A method for processing daily consumption, demand and time of use meter reads for electric, gas, water and other metered entities. The meter reads are collected by any of the well known Automated Meter Reading (AMR) technologies and loaded into a meter data warehouse. At a minimum daily meter reading, reads that are tagged as Good, Stale, Partial, Incomplete and Missing are required for properly identifying usage patterns, applying rules for error patterns and estimating the reads which will provide quality meter reads to the utilities thereby identifying meter problems before they become billing problems. The overall process involves loading the daily meter reads into a database, comparing each meter read against its previous day's read and applying a set of rules that help in validating, editing and estimating (VEE) of this data. The VEE rules that are applied can be broadly classified into five (5) categories. They are 1) Cumulative (CUM) Read Error Detection 2) Demand (DEM) read Error Detection 3) Rounding, Truncation and Offset rules 4) Allocation and Estimation 5) Others. Once these rules have been applied and the required reading estimated and edited, the data is now ready for billing. Prior to the reads being used for billing, another process is executed that helps to determine the meters that need to be replaced and hence whose reads cannot be used for billing as it would result in the customer being billed for incorrect usage. The output of this process can be customized to suit any of the popular Utility Billing Systems (UBS)'s input format and mimics a meter exchange transaction.