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265 results about "Multipotent cell" patented technology

Multipotent cells are found in many, but not all human cell types. Multipotent cells have been found in cord blood, adipose tissue, cardiac cells, bone marrow, and mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) which are found in the third molar.

Defined media for stem cell culture

Stem cells, including mammalian, and particularly primate primordial stem cells (pPSCs) such as human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), hold great promise for restoring cell, tissue, and organ function. However, cultivation of stem cells, particularly undifferentiated hESCs, in serum-free, feeder-free, and conditioned-medium-free conditions remains crucial for large-scale, uniform production of pluripotent cells for cell-based therapies, as well as for controlling conditions for efficiently directing their lineage-specific differentiation. This instant invention is based on the discovery of the formulation of minimal essential components necessary for maintaining the long-term growth of pPSCs, particularly undifferentiated hESCs. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin, ascorbic acid, and laminin were identified to be both sufficient and necessary for maintaining hESCs in a healthy self-renewing undifferentiated state capable of both prolonged propagation and then directed differentiation. Having discerned these minimal molecular requirements, conditions that would permit the substitution of poorly-characterized and unspecified biological additives and substrates were derived and optimized with entirely defined constituents, providing a “biologics”-free (i.e., animal-, feeder-, serum-, and conditioned-medium-free) system for the efficient long-term cultivation of pPSCs, particularly pluripotent hESCs. Such culture systems allow the derivation and large-scale production of stem cells such as pPSCs, particularly pluripotent hESCs, in optimal yet well-defined biologics-free culture conditions from which they can be efficiently directed towards a lineage-specific differentiated fate in vitro, and thus are important, for instance, in connection with clinical applications based on stem cell therapy and in drug discovery processes.

Defined media for pluripotent stem cell culture

Stem cells, including mammalian, and particularly primate primordial stem cells (pPSCs) such as human embryonic stem cells (hESCs), hold great promise for restoring cell, tissue, and organ function. However, cultivation of stem cells, particularly undifferentiated hESCs, in serum-free, feeder-free, and conditioned-medium-free conditions remains crucial for large-scale, uniform production of pluripotent cells for cell-based therapies, as well as for controlling conditions for efficiently directing their lineage-specific differentiation. This instant invention is based on the discovery of the formulation of minimal essential components necessary for maintaining the long-term growth of pPSCs, particularly undifferentiated hESCs. Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), insulin, ascorbic acid, and laminin were identified to be both sufficient and necessary for maintaining hESCs in a healthy self-renewing undifferentiated state capable of both prolonged propagation and then directed differentiation. Having discerned these minimal molecular requirements, conditions that would permit the substitution of poorly-characterized and unspecified biological additives and substrates were derived and optimized with entirely defined constituents, providing a “biologics”-free (i.e., animal-, feeder-, serum-, and conditioned-medium-free) system for the efficient long-term cultivation of pPSCs, particularly pluripotent hESCs. Such culture systems allow the derivation and large-scale production of stem cells such as pPSCs, particularly pluripotent hESCs, in optimal yet well-defined biologics-free culture conditions from which they can be efficiently directed towards a lineage-specific differentiated fate in vitro, and thus are important, for instance, in connection with clinical applications based on stem cell therapy and in drug discovery processes.

Pluripotent stem cells derived without the use of embryos or fetal tissue

This invention provides a method for deriving precursors to pluripotent non-embryonic stem (P-PNES) and pluripotent non-embryonic stem (PNES) cell lines. The present invention involves nuclear transfer of genetic material from a somatic cell into an enucleated, zona pellucida free human ooplastoid having a reduced amount of total cytoplasm. The present invention provides a new source for obtaining human and other animal pluripotent stem cells. The source utilizes as starting materials an oocyte and a somatic cell as the starting materials but does not require the use, creation and/or destruction of embryos or fetal tissue and does not in any way involve creating a cloned being. The oocyte never becomes fertilized and never develops into an embryo. Rather, portions of the oocyte cytoplasm are extracted and combined with the nuclear material of individual mature somatic cells in a manner that precludes embryo formation. Murine, bovine, and human examples of the procedure are demonstrated. Subsequently, the newly constructed P-PNES cells are cultured in vitro and give rise to PNES cells and cell colonies. Methods are described for culturing the P-PNES cells to yield purified PNES cells which have the ability to differentiate into cells derived from mesoderm, endoderm, and ectoderm germ layers. Methods are described for maintaining and proliferating PNES cells in culture in an undifferentiated state. Methods and results are described for analysis and validation of pluripotency of PNES cells including cell morphology, cell surface markers, pluripotent tumor development in SCID mouse, karyotyping, immortality in in vitro culture.

Methods of Culturing Retinal Pigmented Epithelium Cells, Including Xeno-Free Production, RPE Enrichment, and Cryopreservation

The production of high quality retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) cells is necessary for research and potential therapeutic uses. Especially desirable are methods for the production of RPE cells using xeno-free culture conditions. Disclosed herein are novel methods for the production of RPE cells from pluripotent cells with high yields, including xeno-free production methods. Also provided are methods of efficiently isolating RPE cells from cultures containing heterogeneous cell types, allowing for substantially pure RPE cell cultures to be established. Additionally, novel methods for the cryopreservation of RPE cells are provided.

Pluripotent stem cells obtained by non-viral reprogramming

Methods for reprogramming primate somatic cells to pluripotency using an episomal vector that does not encode an infectious virus are disclosed. Pluripotent cells produced in the methods are also disclosed.

Engineered three-dimensional connective tissue constructs and methods of making the same

Disclosed are engineered, living, three-dimensional connective tissue constructs comprising connective tissue cells. In some embodiments, the connective tissue cells are derived from multi-potent cells such as mesenchymal stem / stromal cells. In some embodiments, the cells are cohered to one another. In some embodiments, the multi-potent cells have been exposed to one or more differentiation signals to provide a living, three-dimensional connective tissue construct. In some embodiments, the constructs are substantially free of pre-formed scaffold at the time of use. Also disclosed are implants for engraftment, arrays of connective tissue constructs for in vitro experimentation, as well as methods of making the same.

Methods related to wound healing

The invention is directed to methods for the treatment of wounds. Such methods utilize novel compositions, including but not limited to amnion-derived multipotent cells (herein referred to as AMP cells), conditioned media derived therefrom (herein referred to as amnion-derived cellular cytokine suspension or ACCS), cell lysates derived therefrom, cell products derived therefrom, each alone or in combination.

Generation of cardiomyocytes from human pluripotent stem cells

Methods for generating high-yield, high-purity cardiomyocyte progenitors or cardiomyocytes from pluripotent cells are described. Wnt / β-catenin signaling is first activated in pluripotent cells, e.g., by inhibition of Gsk-3 to obtain a first population of cells. Wnt / β-catenin signaling is then inhibited in the first cell population to induce cardiogenesis under fully defined, growth factor free culture conditions.

Isolated homozygous stem cells, differentiated cells derived therefrom, and materials and methods for making and using same

The present invention discloses and describes pluripotent homozygous stem (HS) cells, and methods and materials for making same. The present invention also provides methods for differentiation of HS cells into progenitor (multipotent) cells or other desired cells, groups of cells or tissues. Further, the applications of the HS cells disclosed herein, include (but are not limited to) the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases (for example, genetic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine-related disorders and cancer), traumatic injuries, cosmetic or therapeutic transplantation, gene therapy and cell replacement therapy.

Control of Cells and Cell Multipotentiality in Three Dimensional Matrices

Methods for wound healing or tissue regeneration by means of cell and tissue engineering, including using three-dimensional matrices with cells therein. A three-dimensional matrix, optionally containing cells such as fibroblasts, is inserted Into the wound of a subject. An anti-inflammatory factor may also be used to reduce or suppress the immune response. The wound may be covered to limit exposure to gaseous oxygen, for example, using a membrane. An anticoagulant may also be applied. In addition, cells, such as fibroblasts or stem cells, when cultured within a three-dimensional matrix, under certain conditions, can be induced to form non-fibroblast multipotent cells. When stem cells are cultured in the three-dimensional matrix, at least some of the stem cells remain as stem cells and do not differentiate. Kits for promoting the control of cells within three-dimensional matrices are also disclosed.

Pluripotent Cells Distributed Ubiquitously In Animal Tissue, Which Proliferate Selectively In Lower-Serum Culture

It is intended to provide a pluripotent cell having the following properties: (1) being contained in a mixed-cell type population obtained by enzymatic treatment of the tissue collected from an animal; (2) being contained in a sedimented cell population obtained by centrifugating the mixed-cell type population of the property (1); (3) selectively proliferating by culturing in a medium containing 2% (v / v) or lower serum and 1 to 100 ng / ml of fibroblast growth factor-2; and (4) being differentiated into cells having the characteristics of adipocytes, osteoblasts, chondrocytes, tendon cells, myocardial cells, myoblasts, neurocytes or vascular endothelial cells by adjusting the culture condition; cells having differentiated from the above cell; and a method of conveniently obtaining the pluripotent cell in a large amount.

Cell Sheet Containing Mesenchymal Stem Cells

ActiveUS20090053277A1Induce cardiac muscleInduce neovascularizationBiocideMammal material medical ingredientsVascular endotheliumThree vessels
Mesenchymal stem cells are pluripotent cells capable of differentiating into myocardial and vascular endothelial cells. The present invention demonstrates that the mesenchymal stem cell sheet have therapeutic potential for a severely damaged heart due to its pluripotency and in situ self-renewal capability. Mesenchymal stem cells derived from adipose tissue were cultured to prepare a mesenchymal stem cell sheet. Four weeks after induction of myocardial infarction in rats, the mesenchymal stem cell sheet was transplanted to the heart. The mesenchymal stem cell sheet were readily engrafted to the surface of the scarred myocardium, grew gradually in situ, and formed a thick layer (approximately 600 μm) in 4 weeks. The grown transplanted mesenchymal tissue contained newly formed blood vessels, myocardial cells, and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. The engrafted mesenchymal stem cells inhibited thinning of the myocardial wall in the scar area, and improved cardiac function and survival rate in rats with myocardial infarcts. Thus, mesenchymal stem cell sheet transplantation may represent a novel therapeutic approach for myocardial tissue regeneration.

Cell culture platform for single cell sorting and enhanced reprogramming of ipscs

ActiveUS20140220681A1Increased potencyImproving efficiency of reprogrammingCell dissociation methodsGenetically modified cellsFeeder freeCell dissociation
The invention provides cell culture conditions for culturing stem cells, including feeder-free conditions for generating and culturing human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs). More particularly, the invention provides a culture platform that allows long-term culture of pluripotent cells in a feeder-free environment; reprogramming of cells in a feeder-free environment; single-cell dissociation of pluripotent cells; cell sorting of pluripotent cells; maintenance of an undifferentiated status; improved efficiency of reprogramming; and generation of a naïve pluripotent cell.

Reprogramming of adult human testicular stem cells to pluripotent germ-line stem cells

Methods for therapeutically programming human adult stem cells into pluripotent cells are provided. Cell therapeutically programmed from adult testicular cells are disclosed. The therapeutically reprogrammed cells are suitable for cellular regenerative therapy and have the potential to differentiate into more committed cell lineages.

Stem cell separating material and method of separation

The present invention has its object to provide a material for separating stem cell and a filter for separating stem cell, each is capable of selectively separating and recovering, in a simple and easy manner, stem cells from body fluids or biological tissue-derived treated fluids, a method for separating and recovering stem cells, and stem cells obtained by such method. The present invention is a material for separating stem cell which has a density K of 1.0×104≦K≦1.0×106 and a fiber diameter of 3 to 40 μm; a filter for separating stem cell which comprises the material for separating stem cell as packed in a container having a fluid inlet port and a fluid outlet port; a method of separating and recovering stem cells which comprises using the material for separating stem cell or the filter for separating stem cell; and a method of producing a multipotent cell fraction.

Cortical interneurons and other neuronal cells produced by the directed differentiation of pluripotent and multipotent cells

Provided are cortical interneurons and other neuronal cells and in vitro methods for producing such cortical interneurons and other neuronal cells by the directed differentiation of stem cells and neuronal progenitor cells. The present disclosure relates to novel methods of in vitro differentiation of stem cells and neural progenitor cells to produce several type neuronal cells and their precursor cells, including cortical interneurons, hypothalamic neurons and pre-optic cholinergic neurons. The present disclose describes the derivation of these cells via inhibiting SMAD and Wnt signaling pathways and activating SHH signaling pathway. The present disclosure relates to the novel discovery that the timing and duration of SHH activation can be harnessed to direct controlled differentiation of neural progenitor cells into either cortical interneurons, hypothalamic neurons or pre-optic cholinergic neurons. The present disclosure also relates to compositions of cortical interneurons, hypothalamic neurons or pre-optic cholinergic neurons, and their precursors, that are highly enriched and can be used in variety of application. These cells can be used therapeutically to treat neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders, and can be used for disease modeling and drug screening.

Genomic engineering of pluripotent cells

Provided are methods and compositions for obtaining genome-engineered iPSCs, and derivative cells with stable and functional genome editing at selected sites. Also provided are cell populations or clonal cell lines derived from genome-engineered iPSCs, which comprise targeted integration of one or more exogenous polynucleotides, and / or in / dels in one or more selected endogenous genes.

Methods and compositions for inducing hematopoietic cell differentiation

The invention provides culture platforms, cell media, and methods of differentiating pluriptent cells into hematopoietic cells. The invention further provides pluripotent stem cell-derived hematopoietic cells generated using the culture platforms and methods disclosed herein, which enable feed-free, monolayer culturing and in the absence of ER formation. Specifically, pluripotent stem cell-derived hematopoietic cell of this invention include, and not limited to, iHSC, definitive hemogenic endothelium, hematopoietic multipotent progenitors, T cell progenitors, NK cell progenitors, T cells, and NK cells.

Differentiation method for production of glial cell populations

The present invention provides methods for generating oligodendrocyte progenitor cells from pluripotent cells, as well as methods for sustaining these oligodendrocyte progenitor cells in relatively pure cultures for long periods of time. The present invention also provides methods for further differentiating these oligodendrocyte progenitor cells into various glial cells.

Method for producing induced pluripotent stem cells with high efficiency and induced poluripotent stem cells prouced thereby

The present invention provides a method for producing customized pluripotent stem cells. Specifically, the present invention comprises following steps: extracting proteins from any of the dedifferentiated stem cells or induced pluripotent stem cells, the said dedifferentiated or pluripotent stem cells being prepared by any known method; introducing the protein extract into the adult somatic cells; and culturing the adult somatic cells to produce pluripotent stem cells having the same pluripotency as that of embryonic stem cells. In addition, pluripotent stem cells produced according to the present method and cell therapeutics comprising the same are provided. The method allows pluripotent stem cells to be produced very easily and at a significantly higher yield, compared to typical methods.
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