system and method to correct or cancel MOS
linear region impedance curvature employing an analog solution to trim out the MOS
linear region impedance curvature while accommodating PVT spreads in values of internal or external precision resistors. The
linear region curvature correction may be obtained by using two MOS transistors in the pad driver / buffer and operating the transistors so as to proportionately increase
output impedance of one of them when the
output impedance of the other decreases, and vice versa. A linear pad impedance may be maintained over a range of Vpad values, while also maintaining the Vgs supplied to pad driver transistors at its maximum possible value to obtain greater
linearity. The approach of the present disclosure relaxes the requirements on the
voltage / current references used in the MOS pad drivers and makes tight
impedance control possible, especially in a situation where the MOS fabrication process (typically all currently used processes) does not have available an internal precision
resistor with a reasonably well controlled value.