The invention relates to a
rolling mill, in particular, a cold strip tandem
rolling mill (1), for producing a
metal strip (100), with a number of stands (220, 260; 230; 240;...; 250) arranged in a tanThe invention relates to a
rolling mill, in particular, a cold strip tandem rolling mill (1), for producing a
metal strip (100), with a number of stands (220, 260; 230; 240;...; 250) arranged in a tandem path (20), wherein, in a direction of production (P) of the
metal strip (100), a first stand (220) is designed as driving stand (220, 260) and serves as inlet for a section (25) of the tandem pathdem path (20), wherein, in a direction of production (P) of the metal strip (100), a first stand (220) is designed as driving stand (220, 260) and serves as inlet for a section (25) of the tandem path (20), in which a primary thickness reduction of the metal strip (100) occurs, and by corresponding control of the driving stand (220, 260), an increase in the mechanical inlet tension of the metal st(20), in which a primary thickness reduction of the metal strip (100) occurs, and by corresponding control of the driving stand (220, 260), an increase in the mechanical inlet tension of the metal strip (100) can be achieved. The invention further relates to a method for controlling a rolling mill, in particular, a cold strip tandem rolling mill (1), for producing a metal strip (100), wherein, inrip (100) can be achieved. The invention further relates to a method for controlling a rolling mill, in particular, a cold strip tandem rolling mill (1), for producing a metal strip (100), wherein, in a production direction (P) of the metal strip (100), a first stand (220) is controlled as driving stand (220, 260), said driving stand (220, 260) achieving a significant increase in the mechanical ina production direction (P) of the metal strip (100), a first stand (220) is controlled as driving stand (220, 260), said driving stand (220, 260) achieving a significant increase in the mechanical inlet tension on the metal strip (100) and a significant thickness reduction of the metal strip (100).let tension on the metal strip (100) and a significant thickness reduction of the metal strip (100).