vanA, vanB, vanC, satA, aac(6')-aph(2''), aad(6'), vat, vga, msrA, sul and int are also disclosed. The above microbial species, genera and resistance genes are all clinically relevant and commonly encountered in a variety of clinical specimens. These DNA-based assays are rapid, accurate and can be used in clinical microbiology laboratories for routine diagnosis. These novel diagnostic tools should be useful to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis of microbial infections, thereby allowing more effective treatments. Diagnostic kits for (i) the universal detection and quantification of bacteria, and / or (ii) the detection, identification and quantification of the above-mentioned bacterial and fungal species and / or genera, and / or (iii) the detection, identification and quantification of the above-mentioned antibiotic resistance genes are also claimed.

Species-specific, genus-specific and universal DNA probes and amplification primers to rapidly detect and identify common bacterial and fungal pathogens and associated antibiotic resistance genes from clinical specimens for diagnosis in microbiology laboratories

DNA-based methods employing amplification primers or probes for detecting, identifying, and quantifying in a test sample DNA from (i) any bacterium, (ii) the species Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Enterococcus faecium, Neisseria meningitidis, Listeria monocytogenes and Candida albicans, and (iii) any species of the genera Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Neisseria and Candida are disclosed. DNA-based methods employing amplification primers or probes for detecting, identifying, and quantifying in a test sample antibiotic resistance genes selected from the group consisting of blatem, blarob, blashv, blaoxa, blaZ, aadB, aacC1, aacC2, aacC3, aacA4, aac6'-lla, ermA, ermB, ermC, mecA, vanA, vanB, vanC, satA, aac(6')-aph(2''), aad(6'), vat, vga, msrA, sul and int are also disclosed. The above microbial species, genera and resistance genes are all clinically relevant and commonly encountered in a variety of clinical specimens. These DNA-based assays are rapid, accurate and can be used in clinical microbiology laboratories for routine diagnosis. These novel diagnostic tools should be useful to improve the speed and accuracy of diagnosis of microbial infections, thereby allowing more effective treatments. Diagnostic kits for (i) the universal detection and quantification of bacteria, and / or (ii) the detection, identification and quantification of the above-mentioned bacterial and fungal species and / or genera, and / or (iii) the detection, identification and quantification of the above-mentioned antibiotic resistance genes are also claimed.

Methods and materials for the production of organic products in cells of Candida species

The present invention relates to biocatalysts that are cells, optimally of the Crabtree-negative phenotype, comprising expression vectors encoding genes heterologous to the cell that enable increased production of organic products. More specifically, the invention relates to genetically modified Candida cells, methods for making the Candida cells, and their use in production of organic products, particularly lactic acid.

Method for preventing and/or treating infections, colonisations, or illnesses related to staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas aeruginosa, streptococcus pyogenes, enterococcus faecium, enterobacter cloacae, proteus mirabilis, bacteroides fragilis, staphylococcus epidermidis, propionibacterium acnes, candida albicans and/or malassezia furfur

The subject matter of the present invention is a bacteria or mix of bacteria having an antagonistic activity with respect to stains of S. aureus, P. aeruginosa, Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecium, Enterobacter cloacae, Proteus mirabilis, Bacteroides fragilis Staphylococcus epidermidis, Propionibacterium acnes, Candida albicans and / or Malassezia furfur as well as the use thereof in the treatment and / or prevention of infections or colonisations related to those pathogens. The invention pertains to care products containing one or more non-pathogenic antagonistic strains intended to prevent and / or treat infections or colonisations on skin, wounds, mucous membranes and appendages.

Method for producing phytase

A method for producing phytase using a Candida boidinii transformant, by which phytase is secreted to liquid medium without substantially increasing the number of the transformant cells is disclosed. In this method, cells of a Candida boidinii transformant which is transformed with a recombinant vector comprising a promoter inducible with methanol and a gene located downstream of said promoter and operably linked to said promoter, which gene encodes a polypeptide having phytase activity, are cultured in a liquid culture medium containing phosphoric acid or a phosphate compound in an amount effective of restricting proliferation of said cells of Candida boidinii transformant such that the amount of said cells of Candida boidinii transformant is not substantially increased, while adding methanol to the culture medium, so as to make said cells secrete said phytase.

Methods and compositions for detecting and identifying species of Candida

Methods and compositions useful in the detection and identification of species of Candida are disclosed. These species include Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, and Candida tropicalis, each of which is a causative agent for vaginal candidiasis. The compositions of the invention are combinations of oligonucleotides. These oligonucleotides include pairs of forward and reverse primers for polymerase chain reactions, wherein each primer pair is capable of priming the synthesis of an amplicon specific to one of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, and Candida tropicalis, but preferably is not capable of priming the synthesis of an amplicon specific to any of the other three species. In preferred embodiments, the forward primers of the primer pairs have identical sequences, while each reverse primer of the primer pairs has a unique sequence relative to all of the other reverse primers; or the reverse primers of the primer pairs have identical sequences, while each forward primer of the primer pairs has a unique sequence relative to all of the other forward primers. These unique primer sequences account for the species specificity of the resultant amplicons. The oligonucleotides also include probes capable of detecting these amplicons, and sequencing primers for determining, in primer extension reactions, the nucleotide sequences contained within the amplicons. In preferred methods of the invention, a biological sample is tested for the presence of at least one isolate of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, and Candida tropicalis by isolating nucleic acid from the sample, attempting a polymerase chain reaction in a mixture containing this nucleic acid and a plurality of these primer pairs, ascertaining whether any amplicon is produced in the mixture using an oligonucleotide probe, and determining the sequence of any resultant amplicon using the sequencing primers. The detection of an amplicon indicates that the sample contains at least one isolate of Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida parapsilosis, or Candida tropicalis, and the nucleotide sequence data is used to determine which of these four Candida species is present.

Biochip for detecting pathogenesis fungus

A biochip for detecting the pathogenic funguses features that the DNA probes respectively for detecting one of 20 pathogenic funguses including Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus, etc are immobilized on the glass plate, silicon chip, or high-molecular material.

Plant lactobacillus strain and its application

The present invention discloses one plant lactobacillus strain and its application. The plant lactobacillus, Lactobacillus plantarum L323 CGMCC No. 1329, is separated from Chinese pregnant woman's vaginal secretion, and has relatively high bacteriotasis on common vaginal pathogens, such as staphylococcus aureus, candida albicans, colibacillus and vaginal Gardnar bacillus, and acid producing and H2O2 producing capacity higher than other lactobacillus. The plant lactobacillus, Lactobacillus plantarum L323 CGMCC No. 1329, may be used in preparing vaginal microbial preparation for preventing and / or treating vaginal infectious diseases.

Method of inhibiting Candida-related infections using donor selected or donor stimulated immunoglobulin compositions

A method for treating or preventing infections from yeast of the Candida species is provided wherein an immunoglobulin composition containing high titers of antibodies to staphylococcal adhesins ClfA and SdrG is administered in an amount effective to inhibit the growth and progression of Candidial infections. The compositions and methods of the present invention are advantageous in that they can be used to treat both staphylococcal and Candidial infections at the same time, and they are particularly effective in treating or preventing late-onset sepsis in neonates.

Fluorescence quantitative PCR primer, probe and kit for detecting ordinary pathogenic fungi

The invention discloses a fluorescence quantitative PCR primer, a probe and a kit for detecting ordinary pathogenic fungi. A specific primer and a TaqMan probe are independently designed, and a fluorescence PCR detection method which can be used for simultaneously detecting 15 clinically ordinary pathogenic fungi, including 8 candida mycoderma bacteria (candida albicans, candida glabrata, candida parapsilosis, candida kefyr, candida sake, candida kruse, candida guilliermind and candida tropicalis), four aspergilli (aspergillus niger, aspergillus flavus, aspergillus terreus and aspergillus fumigates), cryptococcus, rhizopus oryzae and mucor circinelloides, is established. The method is relatively high in sensitivity and specificity, and has significant meanings for early diagnosis and treatment on invasive infections with fungi.

Beta-peptides with antifungal activity

ActiveUS20080166388A1Significant antifungal activityBiocideAntimycoticsAntifungal antibioticLysis
The present invention is directed to the design, synthesis and use of various β-peptides exhibiting antifungal activity. The β-peptides are relatively short in length, adopt globally amphiphilic conformations, and cause little lysis of human red blood cells at concentrations that kill Candida albicans, a common human fungal pathogen.

Processes for the bioconversion of a fermentable carbon source to 1,3-propanediol by a single microorganism

A process is provided for the bioconversion of a carbon substrate to 1,3-propanediol by a single organism utilizing microorganisms, such as, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Clostridium, Klebsiella, Aerobacter, Lactobacillus, Aspergillus, Saccharomyces, Zygosaccharomyces, Pichia, Kluyveromyces, Candida, Hansenula, Debaryomyces, Mucor, Torulopsis, Methylobacter, Escherichia, Salmonella, Bacillus, Streptomyces and Pseudomonas, containing the genes encoding for an active glycerol or diol dehydratase enzyme by contacting these organisms with a carbon substrate under the appropriate fermentation conditions. Specifically, Citrobacter and, Klebsiella provide the source of exogenous genes for such active dehydratase enzyme.

Detection method of invasive fungus infection, detection kit and application

The invention provides a fast multiplex PCR identification diagnosis detection method of invasive fungus infection based on cfDNA (cell free DNA). The method can be used for identifying the invasive infection caused by clinic common and high-incidence Candida albicans, Candida tropicalis, Candida parapsilosis, Candida krusei, Candida glabrata and Aspergillus fumigtus. An amplification primer is designed according to characteristic genome segments of each fungus category and species; a detection fluorescence probe of a strain can be distinguished according to the amplification segment design; the real time PCR can be performed on a sample to be tested; high sensitivity of nested PCR and high specificity and multi-target performance advantages of multiple fluorescent hybrid probe PCR are integrated for identifying the fungus strain. The invention also provides a PCR diagnosis kit for the invasive fungus infection and application thereof.

Weissella cibaria XHR1 and applications thereof and weissella cibaria XHR1 containing pickled vegetable

ActiveCN105255787AImprove micro-ecological levelExpansion of industrial productionBacteriaMicroorganism based processesWeissella cibariaCandida famata
The invention provides a weissella cibaria XHR1 and applications thereof and a weissella cibaria XHR1 containing pickled vegetable. The preparation of the pickled vegetable is implemented through the steps of adding a culture solution of weissella cibaria XHR1 and bacterial powder of lactobacillus plantarum CICC 20764 into a pickled vegetable fermentation starting solution for pickling vegetables, so that the final concentration of weissella cibaria XHR1 is 10<6>-10<7> cfu / mL eventually, and then the final concentration of lactobacillus plantarum CICC 2076 is 10<5>-10<6> CFU / mL; and then, adding vegetables into the pickled vegetable fermentation starting solution, and carrying out vegetable pickling according to a traditional vegetable fermentation process, so that the pickled vegetable disclosed by the invention is obtained finally. According to the invention, prebiotic lactobacillus for inhibiting the growth of Candida albicans is applied to the fermentation of Sichuan pickled vegetables, so that the consumer group is wider, and the micro ecological level of alimentary canals of wide consumers can be improved, thereby inhibiting Candida albicans diseases from the perspective of public health.

Synthetic Anti-Candida Albicans Oligosaccharide Based Vaccines

The present invention provides immunogenic oligosaccharide compositions and methods of making and using them. In particular, the compositions comprise native O-linked and S-linked oligosaccharides coupled to a protein carrier via a linker, wherein the resultant conjugate elicits a protectively immunogenic response, particularly in vaccines against pathogenic Candida species and more particularly against Candida albicans. Preferably the pathogenic Candida species are those that possess cell wall oligosaccharide compositions similar to the β-mannan component of Candida albicans cell walls.

Bacillus subtilis strain and application thereof

The invention discloses a Bacillus subtilis strain and application thereof. The strain is named as Bacillus subtilis ZJU007 and preserved in the China general microbiological culture collection center (CGMCC) of Chinese Academy of Sciences on yard No.1 on Beichen West Road, in Chaoyang district in Beijing on September 3rd, 2010, and has the preservation number of CGMCC No.4140. A bactericidal substance generated by the strain of the invention has very strong inhibition effect on Candida albicans and has better bacteriostasis effect compared with common fungicidin. The bactericidal substance not only has very strong bacteriostasis effect on the Candida albicans and other yeast like fungi, and the like, but also has excellent effect on Aspergillus niger and other filamentous fungi, and meanwhile, has better bacteriostasis effect on escherichia coli and other bacteria.


InactiveUS20100233162A1Easy to produceTreatment and prophylaxisEgg immunoglobulinsSenses disorderAntigenYolk
The present invention relates to a composition comprising IgY antibodies against at least two different fungi, the use of the composition for the preparation of a pharmaceutical especially for prophylaxis and / or therapy of all kinds of fungal infections, such as conditions caused by organisms belonging to the Candida genus or Aspergillus genus, especially of fungi that are less sensitive to antimycotica and a diagnotstic method using the IgY antibodies. Further it relates to immunisation of birds with a combination of at least two different species of fungi to the Candida genus or Aspergillus genus and a diagnostic method for fungi. It also relates to relates to a novel method for treatment and / or prophylaxis of fungal infections, especially infections by fungi which have lowered sensitivity or resistance to antimycotics. The method is both safe and effective. This is achieved by using IgY directed against fungi, in particular against Candida species, which have a lowered sensitivity or resistance against antimycotics. The specific IgY has been obtained by hyper immunising birds with one or several fungi as antigen in order to stimulate the production of immune globulins (IgY) against such fungi. The present invention also relates to a pharmaceutical product from eggs of birds containing immune globulin or a fragment thereof, which can be combined with other preparations, nutritients or pharmaceuticals for simultaneous, separate or sequential use in the prophylaxis or therapy of gastrointestinal infections in newborn infants.

Antibody for detecting aspergillus

This invention provides the capture antibody and the detection antibody to detect the aspergillus, the two antibody is the single clone antibody of the cross oncocyte CCTCC NO.C200731 and CCTCC NO.C200730, they can unites the glucoprotein whose molecular weight is 25-100kDa in the cell wall of the aspergillus, the reaction with the Penicillium marneffei, white oidiomycosis, smoothness oidiomycosis, tropic oidiomycosis, close smoothness oidiomycosis, Candida krusei are all negative. The antibody in this invention can make into the immunity reagent to detect the aspergillus in common use.

Multivalent silver pharmaceuticals

Novel pharmaceuticals are described based on multivalent silver compounds containing Ag(II) or Ag(III) capable of killing pathogenic gram positive and negative bacteria, fungi and algae such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus and epidermidis, and Candida albicans. The efficacy of these compounds is enhanced by oxidizing agents such as persulfates. They can also be utilized to preserve pharmaceutical, cosmetic and chemical specialty products against these pathogens.

Dominant selectable marker for gene transformation and disruption in yeasts

The present invention provides a novel dominant selectable marker system in yeast that is based on an aminoglycoside, nourseothricin (NST). This compound possesses a powerful antifungal activity against Candida albicans and S. cerevisiae. The invention provides a cognate drug resistance marker for use in gene transformation and disruption experimentation in Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In particular, the invention presents: 1) direct utility for gene manipulations in both clinically and experimentally relevant strains regardless of genotype and without affecting growth rate, or hyphal formation; and 2) applicability to antifungal drug discovery, including target validation and various forms of drug screening assays.
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