Web service transaction processing system, which includes three parts: a
client, a coordinator, and multiple participants, which are connected to each other through
the Internet; among them, the participants and the coordinator are deployed as
Web service providers, coordinators, and processors on the Web The platform on which the service runs. The process of
Web service transaction processing is actually the process of coordination and interaction between these three parts; the
client initiates the transaction, divides the transaction boundary and submits the transaction, the coordinator manages and coordinates the transaction, and the participants provide and participate in the Web service transaction. The
client only initiates the transaction, divides the transaction boundary, submits or cancels the transaction, and the main work of the transaction is completed by the interaction between the coordinator and the participants. The invention also discloses a Web service
transaction processing method, which utilizes the above
transaction processing system, adopts a two-stage submission protocol to ensure the
atomicity, consistency and reliability of each transaction, and monitors, configures and manages the transactions. The two-phase
commit protocol includes a coordination phase and a transaction phase.