The content of an interactive website is managed by an application comprising of two information systems. The
visual system plays an interactive program which is dependent on and determined by the administrative
system which provides access to various databases and allows the user to retrieve and configure the various components of the
database into unique displays which can be viewed through activated commands. The function and complexity of the visual interactivity can be addressed and altered to display specific databases and configurations of databases which meet individual needs and requirements. Each component in the administrative
system includes a configuration page describing the characteristics of the component when it is displayed and showing the
database which is accessible by this component. The administrative
system provides controls to manipulate the hierarchy of the visual elements. Each component of the final visual display is configured independently of the others and can be activated or deactivated in the administrative portion of the application according to the intended usage of the website and / or the daily visual display desired by the application manager. Databases are specific to individual components of the website and various users could require databases consistent with their independent website visuals. The application provides instructions and a template for creating and appending each
database to conform with the users desired website visuals by deleting existing items or adding new items accessed from traditional desktop platforms. The application allows interpretation and expansion within the existing language enabling the continuous creation and
processing of content. The web-based application dynamically reconfigures web-based databases to generate new page designs in the
visual system commensurate with the host's access speed. Revised site views are accessible from control panels displayed continuously when operating in the administrative system. The administrative user can navigate between the
visual system and all components of the administrative system by selecting component icons designated by pictures and words to eliminate error. The visual system can be accessed via a URL address and multiple users may access the application for multiple reasons at the same time. The administrative system which is accessed online is
password protected to prevent unwanted changes to the visual system.