A central server configured with an Attribute Authority (“AA”) acting as a Trusted Third Party mediating service provider and using X.509-compatible PKI and PMI, VPN technology, device-side thin client applications, security hardware (HSM, Network), cloud hosting, authentication, Active Directory and other solutions. This ecosystem results in real time management of credentials, identity profiles, communication lines, and keys. It is not centrally managed, rather distributes rights to users. Using its Inviter-Invitee protocol suite, Inviters vouch for the identity of Invitees who successfully complete the protocol establishing communication lines. Users establish and respond to authorization requests and other real-time verifications pertaining to accessing each communication line (not end point) and sharing encrypted digital files. These are auditable, brokered, trusted-relationships where such relationships / digital agreements can each stand-alone (for privacy) or can leverage build-up of identity confidence levels across relationships. The service is agnostic to how encrypted user content is transported or stored.