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65 results about "Examination procedure" patented technology

Nuclear medicine tomography systems, detectors and methods

An N-M tomography system comprising: a carrier for the subject of an examination procedure; a plurality of detector heads; a carrier for the detector heads; and a detector positioning arrangement operable to position the detector heads during performance of a scan without interference or collision between adjacent detector heads to establish a variable bore size and configuration for the examination. Additionally, collimated detectors providing variable spatial resolution for SPECT imaging and which can also be used for PET imaging, whereby one set of detectors can be selectably used for either modality, or for both simultaneously.

Single-stroke radiation anti-scatter device for x-ray exposure window

A radiation anti-scatter device comprising a grid and a grid driver connected to the grid for unidirectionaly moving the grid with a variable grid velocity along a path between a starting and an end position, and a method of providing such grid motion. The variable grid velocity may have a velocity profile V1=k1t for a first period and then V2=k2t-m for a second period, where V1 and V2 are velocity, k1 and k2 are constants, t is time, and m is an exponent having a value greater than 0. The anti-scatter device may be a component of a direct radiographic diagnostic imaging system which includes an image-producing element having an array of radiation detectors aligned in rows, and where the anti-scatter device is a grid having vanes oriented at an angle to the detector rows. Radiation emission may be synchronized with the grid motion to optimize a radiograph for a particular grid, radiation source, or examination procedure. The apparatus implements a method for reducing Moiré patterns in radiographic detectors having an array of sensors by unidirectionaly moving the grid in a single stroke during the radiation exposure with an asymptotically decreasing speed profile such that grid motion is maintained for a plurality of different radiation exposure times.

Method And Apparatus For The Observation Of A Catheter A Vessel System

The invention relates to a method and an examination apparatus (10) for the observation of a catheter (43) in a vessel system. First, a 3D model of the vessel system is reconstructed with the help of differently oriented X-ray projections (P1A, . . .) generated by a C-arm system (20) during the injection of a contrast agent. Next, a movement corridor (M) of the catheter (43) is determined from the 3D model. During an examination procedure, current projections (P) are generated showing an image (43′) of the catheter that can be registered with the reconstructed 3D model and / or the movement corridor (M). Based on the known current location (43″) of the catheter in the 3D model of the vessel geometry or the movement corridor (M), an optimal projection direction (dopt) can be determined and assumed by the C-arm system (20) for the next projections to be generated.

Polyp trap

InactiveUS20110106029A1Minimize residual fluid retentionPromotes tissue recoveryVaccination/ovulation diagnosticsEndoscopesPolypusTissue Collection
A polyp trap comprises a body portion and a top portion sealingly and releasably covering the body portion. A suction entrance passageway in the top portion receives liquid and tissue during examination procedures. A removable tissue collection basket in the body portion has a bottom wall with small drainage openings therein, and a removable screen is positioned in the body portion below the collection basket. A suction discharge passageway in the body portion is located below the removable screen, and the discharge passageway is connected to a suction source for the passage of liquid from the body portion.

Angiographic image acquisition system and method with automatic shutter adaptation for yielding a reduced field of view covering a segmented target structure or lesion for decreasing X-radiation dose in minimally invasive X-ray-guided interventions

The present invention refers to an angiographic image acquisition system and method which can beneficially be used in the scope of minimally invasive image-guided interventions. In particular, the present invention relates to a system and method for graphically visualizing a pre-interventionally virtual 3D representation of a patient's coronary artery tree's vessel segments in a region of interest of a patient's cardiovascular system to be three-dimensionally reconstructed. Optionally, this 3D representation can then be fused with an intraoperatively acquired fluoroscopic 2D live image of an interventional tool. According to the present invention, said method comprises the steps of subjecting the image data set of the 3D representation associated with the precalculated optimal viewing angle to a 3D segmentation algorithm (S4) in order to find the contours of a target structure or lesion to be examined and interventionally treated within a region of interest and automatically adjusting (S5) a collimator wedge position and / or aperture of a shutter mechanism used for collimating an X-ray beam emitted by an X-ray source of a C-arm-based 3D rotational angiography device or rotational gantry-based CT imaging system to which the patient is exposed during an image-guided radiographic examination procedure based on data obtained as a result of said segmentation which indicate the contour and size of said target structure or lesion. The aim is to reduce the region of interest to a field of view that covers said target structure or lesion together with a user-definable portion of the surrounding vasculature.

System and method for watermarking in accessed data in a storage system

A system and method for watermarking data that includes a client device, a file system manager, a file server, and a storage network. The file system manager sets watermark control information. The file server includes: (1) a file writing process including a file watermark examination procedure and an action procedure, the action procedure determining an action based on a result of the file watermark examination; and (2) a file reading process including a watermark definition procedure, a file handle / memory preparation procedure, a file data copy procedure, and a watermark insertion procedure. During a read request the watermark definition procedure determines whether a file to be read is to be watermarked based on a user at the client device that requested to read the file. Whether a write request is processed or not is based on the user and whether the file to be written contains a watermark.

Method and system for analyzing personalized information and audio data for mini-mental state examination

The invention discloses a method and a system for analyzing personalized information and audio data for mini-mental state examination. The method includes acquiring the personalized information of testees, allowing the testees to complete questions specified by the MMSE (mini-mental state examination), simultaneously recording speaking audio frequencies, extracting acoustic characteristics of the voice audio frequencies for pathological characteristics and representing the acoustic characteristics by the aid of high-order statistics; reducing redundancy of the characteristics by the aid of characteristic selection processes; fusing the acoustic characteristics with reduced dimensions and the personalized information of the testees with one another to obtain personalized characteristics; building pathological models of speaking conditions and mini-mental state examination cognition relations of the testees by the aid of the acquired data and analyzing the personalized information and the audio data by the aid of cross validation processes. The method and the system have the advantages that optional intrusive therapy can be omitted, physical states of the testees can be predicted only by means of analyzing relations between the acquired data and the pathological models, accordingly, the examination time and money can be saved, suffering experienced by the testees in examination procedures can be relieved, and influence of subjective judgment of doctors on results can be reduced.

Servo pressing machine

Provided is a servo- pressing machine having experiment functions to judge more accurately brake performances during emergency stop. The servo- pressing machine (1) executes as a series of actions, e following brake performance experiments: a) beginning an experiment; b) dropping down a link slide block at a fixing speed; c) emergency stop signals instructions; d) working of the electrical brake and the mechanical brake; e) measuring the time (stop time) from c) to stopping of the link slide block, and / or calculating the moving distance from c) to stopping of the link slide block; f) judging whether the stop time and / or the moving distance is qualified; g) making only the electrical brake of the mechanical brake to run and implementing b)-e), if f) judges that is not qualified; h) judging respectively whether the stop time and / or moving distance for each brake is qualified; i) displaying the judging results. Since the servo- pressing machine body has an instruction sequence for executing brake performance tests, one can executing examination procedures proportioning task instances without consigning an inspecting authority to execute emergency stops for examination procedures affirmation and the like.

Method and apparatus for disinfecting dental tools during an examination procedure

InactiveUS20060166170A1Effectively prevent and reduce likelihoodExtend career lifeTeeth fillingDental toolsDental instrumentsDental examination
A method for cleansing a dental instrument during the performance of a probing procedure on a patient as part of a dental examination comprising: (a) obtaining an antimicrobial cleansing device comprising an absorbing medium having an antimicrobial agent supported therein; (b) supporting the antimicrobial cleansing device on the body of a practitioner; (c) initiating a probing procedure as part of a dental examination; (d) probing a periodontal region of a patient using a suitable dental instrument having a tip, wherein the tip contacts at least a portion of the periodontal region; (e) exposing the tip to the antimicrobial agent contained in the absorbing medium before moving to a subsequent periodontal region for the purpose of cleansing the tip and reducing the chance of introducing pathogens into the subsequent periodontal region; and (f) probing a subsequent periodontal region of the patient using the tip of the dental instrument, as cleansed, wherein the tip contacts at least a portion of the subsequent periodontal region. To prevent cross-contamination of pathogens, the steps of probing are alternated with the step of exposing the dental tool to the absorbing medium and the antimicrobial contained therein. Also disclosed are various antimicrobial cleansing devices for conveniently supporting the absorbing medium and the antimicrobial agent about the body of the practitioner.

Operating method implemented through a user interface for a computed tomography examination

In an operating method for user interface for a computed tomography examination procedure a menu and a workflow list are merged on a computer screen. One or more scanning programs can be selected in a parameter setting area on the computer screen, each scanning program corresponding to one default patient posture. When an “end of examination” option in the workflow list is selected, job status information is displayed in the parameter setting area, prompting an operator to check the status of the job selected in set reconstruction parameters. Using the interface the user can improve operational efficiency, thereby saving operational time and shortening time spent in examining each patient.

Method for supporting navigation of a medical instrument, in particular of a catheter

Method for the selective navigation of a medical instrument, in particular of a catheter, invasively inserted into a hollow organ of the human body or the body of an animal to a pathological site in the hollow organ, in which method on the basis of a prior, first image display recorded by means of a non-invasive examination procedure of at least a part of the hollow organ the position of one or more pathological sites is determined and the image display is reproduced during subsequent navigation of the instrument together with a continuous angiographically recorded angiography image display of at least a part of the hollow organ in which the tip of the instrument is located.

Ultrasonograph, work flow edition system, and ultrasonograph control method

The present invention relates to an ultrasonic diagnostic equipment 1 which projects ultrasonic signals into a patient, and which generates an ultrasonic image on the basis of reflection echoes from within the patient. The ultrasonic diagnostic equipment 1 comprises a workflow system 21 which controls equipment operations including the generation of the ultrasonic image, in accordance with a workflow protocol based on the examination procedure of steps created beforehand, and a visual workflow editor 22 which is so constructed as to edit the workflow protocol visually with icons on a screen. Owing to the configuration, the creation of the workflow protocol is facilitated, chances for the utilization of the workflow system are expanded, and even users, such as beginners, who are slightly skilled in the ultrasonic diagnostic equipment and have experienced operations little, are permitted to master the operating method of the equipment promptly and to operate the equipment more easily.

Medical diagnosis system having a medical diagnosis apparatus and a display to be observed by a patient

A medical diagnosis system wherein a medical image is produced in a medical diagnosis apparatus, comprises a first storage device which stores an examination procedure for the medical diagnosis apparatus, a second storage device which stores supply information, a supply device which supplies the supply information stored in the second storage device, and a control processor which controls that the supply information is supplied in the supply device in accordance with the examination procedure stored in the first storage device.

Image diagnosis apparatus, image processing apparatus, and computer-readable recording medium recording program

An operating image storage unit stores a plurality of codes and a plurality of operation image data sets in association with each other. The plurality of codes is concerned with a plurality of standard user operations. The plurality of operation image data sets is displayed for assisting the plurality of user operations. An operation unit accepts a current user operation by a user. A procedure display engine specifies a specific code concerning a user operation next to the current user operation among the plurality of codes in accordance with an examination procedure for current medical examination. And the procedure display engine specifies a specific operation image data set among the plurality of operation image data sets. The specific operation image data set is concerned with the specific code. A display unit displays the specific operation image and the medical image on the same screen.

Central control system of automotive practical training platform

The invention belongs to a central control system of an automotive practical training platform. The central control system of the automotive practical training platform comprises tested modules of automotive assemblies, a computer control module,electrical connectors,an acquisition device, an on-off control device and an upper computer. The computer control module to execute tasks is preinstalled in the upper computer. The computer control module using a practical training software integrated development environment as a basic platform is started. The upper computer is connected with the acquisition device, the on-off control device and the tested modules of automotive assemblies through the electrical connectors, and real-time interaction is available. After execution of communicating, control and measurement tasks, test data acquired by the acquisition device in real time are converted into a format of standard protocol and are uploaded to the computer control module for processing. Therefore, learning procedure, examination procedure and assembly parts of a real automotive are integrated into the same system, so that teaching flexibility is improved, and high teaching cost is saved while teaching quality is improved greatly.

Picture type electronic examination system

A picture type electronic examination system comprises a data base, a server, a client and a movable storage, wherein the data base is connected with the server; the server is used for storing a client computer-based examination procedure and a computer-based examination score file submitted by the client; the client is used for storing the client computer-based examination procedure downloaded from the server, a special picture type electronic test paper temporary data table can be automatically generated for a login examinee by operating the procedure, and the client is connected with the server through a wired or wireless data interface; the movable storage is used for storing the computer-based examination score file and copying the computer-based examination score file to the server after a network is interrupted or the server is damaged. The picture type electronic examination system is a paperless electronic examination system, and examination of the examinee at the client is still not affected under the condition that the network is interrupted or the server is damaged. The picture type electronic examination system effectively prevents a cheating phenomenon, and meanwhile can re-present electronic examination paper and answer paper inspection information of the examinee, is beneficial to energy saving and emission reduction, and has immeasurable economical benefits.

System for automatically testing judgment functions of driver examination systems on basis of RTK (real-time kinematic)

PendingCN106769156AVisualization of the testing processSave labor costStructural/machines measurementInformatizationSpecific test
The invention provides a system for automatically testing judgment functions of driver examination systems on the basis of RTK (real-time kinematic). The judgment accuracy and correctness of the driver examination systems in relation to driver examination procedures are tested according to requirements of Third Portion: Field Driving Skill Examination Systems of Universal Technical Conditions For Motor Vehicle Driver Examination Systems (GA / T1028.3-2012) of standards of the Ministry of Public Security, the judgment functions of the driver examination systems can be detected by a test platform and a sensor signal simulation device by means of transmitting and receiving specific test case data and simulation sensor signals, information is automatically recorded in detection procedures, and detection results can be provided and can be written in databases. Driving states of vehicles and examination item scenes are three-dimensionally reconstructed by a procedure scene three-dimensional stereoscopic display system according to field item model coordinates, vehicle model coordinates and test case data. The system has the advantages that the detection procedures are visualized and standardized, and the detection results are informationized and intelligentized.

Thin-walled flexible bearing machining technology

InactiveCN106041435AReduce production and processing requirementsLow unit manufacturing costSteel ballEngineering
The invention discloses a thin-walled flexible bearing machining technology. The thin-walled flexible bearing machining technology includes the thin-walled inner ring machining procedure, the thin-walled outer ring machining procedure, the pulling and jacking assembly procedure and the examination procedure. An outer ring chamber of a thin-walled outer ring and an inner ring chamber of a thin-walled inner ring are subjected to turning machining before heat treatment; an outer ring R angle on the outer circumferential face of the thin-walled outer ring is machined and formed through a grinding process; and an assembling tool guarantees that the deformation amount of the thin-walled outer ring and the deformation amount of the thin-walled inner ring are the minimum at the same orientation through the outer ring tensile force and the inner ring jacking force. According to the thin-walled flexible bearing machining technology, a steel ball is assembled in the manner that the assembling tool pulls the outer ring and jacks the inner ring, the pulling and jacking process during assembling makes the deformation residual stress of the outer ring reduced to the minimum, the essential minimum deformation amount of the outer ring is formed when the steel ball is placed in for assembly, and therefore the residual stress caused by assembly is greatly reduced, and the service life of a product is also effectively guaranteed.

System and method for automatically updating patent examination procedures

A computer-implemented method for updating patent examination procedures automatically is provided. The method includes determining whether an examination procedure of a patent stored in a database needs to be updated by monitoring a status of the patent, obtaining an application country information and an application number of the patent from the database, accessing a patent website corresponding to the application country information to search examination information of the patent in the patent website. The method further includes determining whether the examination information of the patent has been changed, downloading new examination information of the patent from the patent website according to the application number of the patent, if the examination information of the patent has been changed, and uploading the new examination information of the patent to the database to update the examination procedure of the patent.

Garment processing with biological sanitization and inspection procedures

Biological inspection procedures and surface sanitization procedures are incorporated with a garment providing service to look for and monitor the presence of microbes, such as bacteria in particular, and to eliminate such microbes within the garment service. Biological inspection procedures can be conducted on the garments themselves, or any surface of the garment facility, such as a surface onto which the garments may come into contact after laundering. Preferably, a washing procedure is conducted based upon a cleaning formulation to also minimize the presence of microbes. Garments are preferably inspected after they are laundered and ready for delivery to the customer. Facility surfaces, such as sorting and / or folding tables that may be utilized after laundering, are sanitized and then may be tested in accordance with the present invention to minimize the potential for contamination of garments from such surfaces. Optionally, the equipment that is used after laundering for such activities can be dedicated for processing garments in accordance with the biological inspection service as such garments are to be delivered to a customer, such as a processor within the food industry.
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