An explosion-proof inductive
voltage transformer (IVT) of the type comprising: i) a
high voltage section that receives a
high voltage current, limits and insulates the
high voltage current to be transformed and reduces its electrical stress; and, ii) a
voltage transforming section connected to the high
voltage section and contained in an insulation body in order to protect the elements of the voltage transforming section and reduce the
impact of explosions in case of
electrical failure, wherein the voltage transforming section comprises means for reducing the voltage of the high voltage current to a
low voltage and electric transmission means that transmit a resulting
low voltage current to a
low voltage distribution line; wherein the voltage transforming section of the IVT further comprises shock mitigation means comprising at least one hollow section located opposite the high voltage section that, during an
electrical failure causing an explosion, direct the gases and shockwave of the explosion towards the hollow section, thereby reducing the damage caused by the explosion to the IV
transformer and its surroundings; provides an explosion-proof inductive voltage
transformer easy to install and with a low cost manufacture.