The inductance of a monolithic planar inductor is distributed into smaller inductor portions (L11, L21, L22, L12). The smaller inductor portions (L11, L21, L22, L12) are provided in a cascode configuration in a manner that causes inductor to function as a differential inductor device. The node (CM) between the immediate inductor portions (L21, L22 is a common-mode point of the inductor device, which is typically connected to the signal ground. The nodes (Outm,Outp) at the outer ends of the inductor portions (L12,L11 are differential outputs, e.g. output nodes of an amplifier device at the interface of the device itself and the following device (e.g. input stage of a mixer). Some of the inductor portions are arranged to be symmetrically by-passed or shortcut (S1 ) in relation to the common point in one or more steps for operation in one or more higher radio frequency band. By means of the switchable symmetric shortcut, a controllable inductance step can be provided. The common-mode signal is affected the same inductance regardless of the controlled condition.