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182 results about "Rate gyro" patented technology

A rate gyro is a type of gyroscope, which rather than indicating direction, indicates the rate of change of angle with time. If a gyro has only one gimbal ring, with consequently only one plane of freedom, it can be adapted for use as a rate gyro to measure a rate of angular movement.

Electronic measurement of the motion of a moving body of sports equipment

An application of rate gyros and accelerometers allows electronic measurement of the motion of a rigid or semi-rigid body, such as a body associated with sporting equipment including a fly rod during casting, a baseball bat, a tennis racquet or a golf club during swinging. For instance, data can be collected by one gyro according to the present invention is extremely useful in analyzing the motion of a fly rod during fly casting instruction, and can also be used during the research, development and design phases of fly casting equipment including fly rods and fly lines. Similarly, data collected by three gyros and three accelerometers is extremely useful in analyzing the three dimensional motion of other sporting equipment such as baseball bats, tennis racquets and golf clubs. This data can be used to support instruction as well as design of the sporting equipment.

Writing system with camera

A Micro Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) which is based on MEMS accelerometers and gyro sensors is developed for real-time recognition of human hand motions, especially as used in the context of writing on a surface. Motion is recorded by a motion / acceleration sensor, which may be a combination of a rate rate gyro and an accelerometer, and possibly in combination with a video camera set to detect markers located on a board, with the camera utilizable to detect lines and markers and to determine the proximity of the white board. The immediate advantage is the facilitation of a digital interface with both PC and mobile computing devices and perhaps to enable wireless sensing.

GNSS and optical guidance and machine control

A global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command. Relative orientations and attitudes between tractors and implements can be determined using optical sensors and cameras. Laser detectors and rangefinders can also be used.

Combined GNSS gyroscope control system and method

A global navigation satellite sensor system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The roll angle facilitates correction of the lateral motion induced position errors resultant from motion of the antennae as the vehicle moves based on an offset to ground and the roll angle. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. The system includes gyroscopes for determining system attitude change with respect to multiple axes for integrating with GNSS-derived positioning information to determine vehicle position, velocity, rate-of-turn, attitude and other operating characteristics. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command.

Pool cleaning robot

A pool cleaning robot adapted to move in a direction along the bottom surface of a pool. The robot comprises a compass, a rate gyroscope, and a controller adapted to determine the orientation of the robot, relative to a reference orientation thereof, based on readings of the compass and the gyroscope.

Multi-antenna GNSS control system and method

A global navigation satellite sensor system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The roll angle facilitates correction of the lateral motion induced position errors resultant from motion of the antennae as the vehicle moves based on an offset to ground and the roll angle. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. The system includes gyroscopes for determining system attitude change with respect to multiple axes for integrating with GNSS-derived positioning information to determine vehicle position, velocity, rate-of-turn, attitude and other operating characteristics. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command. Alternative aspects include multiple-antenna GNSS guidance methods for high-dynamic roll compensation, real-time kinematic (RTK) using single-frequency (L1) receivers, fixed and moving baselines between antennas, multi-position GNSS tail guidance (“breadcrumb following”) for crosstrack error correction, articulated implements with multiple antennas on each implement section, video input and guiding multiple vehicles and pieces of equipment relative to each other.

Writing system

InactiveUS20060279549A1Improved sensor calibrationImproved stroke based recognitionCathode-ray tube indicatorsInput/output processes for data processingHandwritingAccelerometer
A Micro Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) which is based on MEMS accelerometers and gyro sensors is developed for real-time recognition of human hand motions, especially as used in the context of writing on a surface. Motion is recorded by a rate gyro and an accellerometer and communicated to a Bluetooth module, possibly to a computer which may be 20 to 30 feet or more from the sensor. The motion information generated and communicated is combined with appropriate filtering and transformation algorithms to facilitate a complete Digital Writing System that can be used to record handwriting on any surface, or on no surface at all. The overall size of an IMU can be less than 26 mm×20 mm×20 mm, and may include micro sensors, a processor, and wireless interface components. The Kalman filtering algorithm is preferably used to filter the noise of sensors to allow successful transformance of hand motions into recognizable and recordable English characters. The immediate advantage is the facilitation of a digital interface with both PC and mobile computing devices and perhaps to enable wireless sensing.

GNSS guidance and machine control

A global navigation satellite sensor system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The roll angle facilitates correction of the lateral motion induced position errors resultant from motion of the antennae as the vehicle moves based on an offset to ground and the roll angle. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. The system includes gyroscopes for determining system attitude change with respect to multiple axes for integrating with GNSS-derived positioning information to determine vehicle position, velocity, rate-of-turn, attitude and other operating characteristics. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command. Alternative aspects include multiple-antenna GNSS guidance methods for high-dynamic roll compensation, real-time kinematic (RTK) using single-frequency (L1) receivers, fixed and moving baselines between antennas, multi-position GNSS tail guidance (“breadcrumb following”) for crosstrack error correction, guiding multiple vehicles and pieces of equipment relative to each other and earth-moving equipment and method applications.

GNSS guidance and machine control

A global navigation satellite sensor system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The roll angle facilitates correction of the lateral motion induced position errors resultant from motion of the antennae as the vehicle moves based on an offset to ground and the roll angle. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. The system includes gyroscopes for determining system attitude change with respect to multiple axes for integrating with GNSS-derived positioning information to determine vehicle position, velocity, rate-of-turn, attitude and other operating characteristics. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command. Alternative aspects include multiple-antenna GNSS guidance methods for high-dynamic roll compensation, real-time kinematic (RTK) using single-frequency (L1) receivers, fixed and moving baselines between antennas, multi-position GNSS tail guidance (“breadcrumb following”) for crosstrack error correction, guiding multiple vehicles and pieces of equipment relative to each other and earth-moving equipment and method applications.

Apparatus and method for employing miniature inertial measurement units for deducing forces and moments on bodies

An apparatus for analyzing movement of equipment. The apparatus includes an inertial measurement unit continuously measuring six rigid body degrees of freedom of the equipment and outputting data representative thereof, wherein the inertial measurement unit defines a planar substrate having a single common plane. The inertial measurement unit further includes at least one angular rate gyro and at least one accelerometer sufficient to measure the six rigid body degrees of freedom and each being mounted on the single common plane. The apparatus further includes a processing unit determining the acceleration of the mass center of the equipment, the angular velocity and the angular acceleration of the equipment through a single derivative operation.

Attitude measurement using a single GPS receiver with two closely-spaced antennas

A system determines three-dimensional attitude of a moving platform using signals from two closely spaced Global Positioning System (GPS) antennas. The system includes three rate gyroscopes and three accelerometers rigidly mounted in a fixed relationship to the platform to aid in determining the attitude. The system applies signals from one of the two GPS antennas to sufficient channels of a GPS receiver to support navigation. The system applies signals from a second of the two GPS antennas to the additional receive channels to support interferometry. The system resolves the ambiguity normally associated with the interferometric heading solution by having closely spaced GPS antennas, and uses interferometry to refine a coarse heading estimate from a GPS plus Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) transfer alignment solution. The system achieves sub-meter spacing of the two GPS antennas by merging many temporal interferometric measurements and the attitude memory provided by the IMU time-history solution.

Multiple-antenna GNSS control system and method

A global navigation satellite sensor system (GNSS) and gyroscope control system for vehicle steering control comprising a GNSS receiver and antennas at a fixed spacing to determine a vehicle position, velocity and at least one of a heading angle, a pitch angle and a roll angle based on carrier phase position differences. The roll angle facilitates correction of the lateral motion induced position errors resultant from motion of the antennae as the vehicle moves based on an offset to ground and the roll angle. The system also includes a control system configured to receive the vehicle position, heading, and at least one of roll and pitch, and configured to generate a steering command to a vehicle steering system. The system includes gyroscopes for determining system attitude change with respect to multiple axes for integrating with GNSS-derived positioning information to determine vehicle position, velocity, rate-of-turn, attitude and other operating characteristics. A vehicle control method includes the steps of computing a position and a heading for the vehicle using GNSS positioning and a rate gyro for determining vehicle attitude, which is used for generating a steering command. Alternative aspects include multiple-antenna GNSS guidance methods for high-dynamic roll compensation, real-time kinematic (RTK) using single-frequency (L1) receivers, fixed and moving baselines between antennas, multi-position GNSS tail guidance (“breadcrumb following”) for crosstrack error correction and guiding multiple vehicles and pieces of equipment relative to each other.

Distributed-mass micromachined gyroscopes operated with drive-mode bandwidth enhancement

A micromachined z-axis rate gyroscope with multidirectional drive-mode has an increased drive-mode bandwidth for relaxing mode-matching requirement in which the drive and sense modes are completely decoupled. By utilizing multiple drive-mode oscillators with incrementally spaced resonance frequencies, wide-bandwidth response is achieved in the drive-mode, leading to reduced sensitivity to structural and thermal parameter fluctuations. Quadrature error and zero-rate-output are also minimized, due to the enhanced decoupling of multi-directional linear drive-mode and the torsional sense-mode. Bulk-micromachined prototypes have been fabricated in a one-mask SOI-based process, and is experimentally characterized.

High range digital angular rate sensor based on frequency modulation

A digital angular rate sensor system based on frequency modulation (FM) of the rotation rate. The new approach relies on tracking of the resonant frequencies of two high-Q mechanical modes of vibration in a MEMS vibratory gyroscope to produce an inherently digital measurement of the input angular rate. The disclosed system is enabled by a combination of a MEMS vibratory high-Q gyroscope and a new signal processing scheme which takes advantage of a previously ignored gyroscope dynamics effect. The FM nature of the system eliminates noise versus bandwidth and resolution versus dynamic range tradeoffs of conventional vibratory rate gyroscopes. The FM approach allows achieving superior signal-to-noise-ratio through the use of ultra-high Q (1 million) mechanical structure without limiting the measurement bandwidth. Stability of 1e-9 can be achieved in the FM system, providing a 1000 times improvement over the state-of-the-art conventional AM gyroscopes with capacitive pick-off.

Vibratory sensor operating as a rate gyro about two axes and as a rate integrating gyro about the third one

A vibrating structure gyroscope comprises a resonant body, a drive transducer for driving resonant motion of the body, a pick-off for producing signals representative of the resonant motion, and a signal processor for extracting z-axis orientation information and x- and y-axis rate information from the signals. The resonant body is planar and the resonant motion takes place in a vibration mode pattern whose orientation angle with respect to the body varies in accordance with z-axis orientation of the body and couples energy into an out-of-plane response mode motion in accordance with rotation of the body about the x- or y-axis. The signal processor resolves the out-of-plane response mode motion with reference to a z-axis orientation signal to extract the x- and y-axis rate information.

Inclinometer measurement system and method providing correction for movement induced acceleration errors

The present invention includes a system and a method by which the inclination of a machine element, such as a platform, may be sensed, and errors that might otherwise result from tangential and radial acceleration eliminated. The platform defines orthogonal X and Y axes, and a Z axis orthogonal to both the X and Y axes. The platform is rotatable about an axis extending parallel to the Z axis. The system includes an inclinometer, mounted on the platform at a location spaced from the axis of rotation by a distance r, for providing inclinometer outputs indicating acceleration in the X and Y directions, designated as Ix and Iy, respectively. A line from the axis of rotation to the inclinometer forms an included angle B with the X axis. A rate gyro is mounted on the platform. The rate gyro senses the rotational speed w of the platform about the axis of rotation and provides a rate gyro output indicating the rotational speed w. A circuit differentiates the rate gyro output to determine the angular acceleration of the platform dw / dt. A circuit multiplies the angular acceleration by the value r to determine the tangential acceleration of the platform at the point where the inclinometer is mounted r(dw / dt). A circuit resolves the tangential acceleration of the platform at the point where the inclinometer is mounted to determine the X axis component thereof, and resolves the tangential acceleration of the platform at the point where the inclinometer is mounted to determine the Y axis component thereof. A circuit subtracts the X axis component of the tangential acceleration of the platform at the point where the inclinometer is mounted from the acceleration Ix, sensed in a direction parallel to the X axis, and subtracts the Y axis component of the tangential acceleration of the platform at the point where the inclinometer is mounted from the acceleration Iy, sensed in a direction parallel to the Y axis. As a consequence, the inclinometer outputs Ix and Iy are corrected for errors that would otherwise result from tangential acceleration.

Strap-down magnetic inertia combination system

The invention relates to a strap-down magnetic inertia combination system. In the system, a signal conditioning module filters and amplifies an angular rate signal and a sine signal; an acquisition module carries out analog / digital conversion for the angular rate signal and the sine signal conditioned by the signal conditioning module, sends the sine signal to a first resolving module, and outputs the angular rate signal to a second resolving module; according to the sine signal, the first resolving module resolves a roll angle gamma and roll angle rate omega x; according to the angular rate signal and the roll angle rate omega x, the second resolving module resolves an azimuth angle psi and a pitching angle theta; and an output module is used for outputting the roll angle gamma, the azimuth angle psi and the pitching angle theta. For the measurement of the roll angle rate, the system does not use the prior angular rate gyro, but directly uses a geomagnetic roll angle measuring unit to resolve the roll angle and the roll angle rate of a rotary bomb; and because the position of the roll angle can be directly acquired, the integral accumulated error brought by integral acquisition position quantity is avoided.

Pavement identification method for reinforced road in automobile proving ground

ActiveCN106092600AAddressed difficulty with terrain insensitivityImprove recognition accuracyVehicle testingApplicability domainVibration acceleration
Provided is a pavement identification method for a reinforced road in an automobile proving ground. The method comprises steps of: acquiring the motion information of a vehicle body and axles by an acceleration sensor and an angular rate gyroscope, and acquiring CAN message data on a vehicle bus via an OBD interface of the vehicle; preprocessing acquired multi-source data to obtain stable time-domain data; computing the attitude information of the vehicle body and the axles and analyzing the protocol of the CAN messages; transforming the vibration acceleration data and attitude data from the time domain into the spatial domain by using vehicle speed; performing time-domain and frequency-domain feature extraction on the data in the spatial domain; designing a artificial neural network pavement classifier based on the extracted time-domain and frequency-domain features to identify the reinforced road in the automobile proving ground. The method solve a problem that an independent suspension is insensitive to landforms, compensates the defect of a conventional method that identifies the pavements just by using acceleration data, and greatly increases the identification accuracy and application range of the test road landform and ground.

Unmanned bicycle balance control method based on rate gyroscope

InactiveCN106919177AControl upright balanceProgramme controlComputer controlVehicle frameEngineering
An unmanned bicycle balance control method based on a rate gyroscope comprises the following steps: (1) establishing an unmanned bicycle balance system model; (2) designing a vertical attitude balance controller; and (3) according to offset signals collected by an offset sensor, calculating and obtaining a control moment through a control algorithm, and providing the control moment to a rate gyroscope framework so as to generate corresponding restoring moment on a bicycle frame. The unmanned bicycle balance control method based on the rate gyroscope can effectively control the vertical balance of the unmanned bicycle.

Rate gyro stabilizing platform type antenna followup system

InactiveCN101382805AImplement Proportional GuidanceHigh precisionControl using feedbackNegative feedbackRadar
The invention provides a follow-up tracking system of a rate gyroscope stabilized platform type antenna, which comprises a direction-finding device, an adjustment link, a PID controller, a PWM driver, a moment motor, an angle measuring potentiometer, an angular rate gyroscope and a differential link. The PWM driver, the moment motor, the angular rate gyroscope and the differential link are connected in sequence to form an angular acceleration negative feedback loop; the PID controller, the PWM driver, the moment motor and the the angular rate gyroscope are connected in sequence to form an angular rate negative feedback loop; the direction-finding device, a preamplifier, the adjustment link and the angular rate negative feedback circuit form an angular position negative feedback loop; the angle measuring potentiometer, the preamplifier, the adjustment link and the angular rate negative feedback loop form an angle searching loop. The follow-up tracking system is an antenna follow-up system which is used for realizing the follow-up tracking technology of stably tracking, searching and isolating the angular motion of a carrier in the direction-finding devices, such as radars, optical imaging, and the like, in moving carriers so as to realize high precision, weak coupling, anti-turn-off performance, fastness and stabilization and realize proportional guidance.

Working method of strap-down magnetic inertia combination system

The invention relates to a working method of a strap-down magnetic inertia combination system. In the method, a signal conditioning module filters and amplifies an angular rate signal and a sine signal; an acquisition module carries out analog / digital conversion for the angular rate signal and the sine signal conditioned by the signal conditioning module, sends the sine signal to a first resolving module, and outputs the angular rate signal to a second resolving module; according to the sine signal, the first resolving module resolves a roll angle gamma and roll angle rate omega x; according to the angular rate signal and the roll angle rate omega x, the second resolving module resolves an azimuth angle psi and a pitching angle theta; and an output module is used for outputting the roll angle gamma, the azimuth angle psi and the pitching angle theta. For the measurement of the roll angle rate, the working method does not use the prior angular rate gyro, but directly uses a geomagnetic roll angle measuring unit to resolve the roll angle and the roll angle rate of a rotary bomb; and because the position of the roll angle can be directly acquired, the integral accumulated error brought by integral acquisition position quantity is avoided.

Control system for stabilizing a single line suspended mass in yaw

A control system and method for stabilizing a suspended mass in yaw on a single cable utilizing thrusters. In one embodiment rate gyroscopes are placed on the load and the thrusters are utilized so that the angular position converges to a selected or given angular position. The system implementation includes a pure loading case where cable spring and damping parameters are estimated as constants for the entire lift. The system implementation also includes a multi-height manipulation case where cable spring and damping parameters are determined from a look up table based on cable length.
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