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251 results about "Microwave applicator" patented technology

Apparatus and method for depositing low K dielectric materials

The invention provides a deposition system and methods of depositing materials onto substrates. In one aspect, a modular processing chamber is provided which includes a chamber body defining a processing region. The chamber body includes a removable gas feedthrough, an electrical feedthrough, a gas distribution assembly mounted on a chamber lid and a microwave applicator for generating reactive gases remote from the processing region.

Microwave garment for heating and/or monitoring tissue

A flexible microwave applicator and method of use thereof. The applicator includes a flexible, dielectric-containing compartment (e.g. temperature regulated water or oil) having a variable contour, tissue-engaging surface and an opposite non-tissue-engaging surface and an antenna array adjacent to a non-tissue-engaging surface. The antenna array includes at least one flexible printed circuit board having a front metal surface, a dielectric substrate, a back metal surface, a connection structure for connecting the antenna array to at least one external microwave device, at least one dual concentric conductor aperture on the front surface, and at least one microstrip feedline in communication with the dual concentric conductor aperture and the connection structure. The microwave applicator also includes flexible attachment material for placement over the antenna array and dielectric compartment to allow the microwave applicator to be attached to a subject like a garment which closely conforms to the anatomy portion to be heated. The flexible attachment material may be configured such that the microwave applicator is configured as an appropriately-shaped type of garment, for example, a vest, jacket, cap, hood, blanket, custom shaped conformal wrap, sleeve, or as a pair of shorts.

Radiation applicator and method of radiating tissue

A dipole microwave applicator emits microwave radiation into tissue to be treated. The applicator is formed from a thin coax cable having an inner conductor surrounded by an insulator, which is surrounded by an outer conductor. A portion of the inner conductor extends beyond the insulator and the outer conductor. A ferrule at the end of the outer conductor has a step and a sleeve that surrounds a portion of the extended inner conductor. A tuning washer is attached to the end of the extended inner conductor. A dielectric tip encloses the tuning washer, the extended inner conductor, and the sleeve of the ferrule. The sleeve of the ferrule and the extended inner conductor operate as the two arms of the dipole microwave antenna. The tuning washer faces the step in the ferrule, and is sized and shaped to cooperate with the step in balancing and tuning the applicator.

Interstitial microwave system and method for thermal treatment of diseases

A minimally-invasive fluid-cooled insertion sleeve assembly, with an attached balloon and distally-located penetrating tip, into which sleeve any of a group comprising a rigid rod, a microwave-radiator assembly and an ultrasonic-imaging transducer assembly may be inserted, constitutes a probe of the system. The sleeve assembly comprises spaced inner and outer plastic tubes with two fluid channels situated within the coaxial lumen between the inner and outer tubes. The fluid coolant input flows through the fluid channels into the balloon, thereby inflating the balloon, and then exits through that coaxial lumen. An alternative embodiment has no balloon. The method employs the probe for piercing sub-cutaneous tissue and then ablating deep-seated tumor tissue with microwave-radiation generated heat.
Owner:MMTC LTD +1

In vivo simulator for microwave treatment

Method and apparatus are provided for propagating microwave energy into heart tissues to produce a desired temperature profile therein at tissue depths sufficient for thermally ablating arrhythmogenic cardiac tissue to treat ventricular tachycardia and other arrhythmias while preventing excessive heating of surrounding tissues, organs, and blood. A wide bandwidth double-disk antenna (700) is effective for this purpose over a bandwidth of about six gigahertz. A computer simulation provides initial screening capabilities for an antenna such as antenna, frequency, power level, and power application duration. The simulation also allows optimization of techniques for specific patients or conditions. In operation, microwave energy between about 1 Gigahertz and 12 Gigahertz is applied to monopole microwave radiator (600) having a surface wave limiter (606). A test setup provides physical testing of microwave radiators (854) to determine the temperature profile created in actual heart tissue or ersatz heart tissue (841). Saline solution (872) pumped over the heart tissue (841) with a peristaltic pump (862) simulates blood flow. Optical temperature sensors (838) disposed at various tissue depths within the heart tissue (841) detect the temperature profile without creating any electromagnetic interference. The method may be used to produce a desired temperature profile in other body tissues reachable by catheter (510) such as tumors and the like.

Microwave coagulation applicator and system

ActiveUS20110118723A1Reduce microwave heatingIncrease in tissue heatingSurgical needlesSurgical instruments for heatingEngineeringMicrowave coagulation
A microwave applicator for insertion into living body tissue for use in microwave coagulation and ablation treatments includes a microwave transmission line extending between an attachment end of the applicator and an antenna toward an insertion end of the applicator with an outer conductive sleeve forming an enclosed cooling fluid space around the transmission line. Circulation of cooling fluid is guided in the cooling fluid space by a guide sleeve. A fluid circulation system provides a plurality of fluid supply connectors and fluid return connectors which can be connected and used with any number of applicators between one and the number of the fluid supply connectors provided by the system. A portion of the applicator inserted into the tissue can stick to the tissue to stabilize the applicator during treatment. A warning marking on the applicator can be used during track ablation to prevent ablation of the patient skin tissue.

Method of producing individual plasmas in order to create a uniform plasma for a work surface, and apparatus for producing such a plasma

The invention provides apparatus having a series of individual plasma excitation devices each constituted by a wire applicator of microwave energy, having one end connected to a source for producing microwave energy and having an opposite end fitted with at least one magnetic dipole for creating at least one surface having a magnetic field that is constant and of intensity corresponding to electron cyclotron resonance, the dipole being mounted at the end of the microwave applicator in such a manner as to ensure that electrons accelerated to electron cyclotron resonance oscillate between the poles so as to create a plasma diffusion zone situated on the side of the dipole that is remote from the end of the applicator, the individual excitation devices being distributed relative to one another and in proximity with the work surface so as to create together a plasma that is uniform for the work surface.
Owner:H E F

Microwave applicator with margin temperature sensing element

A microwave applicator for applying microwave radiation to body tissue includes a temperature sensor positioned along the applicator to measure the temperature of body tissue at a margin of the tissue to be treated. By monitoring the temperature of the tissue at the margin of the tissue to be treated, the heating of the tissue can be better controlled to ensure that the tissue to be treated is heated to the required temperature while damage to surrounding normal tissue is minimized. Treatment can include positioning one or more applicators into body tissue and applying microwave radiation to the applicators. Phase and amplitude control of the microwave radiation can be used to produce a desired heating pattern. Optimization of the number and location of microwave applicators and the phase and amplitude of microwave energy applied thereto can be determined through pretreatment simulation.

Method and Apparatus for Microwave Reduction of Organic Compounds

The invention described herein generally pertains to utilization of high power density microwave energy to reduce organic compounds to carbon and their constituents, primarily in a gaseous state. The process includes, but is not limited to, scrap tires, plastics, asphalt roofing shingles, computer waste, medical waste, municipal solid waste, construction waste, shale oil, and PCB / PAH / HCB-laden materials. The process includes the steps of feeding organic material into a microwave applicator and exposing the material to microwave energy fed from at least two linear polarized sources in non-parallel alignment to each other, and collecting the material. The at least two sources of microwave energy are from a bifurcated waveguide assembly, whose outputs are perpendicular to each other and fed through waveguide of proper impedance, such that the microwave sources are physically and electrically 90° out of phase to each other. The microwave frequency is between 894 and 1000 MHz, preferably approximately 915 MHz.

Plasma Deposition of Amorphous Semiconductors at Microwave Frequencies

InactiveUS20120040492A1Prevent and slow relaxationPrevent and slow and decayElectric discharge tubesFinal product manufacturePorosityPlasma deposition
Apparatus and method for plasma deposition of thin film photovoltaic materials at microwave frequencies. The apparatus avoids unintended deposition on windows or other microwave transmission elements that couple microwave energy to deposition species. The apparatus includes a microwave applicator with conduits passing therethrough that carry deposition species. The applicator transfers microwave energy to the deposition species to activate or energize them to a reactive state conducive to formation of a thin film material. The conduits physically isolate deposition species that would react or otherwise combine to form a thin film material at the point of microwave power transfer. The deposition species are separately energized and swept away from the point of power transfer to prevent thin film deposition. Suitable deposition species include precursors that contain silicon, germanium, fluorine, and / or hydrogen. The invention allows for the ultrafast formation of silicon-containing amorphous semiconductors that exhibit high mobility, low porosity, little or no Staebler-Wronski degradation, and low defect concentration.

Broadband microwave applicator

A microwave ablation probe for providing microwave energy to tissue is disclosed. The probe includes a feedline having an inner conductor, an insulating spacer and an outer conductor. The probe also includes a radiation portion having an extruded portion of the inner conductor that is centrally disposed therein. The radiation portion also includes one or more conductive disks disposed on the extruded portion of the inner conductor that defines one or more spaces and a dielectric material disposed within the spaces.

Microwave heating system

Microwave heating system comprising a plurality of microwave applicators for heating loads arranged in said applicators, a control means, one microwave generator to generate microwave energy having a controllable frequency and power level, and a microwave switch arranged to connect said microwave generator to each of said applicators. Each microwave applicator is dedicated a heating time slot in a time frame, and that said time frame comprises time slots for applicators to be heated. During microwave heating, microwave energy is applied to the microwave applicators in its respective time slot, in consecutive time frames.

Microwave heating apparatus and method for whole-body or regional heating

The invention provides a microwave heating method and apparatus for evenly heating an object, such as a person's body. The methods and apparatus involve use of microwave source (or sources) that outputs multiple microwaves that are non-correlated with each other in phase; an array of antennas that radiate substantially plane microwaves to form a pseudo uniform microwave electromagnetic field, where the microwaves are not phase-correlated, in order to eliminate non-uniform heating caused by interference. Each of the antenna array consists of multiple antenna units, each antenna unit consists of at least one microwave radiator and at least one converter that converts the spherical microwave to plane microwave. A computer based control system and a temperature monitoring subsystem can be used to adjust the output of each antenna, in order to enhance the uniform heating effect. The apparatus and method can be used to perform whole-body hyperthermia or regional hyperthermia.

Non-Modal Interplate Microwave Heating System and Method of Heating

Disclosed is a microwave heater and a method of heating. The microwave heater includes a non-modal interplate microwave applicator and may include a nonresonant enclosure. The non-modal interplate microwave applicator is configured to receive therein a load to be heated by microwaves radiated from the non-modal interplate microwave applicator.

Microwave coagulation applicator and system with fluid injection

A microwave applicator for insertion into living body tissue for use in microwave coagulation and ablation treatments includes a microwave transmission line extending between an attachment end of the applicator and an antenna toward an insertion end of the applicator with an outer conductive sleeve forming an enclosed fluid space around the transmission line. A fluid circulation system circulates fluid in the fluid space. A portion of or all of the circulating fluid can be injected into tissue that surrounds the applicator body from approximately the proximal end of a desired heating zone produced by microwave energy radiated from the antenna along the applicator body toward the proximal end of the applicator to hydrate and wet the tissue outside the proximal end of the desired heating zone to reduce the drying of this tissue and limit extension of the heating and ablation zone proximally along the applicator body.

Microwave coagulation applicator and system

ActiveUS20110118720A1Reduce microwave heatingIncrease in tissue heatingSurgical needlesSurgical instruments for heatingMultiplexingAfter treatment
A microwave applicator for insertion into living body tissue for use in microwave coagulation and ablation treatments includes a microwave transmission line extending between an attachment end of the applicator and an antenna toward an insertion end of the applicator with an outer conductive sleeve forming an enclosed cooling fluid space around the transmission line. Circulation of cooling fluid is guided in the cooling fluid space by a guide sleeve. A temperature sensor senses the approximate temperature of cooling fluid to indicate cooling fluid is circulating. A multiplexing and power splitting circuit provides outputs tuned for one or for more than one applicator to be attached and detects the number of applicators and correct connection. A cadence sound generator can be used in conjunction with depth markings on the applicator to provide substantially constant withdrawal of the applicator from the treated tissue after treatment to provide track ablation.

Microwave applicator with adjustable heating length

A microwave applicator for applying microwave radiation to body tissue includes a microwave antenna formed by extending the center conductor of a coaxial cable beyond the end of the outer coaxial conductor and providing a conductive outer tip coupled to the center conductor with a space between the end of the outer conductor and the conductive tip. The length of the expected heating area caused by microwave energy applied to the antenna can be adjusted by positioning a conductive sleeve along the length of the antenna from one end of the antenna to cover a portion of the antenna, the length of the heating area being determined substantially by the length of the uncovered portion of the antenna. Treatment can include positioning one or more applicators into body tissue, adjusting the conductive sleeve with respect to the antenna to adjust the length of the heating area for each of the one or more applicators, and applying microwave energy to the applicators.

Directional microwave applicator and methods

A miniature microwave antenna is disclosed which may be utilized for biomedical applications such as, for example, radiation induced hyperthermia through catheter systems. One feature of the antenna is that it possesses azimuthal directionality despite its small size. This directionality permits targeting of certain tissues while limiting thermal exposure of adjacent tissue. One embodiment has an outer diameter of about 0.095″ (2.4 mm) but the design permits for smaller diameters.

Manufacturing method and apparatus utilizing reusable deformable support

In a method for the manufacture of frankfurters, hot dogs and other skinless sausage products, a meat emulsion is extruded onto a flexible conveyor belt which is then conveyed through an at least partially microwave-transparent tube whose internal diameter is equal to the desired diameter of the sausage product plus twice the thickness of the conveyor belt. In a camming type process, the conveyor belt is caused, upon its entry into the tube, to temporarily form a cylinder containing the meat emulsion. The temporary belt cylinder together with the surrounded meat emulsion extrudate is then conveyed through a microwave applicator to partially or thoroughly cook the meat emulsion. At the exit end of the tube, the conveyor belt naturally opens under internal stresses from its cylindrical shape to a flattened belt. The at least partially cooked sausage is then removed from the belt for further processing or packaging. The conveyor belt acts as a temporary skin to hold the meat emulsion during its microwave cooking.

Package conveyor for continuous process microwave applicator

A mechanism for constraining a product package as it is conveyed through a microwave applicator. In one preferred embodiment, the conveyor is provided by a pair of parallel guide belts arranged to travel through a microwave applicator. The guide belts have a series of slots or other guide elements formed therein. The guide elements engage edges of the product packages. In one arrangement, the pair of belts are disposed on either side of a series of packages, and thus constrain the location of the packages in three dimensions.

Device for weeding, insect disinfestation and sterilizing with microwave

The invention discloses a device to carry out weeding, pest eliminating and sterilizing by using microwaves. The device consists two relatively parts of a microwave radiator and a power. The microwave radiator part comprises a bugle antenna, a resonance cavity, a permatron, a circulating device, a coupler, a control panel, a running device and an anti-leakage device, etc. The power part comprises a transformer and a rectifier, etc. When working, the microwave radiator moves and the power part does not move together with the microwave radiator; the power part feeds energy to the microwave radiator through a flexible feed wire, thus reducing the weight and size of the microwave radiator, being convenient for operating in a narrow and small space (such as a greenhouse, etc), being more convenient for miniaturization and mechanization and being beneficial to improve the planting manufacture efficiency of a protection field. The device adopts microwaves to prevent disease and pest with the advantages of convenient operation, no residue, friendly environment, which is helpful for carrying out nuisanceless agricultural production, suitable for the nuisanceless production like gardening plants such as vegetables, fruits and flowers, etc., and plants like medicinal materials, etc., in particular to the fine agricultures of the protection filed, etc.
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