Provided is a method for detecting nicotine optical isomers in buccal tobacco by using normal-phase liquid
tandem mass spectrometry. The method is characterized in that firstly,
nicotine in the buccal tobacco is extracted, a chiral
chromatographic column is adopted to separate the
nicotine optical isomers, a post-column high-pressure
infusion pump introduces isopropanol and conducts splitting,
assay determination is conducted in combination with the
tandem mass spectrometry, and therefore the sensitive detection and the separation of S-(-)-nicotine and R-(+)-nicotine are achieved. The method has the advantages that by the adoption of the post-column high-pressure
infusion pump for introducing the isopropanol and conducting the splitting, the volume of a non-polar
solvent added into a
mass spectrometer is reduced, the volume of the polar
solvent isopropanol is compensated at the same time, the
ionization efficiency is improved, so that requirements of liquid
tandem mass spectrometry analysis are met, and the sensitivity of the analysis is improved; compared with current methods, the
chromatographic separation degree of the two nicotine optical isomers is high, wherein
retention time difference between the two nicotine optical isomers is one minute; the analysis time is short, wherein only seventeen minutes are needed.