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3587 results about "Negative feedback" patented technology

Negative feedback (or balancing feedback) occurs when some function of the output of a system, process, or mechanism is fed back in a manner that tends to reduce the fluctuations in the output, whether caused by changes in the input or by other disturbances.

Method for dynamically adjusting an interactive application such as a videogame based on continuing assessments of user capability

A method of balancing a user's input to an interactive computer program with the program's output is obtained by continually measuring the difference between the user's input and the program's output and adjusting one or more parameters of the program's output so that the difference from the user's performance is progressively reduced. The adjustment may be obtained dynamically through negative feedback dampening of the measured difference (delta) between user input and program output, and / or by selection of predetermined apposite values for program output corresponding to the measurement of user input. The adjustment results in dynamic generation and / or selection of premodeled segments of interactive output in closer balance with user input. The adjustment method can be applied to video games, educational games, productivity programs, training programs, biofeedback programs, entertainment programs, and other interactive programs. In video games, the adjustment method results in balancing user performance with game difficulty for a more engaging game experience. It can also enable embedded advertising to be triggered when the user is in an optimum state of engagement. The adjustment method may be performed by projecting future trends of user performance, selecting predetermined or dynamically determined levels of value, modifying user control of input devices, or even modifying the program's challenges to user capability over time.

Bariatric sleeve

Method and apparatus for limiting absorption of food products in specific parts of the digestive system is presented. A gastrointestinal implant device is anchored in the stomach and extends beyond the ligament of Treitz. All food exiting the stomach is funneled through the device. The gastrointestinal device includes an anchor for anchoring the device to the stomach and a flexible sleeve. When implanted within the intestine, the sleeve can limit the absorption of nutrients, delay the mixing of chyme with digestive enzymes, altering hormonal triggers, providing negative feedback, and combinations thereof. The anchor is collapsible for endoscopic delivery and removal.

Method and system for managing business feedback online

A method and system for a business to manage negative feedback reviews submitted on a public review webpage by a customer. The method includes registering with a review management service, assigning a unique identifier and a profile page to the business, encouraging a customer to submit a review of the business using the unique identifier, and providing, to the business, information from the review management service which enables the business to counter or manage negative reviews. Thereby, a business can be notified when a negative feedback review is submitted by a customer prior to the negative feedback review being submitted to a public review webpage. The method also includes enabling businesses to receive notification of feedback for individual employees to take appropriate corrective action. Further, the business can provide customers with rewards as an incentive or encouragement to complete reviews with the goal of obtaining positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Phase locked loop control via inner and outer feedback control circuits

A phase locked loop includes at least one control circuit, where a voltage-controlled oscillator provides an output frequency which is arranged to strive to follow an input frequency. The phase locked loop also includes an outer, slow, negative feedback control circuit, having the input frequency as a setpoint, the output frequency as a process value and an outer output signal. The phase locked loop also includes an inner, fast, negative feedback control circuit, having the sum of a reference frequency from a stable oscillator and the outer output signal as a setpoint, the output frequency as the process value and an inner output signal for controlling the voltage controlled oscillator.

Gesture learning

Systems and methods that incorporate various techniques for teaching gestures to a user of a multi-touch sensitive device are disclosed herein. Such techniques can include presenting visible feedback of gestures, such as animated motion trails and / or hand motions, along with affirmative feedback for correctly performed gestures and negative feedback for incorrectly performed gestures. Such techniques can be expanded to provide training exercises that present tasks requiring a particular gesture or sequence of gestures to be performed. These training exercises can take the form of games or other engaging activities to encourage use.

Controlling transmission of email

Techniques are disclosed for controlling the transmission of undesired bulk email by, for example, authenticating and classifying sender email addresses and aggregating recipient feedback to provide to participating senders. For example, senders may be separated into two classes—real people and bulk emailers. Senders may be authenticated in different ways depending on their classes. For example, a real person may be authenticated based on its email address and an identifying key, while a bulk emailer may be authenticated based on its email address, an identifying key, and its IP address. Similarly, feedback received from recipients may be provided differently to senders depending on their classes. For example, negative feedback about real people may be provided by limiting such people to sending a certain number of emails per day, while negative feedback about bulk emailers may be provided by charging such emailers a fee.

Delay locked loop circuit with duty cycle correction function

A delay locked loop (DLL) circuit having a structure in which a method of performing duty cycle correction (DCC) using two DLLs and an intermediate phase composer and a method of performing DCC by forming a closed loop using a negative feedback are combined with each other is provided. The DLL circuit includes a first DLL for receiving an external clock signal and generating a first clock signal and a second DLL for receiving an external clock signal and generating a second clock signal. The first clock signal and the second clock signal are synchronized with an external clock signal. The DLL circuit further includes an intermediate phase generation circuit for receiving the first and second clock signals and generating an intermediate phase clock signal and a DCC loop for receiving the intermediate phase clock signal and generating an output clock signal. The intermediate phase clock signal has an intermediate phase between the phases of the first and second clock signals. The output clock signal is generated through correction of the duty cycle of the intermediate phase clock signal using a value obtained by integrating the output clock signal.

System and method for transmission-line termination by signal cancellation, and applications thereof

An active terminating device (30) for an electrical transmission line with optional line-receiving and line-driving capabilities. The basic device is a two-terminal unit, denoted as a Signal Canceling Unit (SCU), which sensesthe signal available at its terminals (34a, 34b), and applies negative feedback in order to cancel and absorb the signal. When applied to the end of a transmission line (15a, 15b) as part of wired communication network, the SCU functions as a terminator. When connected in the middle of such wired transmission line, the SCU splits the transmission line into two separate and isolated segments. In such a configuration, the SCU can be used to isolate a portion of a network from signal degradation due to noise or bridge-tap. Furthermore, the two isolated segments may each employ independent communications, such that no interference exists between the segments. In another embodiment, line receiver functionality is integrated into the SCU, designated as a Signal Canceling and Receiving Unit (SCRU) (90). The SCRU can perform all the SCU functions, and also serves as a line receiver in the communication network. In yet another embodiment, line driver functionality is integrated into the SCRU, designated as a Signal Canceling, Receiving and Transmitting Unit (SCRTU) (120). The SCRTU can perform all the SCRU functions, and also serves as a line driver in the communication network. Upon connecting multiple SCRTU's to a continuous transmission line, terminated independent point-to-point communication segments are formed.

Methods and systems for providing real-time feedback for karaoke

InactiveUS20090165634A1Improve the karaoke experienceGearworksMusical toysNegative feedbackHigh-pitched
Systems and methods for providing real-time feedback to karaoke users are provided. The systems and methods for providing users with real-time feedback while they are singing karaoke generally relate to receiving the user's vocals, determining whether the user is singing on key / pitch and providing real-time feedback to the user while the karaoke song is being sung. The feedback will be positive feedback if user is on key / pitch and it will be negative feedback if user is off key / pitch. For example, the feedback signal if the user is singing too low can be an exaggerated low signal of the user's own voice. This will encourage the user to sing at a higher pitch.

Atomic magnetometer and operating method of the same

Provided are an atomic magnetometer and an operating method of the same. The atomic magnetometer includes a vapor cell receiving a circularly polarized pump beam and a linearly polarized probe beam and containing an alkali metal vapor, a detector adapted to receive the probe beam passing through the vapor cell to measure magneto-optical rotation of the probe beam, a feedback coil to establish a negative feedback magnetic field signal orthogonal to a first plane defined by traveling directions of the probe beam and the pump beam and provide the negative feedback magnetic field signal to the vapor cell, and a feedback amplifier adapted to provide feedback current to the feedback coil such that the negative feedback magnetic field proportional to a measurement magnetic field is established. The measurement magnetic field of a measurement target provides magneto-optical rotation of the probe beam in the vapor cell.

Hearing aid with Anti-occlusion effect techniques and ultra-low frequency response

An occluding hearing aid having anti-occlusion effect techniques combined with at least one improvement which, in the preferred embodiment, includes enhancement of acoustic output in the lower-midrange and bass frequency regions, typically between substantially 40 and 500 Hz, which regions are crucial for natural reproduction of multimedia sound and music but are not optimally processed, and generally not provided at all, in prior art hearing aids in order to avoid exacerbation of the occlusion effect. In specific embodiments, the hearing aid of the present invention includes primary or first microphone exposed to external sound plus a secondary or second microphone exposed to sound within an ear canal, in which a signal produced by the secondary microphone is applied as negative feedback to an input of a non-gain controlling signal process and amplifier driving a hearing aid receiver (transducer), whereby, it has been determined by the present inventor, the occlusion effect may be substantially canceled. The hearing aid further comprises at least one of ten combinational improvements each providing substantial performance benefits over known techniques and devices.

Negative feedback loop for defect management of plant protection ticket screening

This is a method for use in automated screening of tickets for plant protection based on negative feedback from past performance. In particular this invention provides an automated screening process that takes a dig ticket address from a ticket request and correlates it to known cable locations to determine which ticket dig addresses are too close to the buried fiber. This is done using a method that balances the risk of extra labor charges due to a Type I error with the risk of costs associated with a cable cut due to a Type II error.

Dynamic power supply employing a linear driver and a switching regulator

A highly efficient, high control bandwidth and high-speed power supply with a linear driver and a switching regulator for regulating an output based on a control signal. The linear driver has a first input for receiving the control signal and a second input connected to the output for receiving negative feedback. The driver's output is controlled by its two inputs and has a capacitor connected in series with it to generate a capacitor voltage VC responsive to the DC and low frequency components in the driver's output. The switching regulator has a control input and a regulator output connected in a regulator feedback loop. The control input receives capacitor voltage VC and the regulator feedback loop minimizes capacitor voltage VC. Thus, switching regulator takes over the generation of DC and low frequency components, while the linear driver provides high frequency output current components.

Mobile communication device that provides health feedback

A mobile communication device obtains health-related information associated with a user of the mobile communication device, determines whether a health goal has been reached based on the health-related information, provides negative feedback to the user when the health goal has not been reached, and provides positive feedback to the user when the health goal has been reached.

Continuous-time decision feedback equalizer

A continuous-time domain Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) for use in a serial communication channel comprises in one embodiment a summer, a decision circuit, a capture flip-flop (FF) and an N-th order active filter. The DFE and its active filter operate in continuous time to give improved performance over a discrete-time DFE. In one embodiment involving a first-order active filter, the capture FF is outside the continuous-time negative feedback loop of the DFE and involves a differential signal amplifier. In another embodiment, the capture flip-flop is inside the DFE loop, and in a third embodiment the decision circuit comprises a comparator.

Health Monitoring System

A machine for processing continuous glucose monitoring data and issuing an alert if hypoglycemia is imminent has three modules: (a) a pre-processing module that receives and modulates continuous glucose monitoring data by reducing noise and adjusting for missed data points and shifts due to calibration; (b) a core algorithm module that receives data from the pre-processing module and calculates a rate of change to make a hypoglycemia prediction, and determine if hypoglycemia is imminent; and (c) an alarm mode module that receives data from the core algorithm and issues an audio or visual alert or warning message or a negative feedback signal to an insulin delivery device if hypoglycemia is imminent.

System and method for controlling oxynitride removal

InactiveCN102000482AEligible emission indicatorsPrevent escapeDispersed particle separationNegative feedbackTime lag
The invention provides a system and a method for optimally controlling ammonia denitration, which are characterized in that according to the content of oxynitride which is detected by an oxynitride sensor at the inlet of a reactor and fed into the reactor, the content of oxynitride which is detected by the oxynitride sensor at the outlet of the reactor and discharged from the reactor, and the continuous online measuring value of the oxynitride at the outlet of the reactor and the escaped ammonia amount detected by an ammonia sensor at the outlet of the reactor, the ammonia-injected amount is calculated according a transfer function; the control system has positive and negative feedback correction effects on feedforward loops, and monitors the continuous online measuring value of the oxynitride, thereby ensuring the implementation of meeting the qualified oxynitride discharge index; the control system is provided with two lag time functions so as to overcome the effect of time lag, eliminate the fluctuations of the oxynitride content and ammonia-injected amount at the outlet of the reactor; and meanwhile, the control system is also provided with an ammonia escape detection sensor for preventing the escape of ammonia.

Amplifier apparatus

InactiveUS20060245517A1Improve output distortionEliminate quantization noiseAmplifier modifications to raise efficiencySecret communicationNegative feedbackIntegrator
A power supply voltage control section 200 is provided with an adder 11 that adds together a baseband amplitude modulation signal 101 and a negative feedback signal, an integrator 12 that integrates the output of adder 11, a quantizer 13 that quantizes the output of integrator 12, and a low pass filter 14 that eliminates quantization noise from the output of quantizer 13, together with a compensator 15 that has an inverse characteristic of low pass filter 14 or a characteristic approximating thereto and performs compensation of the feedback amount of the negative feedback signal.

Method and system for associating feedback with recommendation rules

ActiveUS8090621B1Reduce and terminate its relianceIncrease dependenceMarket data gatheringNegative feedbackData mining
A recommendation system uses feedback from users on specific item recommendations to assess the quality of the recommendation rules used to generate such recommendations. The feedback may be explicit (e.g., a user rates a particular recommended item), implicit (e.g., a user purchases a recommended item), or both. The system may use these assessments to modify the degree to which particular recommendation rules are used to generate recommendations. For instance, if a particular recommendation rule leads to negative feedback relatively frequently, the system reduce or terminate its reliance on the rule. In some embodiments, the system may also increase its reliance on recommendation rules that tend to produce positive feedback.

Intraoral aversion devices and methods

InactiveUS20050263160A1Readily detect undesirable activityLimit ability of to remove and defeatTobacco devicesNegative feedbackIllicit drug
An intraoral aversion device to assist a user in quitting an undesirable behavior such as tobacco smoking, tobacco chewing, use of snuff, illicit drug use, excessive alcohol consumption, excessive food consumption, and / or other undesirable activity facilitated via the mouth. The aversion device may be wholly or partially configured to be disposed in the user's mouth, for example. The aversion device may include a detector and a output device, wherein the detector is configured to detect a parameter indicative of the user engaging in the habit or undesirable activity. If (and only if) the detector detects such a parameter, the output device delivers a negative stimulus to the user, thus providing negative feedback and creating an incentive for the user to limit if not eliminate the undesirable activity.
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