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2563 results about "Sideband" patented technology

In radio communications, a sideband is a band of frequencies higher than or lower than the carrier frequency, that are the result of the modulation process. The sidebands carry the information transmitted by the radio signal. The sidebands consist of all the spectral components of the modulated signal except the carrier. All forms of modulation produce sidebands.

Integrated narrowband optical filter based on embedded subwavelength resonant grating structures

A resonant grating structure in a waveguide and methods of tuning the performance of the grating structure are described. An apparatus includes a waveguide; and a subwavelength resonant grating structure embedded in the waveguide. The systems and methods provide advantages including narrowband filtering capabilities, minimal sideband reflections, spatial control, high packing density, and tunability.

Tunable laser transmitter with internal wavelength grid generators

The present invention provides a continuously tunable external cavity laser (ECL) with a compact form factor and precise tuning to a selected center wavelength of a selected wavelength grid. The ECL may thus be utilized in telecom applications to generate the center wavelengths for any channel on the ITU or other optical grid. The ECL does not require a closed loop feedback. A novel tuning mechanism is disclosed which provides for electrical or mechanical tuning to a known position or electrical parameter, e.g., voltage, current or capacitance, with the required precision in the selected center wavelength arising as a result of a novel arrangement of a grid generator and a channel selector. The grid generator exhibits first pass bands which correspond to the spacing between individual channels of the selected wavelength grid and a finesse which suppresses side band modes of the laser. The channel selector exhibits second pass bands that are wider than the first pass bands. In an embodiment of the invention the second pass bands have a periodicity substantially corresponding with the separation between the shortest wavelength channel and the longest wavelength channel of the selected wavelength grid and a finesse which suppresses channels adjacent to the selected channel. The broad second pass bands of the channel selector reduce the sensitivity of the ECL to tuning variations about the selected channel, thus avoiding the requirement of a closed loop feedback system to control the channel selector.

Optical transmitters for mm-wave rof systems

Optical transmitters for radio over fiber systems are disclosed. More particularly, the optical transmitters include optically-injection-locked vertical cavity surface-emitting laser devices (OIL VCSELS). The transmitters include a master laser, at least one slave laser injection-locked by the master laser, and an equalizer / filter unit that enables the ratio of the carrier power to the sideband power in the output signal of the transmitter to be varied and optimized independently of the injection ratio of the transmitter.

Method and apparatus for optical frequency comb generation using a monolithic micro-resonator

An optical frequency comb generator includes a laser device arranged for generating input laser light having a predetermined input light frequency, a dielectric micro-resonator having a cavity exhibiting a third order nonlinearity, so that the micro-resonator is capable of optical parametric generation providing parametrically generated light, and a waveguide optically coupled to the micro-resonator, the waveguide being arranged for in-coupling the input laser light into the micro-resonator and out-coupling the parametrically generated light out of the micro-resonator, wherein the laser device, the waveguide and the micro-resonator being arranged for resonantly in-coupling the laser input light to a mode of the micro-resonator with a minimum power level so that an optical field inside the cavity exceeds a predetermined cascaded parametric oscillation threshold at which the parametrically generated light includes frequencies of frequency sidebands of the input light frequency and of the sidebands thereof.

Expanded information capacity for existing communication transmission systems

A system for transmitting digital programming includes a program source providing digital information, circuitry for modulating the digital information onto a visual carrier modulated with analog television programming, and a visual transmitter coupled to the modulating circuitry. Using a phase modulation method, the system phase modulates the digital information onto a visual carrier, reduces the baseband frequencies of the phase modulated visual carrier, and amplitude modulates the phase-modulated video carrier onto a video signal. The amplified and encoded video signal are combined with an amplified sound signal and transmitted. Using an additive method, the system modulates the sidebands of the video carrier with the digital information and amplitude modulates the video signal onto the video carrier. The data-modulated sidebands are phase-shifted such that they will be in quadrature with the amplitude-modulated video signal. The system combines the amplitude-modulated video carrier and the data-modulated quadrature sidebands. With a blended multiplicative / additive method, the system provides phase modulation and quadrature sideband addition to provide an optimized result. Process, systems, circuits and devices for abating or otherwise correcting effects of the information on the analog television signal are also disclosed.

Handling Fatal Computer Hardware Errors

Methods and apparatus are disclosed for handling fatal computer hardware errors on a computer that include halting data processing operations of the computer upon occurrence of a fatal hardware error; signaling by a source chip of a chipset to the programmable logic device the occurrence of a fatal hardware error; signaling by the programmable logic device to an embedded system microcontroller the occurrence of a fatal hardware error; reading by the embedded system microcontroller through at least one sideband bus from registers in chips of the chipset information regarding the cause of the fatal hardware error; and storing by the embedded system microcontroller the information in non-volatile random access memory of the embedded system microcontroller.

Digital transmission system with enhanced data multiplexing in VSB transmission system

A digital Vestigial Sideband (VSB) transmission system and enhanced data multiplexing method are disclosed. When 1 / 2 enhanced data coded at a rate of 1 / 2 and 1 / 4 enhanced data at a rate of 1 / 4 are transmitted, timing jitter in Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) of Vestigial Sideband (VSB) receiver can be reduced and the size of input buffer in Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) decoder of the Vestigial Sideband (VSB) receiver can be reduced by multiplexing the 1 / 2 enhanced data packet and the 1 / 4 data packet at predetermined intervals. Multiplexing the 1 / 2 enhanced data packet and the 1 / 4 data packet by grouping increases the reception performance of the 1 / 4 enhanced data. Multiplexing the 1 / 2 enhanced data packet and the 1 / 4 data packet alternatively reduces the Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG) timing jitter in the Vestigial Sideband (VSB) receiver and increases the reception performance of the 1 / 4 enhanced data.

Digital broadcasting transmission system and method thereof

A digital broadcasting transmission system and method thereof. The digital broadcasting transmission system, comprises an RS encoder to encode a dual transport stream (TS) which includes a normal stream and a plurality of turbo streams multiplexed together, an interleaver to interleave the encoded dual TS, a turbo processor to detect the turbo streams from the interleaved dual TS and to encode the detected turbo stream, and a trellis encoder to pseudo2 (P-2) vestigial sideband (VSB) code the turbo-processed dual TS, and, then, to perform trellis encoding, and a main multiplexer (MUX) to multiplex the trellis-encoded dual TS by adding a field synchronous signal and a segment synchronous signal thereto.

Optical Re-Modulation in DWDM Radio-Over-Fiber Network

An apparatus includes multiple signal paths for optically converting an optical signal to multiples of the optical signal at different respective carrier frequencies for reducing interference between wireless transmissions of the multiples of the optical signal. Preferably, the converting includes a first modulator for modulating the optical signal into a first optical carrier and an initial first-order sideband signal with a frequency spacing twice that of the first optical carrier and a first interleaver for separating the first optical carrier and the initial first-order sideband signal. The converting also includes a second phase modulator for modulating the first optical carrier into a second optical carrier and a second first-order sideband signal with a frequency spacing twice that of the second optical carrier.

Method and apparatus to distribute interrupts to multiple interrupt handlers in a distributed symmetric multiprocessor system

A distributed system structure for a large-way, symmetric multiprocessor system using a bus-based cache-coherence protocol is provided. The distributed system structure contains an address switch, multiple memory subsystems, and multiple master devices, either processors, I / O agents, or coherent memory adapters, organized into a set of nodes supported by a node controller. The node controller receives transactions from a master device, communicates with a master device as another master device or as a slave device, and queues transactions received from a master device. Since the achievement of coherency is distributed in time and space, the node controller helps to maintain cache coherency. The node controller also implements an interrupt arbitration scheme designed to choose among multiple eligible interrupt distribution units without using dedicated sideband signals on the bus.

Digital television transmitter and receiver for using 16 state trellis coding

Provided are a Vestigial Side Band (VSB) Digital Television (DTV) transmitter and receiver based on the Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC) A / 53, and a method thereof. The present invention provides 8-VSB DTV transmitter and receiver that can improve reception performance of the receiver by transmitting and double streams formed of normal data and robust data without increasing an average power level, regardless of the ratio of the normal data and robust data, by including an encoding unit for performing 16-state trellis coding on the robust data when a data stream includes robust data, and a method thereof.

Digital television transmitter and receiver for transmitting and receiving dual stream using 4 level vestigial side band robust data

The present invention relates to a Vestigial Side Band (VSB) Digital Television (DTV) in agreement with the DTV standards (A / 53) of the Advanced Television System Committee (ATSC), and to a method thereof. More particularly, it provides 4-VSB DTV transceiver that improves reception performance of a receiver by transmitting and receiving dual streams formed of normal data and robust data without increasing average power, regardless of a mixing rate of the normal and robust data. The 4-VSB DTV transceiver of the present research includes an encoding unit for encoding the robust data to be mapped to one of two groups having 4 levels {−5, −3, 1, 7} and {−7, −1, 3, 5}.

Apparatus, systems and methods for providing in-band ATSC vestigial sideband signaling or out-of-band signaling

Systems, methods, apparatus and computer program products are provided for signaling a deterministic mapping corresponding to a service. The deterministic mapping is inserted within an in-band ATSC vestigial sideband broadcast signal or an out-of-band signal and transmitted to receivers capable of consuming the service.

Methods for monitoring performance in optical networks

A suite of optical performance monitoring (OPM) methods, based on optical subcarrier multiplexing, are described by the invention. The strength of this approach lies in the simplicity of double sideband subcarrier signals and the fact that these signals travel the complete optical path with the baseband signal of interest. The subcarrier signals can be recovered using techniques described in the application and are immune to fiber dispersion induced fading.

Missing cycle based carrier modulation

A sinusoidal R.F. carrier is modulated for the transmission of digital binary datastreams through the deletion of carrier wavelets. These wavelets are defined between zero crossover positions representing zero energy locations. One or more wavelets are switched out of the carrier at the zero crossing positions to avoid sideband generation occasioned by electromagnetic energy disturbance. Transmissional amplification as well as receptional amplification is carried out with non-resonating amplifier architecture.

Fault tolerant automatic protection switching for distributed routers

A working router is coupled to a SONET add-drop multiplexor (ADM) through a working line and a protection router is coupled to the ADM through a protection line. The routers are coupled to each other by a separate side-band connection and comprise a virtual router from the perspective of the neighboring router, which communicates with the virtual router over the SONET network using the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). The protection router transmits a heartbeat message to the working router over the side-band connection. If the protection router does not receive a response thereto, it initiates a line switch within the add-drop multiplexor. Once the line switch is complete, the protection router exchanges datagrams with the neighboring router, via the ADM and SONET ring to which the ADM is coupled. The protection router establishes a PPP connection between itself and the neighboring router device coupled to the SONET ring, utilizing the Link Control Protocol (LCP). The protection router includes a predetermined identifier value that identifies the originator of the request, in the LCP Identifier field of LCP request datagrams. The neighboring router includes the Identifier value received in a request datagram in the corresponding response datagram transmitted over the SONET ring to the ADM. Because datagrams received by the ADM from the SONET link are transmitted over both the working and the protect lines, the working router receives the same response as the protection router. Thus, by examining the identifier field, and recognizing the identifier value as that assigned to the protection router, the working router determines that the line switch to the protection router has occurred.

Apparatus and method of remote gas trace detection

InactiveUS20030030001A1Radiation pyrometryLaser detailsFrequency modulation spectroscopyEngineering
This specification discloses a method and apparatus for the mobile and remote detection of a gas, such as methane, in the atmosphere. The apparatus includes a TDL based Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) driven at carrier frequency lying within the absorption line of the gas. The apparatus also drives the TDL with a modulation frequency to generate upper and lower sidebands in the output of the TDL and with a low ramp frequency to sweep the output of the TDL across twice the width of the pressure-broadened absorption line of the gas, preferably the first overtone absorption line in the case of methane detection. Suitable power for remote detection through use of the TDL is provided by a master oscillator / fiber amplifier transmitter has no moving or adjustable parts at all. An all-solid-state monolithic and integrated amplifier is achieved, which leads to a compact and virtually maintenance-free LIDAR system. The remote detection apparatus includes reference and calibration cells or chambers, and includes a light collector and detectors to detect the quantity and modulation of the light that passes the reference or calibration cells and that is received by the apparatus after reflection back toward the apparatus from an uncooperative target. The apparatus further includes a signal processor that applies a derivative spectroscopy technique, such as frequency modulation spectroscopy or wavelength modulation spectroscopy, to determine the presence of the gas in the atmosphere.

LED Dimming Techniques Using Spread Spectrum Modulation

Circuits and methods of LED dimming are disclosed. Frequency modulation using controlled modulation depth generates deterministic sidebands of both the fundamental frequency and its harmonics. Various filters including low-pass, band-pass, high-pass and combinations of those are used to selectively filter the deterministic frequency components generated by the frequency modulation to achieve LED dimming.

COTDR (coherent detection based optical time-domain reflectometry) fused long-distance coherent detection brilouin optical time-domain analyzer

The invention discloses a COTDR (coherent detection based optical time-domain reflectometry) fused long-distance coherent detection brilouin optical time-domain analyzer which comprises a narrow-linewidth laser, two couplings, a microwave signal source, an electro-optic modulator, an isolator, a long-distance sensing optical fiber, an optical circulator, a 3 db coupling, a pulse modulator, an Er-doped fiber amplifier, a scrambler, a pulse signal generator, a balancing photoelectric detector, an electrical frequency spectrum analyzer, a data processing module and an acousto-optic modulator. According to the invention, the signal-to-noise ratio of BOTDA (brilouin optical time domain analysis) is improved by using a coherent detection method, a non-local effect of a BOTDA system is reduced in a double-sideband detection mode, and the sensing distance is more than 70 km under the condition of no light amplification such as raman; and according to the invention, the COTDR is fused to a coherent detection based BOTDA system, and the system can run in a breakpoint testing mode, so that the defect that the traditional BOTDA can not run when a sensing fiber has breakpoints and can not carry out positioning on breakpoints is effectively overcome, thereby enhancing the adaptability and practicability of the sensing system.

Carrier and symbol timing recovery apparatus usable with a vestigial side band receiver and recovery method thereof

A carrier and symbol timing recovery apparatus usable in a VSB (Vestigial Side Band) receiver, and a method thereof. For a carrier and symbol timing recovery, error information is detected using a pilot signal, an upper sideband and a lower sideband of a received signal. Each of the detected error information is multiplied by a predetermined weight, respectively, and the results of the respective multiplications are added / combined. Therefore, even though the pilot signal may be corrupted, the carrier recovery can nevertheless be accurately performed. Additionally, even though the upper sideband of a received VSB-modulated signal may be corrupted, the lower sideband can be utilized to perform the symbol timing recovery. As a result, performance of a receiving system can be improved even under unfavorable channel characteristics. Moreover, since the carrier recovery and the symbol timing recovery are executed through a single apparatus, it becomes possible to simplify a hardware implementation thereof.

Method and Apparatus for Transporting Computer Bus Protocols Over an Optical Link

A system is provided for implementing PCI Express protocol signals over an optical link. A transmission circuit is used to provide an electrical-to-optical conversion, a receiving circuit provides an optical-to-electrical conversion, and a sideband circuit is used to provide and receive control information.

Cable television return link system with high data-rate side-band communication channels

A Cable Television (CATV) digital return link system that provides dedicated, high-speed, full-duplex and point-to-point connections between users and the head end system is disclosed. The CATV digital return link system includes return path transmitters, intermediate hubs and a head end hub coupled to each other via a network of fiber optics cables. The return path transmitters are each coupled to a relatively large number of users via a local CATV-subtree. Signals from cable modems are transmitted via the local CATV-subtree to the return path transmitters for transmission to the head end. A number of users are individually and directly connected to the return path transmitters. Data from these directly connected users is transmitted to the head end via the network of fiber optics cables in conjunction with the RF data from the subtree. Likewise, data from the head end to these directly connected users is transmitted in the forward path direction using the digital return link system.

Parametric Loudspeaker System And Method For Enabling Isolated Listening To Audio Material

A virtual headset for enabling isolated listening to audio material by a listener without need for earphones or other physical audio producing devices attached to the listener. The virtual headset includes a parametric ultrasonic signal source 504 supplying at least a first parametric ultrasonic channel signal comprised of an ultrasonic carrier signal and at least one sideband, and configured to be emitted and directed substantially exclusively at a first ear 506 of the listener 502. The parametric ultrasonic signal source is coupled to an electro-acoustical emitter structure, which is configured to emit and direct a first parametric ultrasonic wave corresponding to the first parametric ultrasonic channel signal at the listener such that a first resultant decoupled audio wave will be heard substantially exclusively at the first ear of the listener, with minimal audible sound at a second ear 514 of the listener.

Method and system for single-sideband optical signal generation and transmission

A method and system for generating and transmitting optical signals with only one sideband. Single-sideband optical signal transmission reduces the signal impairment effects associated with dispersion. Such transmission also increases the spectral efficiency of optical transmission systems. Single-sideband modulation also makes possible electrical compensation for optical link dispersion during transmission. Single-sideband modulation is generated using the modulating data signal and its Hilbert transform, which is approximated by a tapped-delay time filter. Line coding is used to remove the low-frequency content in the modulating data signal, avoiding the inefficiencies of tapped-delay-line filter approximated Hilbert transformers at low frequencies. Line coding can also help optical single side band signal generation and transmission using a simple optical filter instead of Hilbert transformers.
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