An interactive computer-implemented apparatus and method for capturing and monitoring performance in a call center, and for promoting competition in productivity and quality
metrics among employees comprising: a
relational database, for use by all employees in the call center, comprising a competencies module defining competency requirements for each job in the call center, an individual employee
development plan module linked to the competencies module a performance appraisal module for automatically calculating an overall performance rating for each employee, and a query and reporting facility, a
database of employee demographic information, functional knowledge
database comprising pre-defined employee functional knowledge elements required across all job codes of the call center organization; a competencies
database comprising the organization's pre-defined employee competencies, the competencies linked to strategic goals of the call center organization, each competency assigned one or more proficiency levels, each proficiency level comprising one or pre-defined milestones, each job code assigned a targeted competency proficiency level; a
development plan database for capture of employee-inputted development goals for one or more competencies, development goals selected from milestones per the competencies database, the selected development goals reviewed by a supervisor; a performance appraisal database for capture of the employee's supervisor-inputted performance ratings for a specified period, the performance ratings comprising distinct components of quality, productivity, and behavior, the behavior component further comprising a development rating, the development rating based on the employee's attainment of one or more employee's development goals per the
development plan database, the rating for each component assigned a weight, the weight being a percentage of the maximum merit increase rate, the overall performance rating being the sum of the performance ratings for each component, the overall performance rating used to calculate the employee's merit increase, a periodic performance review database for capture of supervisor-inputted information from periodic performance reviews held with an employee, and a reports facility comprising instructions enabling administrators, employees, and supervisors to query one or more databases, the reports facility generating viewable and printable reports on-demand.