The vehicle is provided with a loading platform (5) behind the driver's position, and with longitudinal structures which may be raised and retracted, on which are provided a number of rollers (8) with horizontal, parallel shafts which are transverse to the vehicle, on which loads may slide when these rollers are raised. It is also provided with a pair of multi-purpose plates (11), which when not needed are placed in the rear, lower area of the vehicle or behind the roll bar, and which may be coupled to either of the vehicle's sides or to its rear, so that they rest on the ground and provide loading and unloading ramps, while when they are placed on top of the platform they can increase its useful surface, or a lateral wall, depending on the position of these plates. In the center of the loading platform is also provided a large receptacle (16), closed by a pair of doors which have padding (27) on their inner surface, thereby providing seats for when persons must be carried.