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89results about How to "Long-term medication is safe and reliable" patented technology

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for invigorating kidney, strengthening yang, replenishing essence, and reinforcing vitality, and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for invigorating the kidney, strengthening yang, replenishing essence, and reinforcing vitality, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from the following thirty five traditional Chinese medicines: cynomorium songaricum, rhizoma curculiginis, morinda root, Angelica sinensis, fructus cnidii, broomrape, Chinese chive seed, Chinese magnoliavine fruit, red ginseng, bull penis, dog kidney, antler, black sliced aconite, cinnamon, common fennel, actinolite, pepper, dodder, eucommia, flasem milkvetch seed, Codonopsis pilosula, cornel, herba epimedii, Astragalus root, Chinese yam, prepared rehmannia root,fructus psoraleae, wolfberry fruit, raspberry, polygala, lotus stamen, cherokee rose, rhizoma alismatis,licorice and tuckahoe. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has the efficacies of invigorating the kidney, strengthening yang, replenishing essence, and reinforcing vitality, is mainly used for the diseases of insufficiency of impotence, spermatorrhea, prospermia and the like caused by the kidney-yang or deficiency of the kidney-yin, has remarkable clinical pharmacodynamic testing effect, is high in bioavailability, and has not any toxic or side effect.

Chinese medicinal composition for nourishing qi and blood and conditioning menstruation and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal composition for nourishing qi and blood and conditioning menstruation and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese medicinal composition is prepared by processing motherwort, codonopsis pilosula, prepared rhizome of rehmannia, angelica, white paeony root, tuckahoe, bighead atractylodes rhizome (stir-fried with bran), szechuan lovage rhizome and liquoric root. The medicine has the effects of nourishing qi and blood and conditioning menstruation, and is mainly used for dizziness and palpitation, lassitude, oligohypomenorrhea, light color and delayedmenstrual cycle. The Chinese medicinal composition has the advantages of advanced process, stable preparation, obviously improved clinical pharmacodynamic test effect, high bioavailability and no toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese drug composition for blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and preparation method thereof

The present invention relates to a traditional Chinese drug composition for blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese drug composition is prepared from the following nineteen traditional Chinese drugs: cattail pollen, salvia miltiorrhiza, rehmannia, eclipta, chrysanthemum, baikal skullcap root (charred radix scutellariae), obtuseleaf senna seed, asiatic plantain seed, common motherwort fruit, glossy privet fruit, common selfheal spike, Chinese gentian root, wenchow turmeric root tuber, common scouring rush, red peony root, tree peony root-bark, hawthorn, angelica and szechwan lovage rhizome. The traditional Chinese drug composition has effects of blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and is mainly applicable for yin deficiency, liver hyperactivity, and subhyaloid hemorrhage caused by collateral thermal injury. Compared to the prior art, the clinical pharmacodynamics test effects of the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention are significantly increased, the bioavailability of the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention is high, and the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention does not cause any toxic and side-effect.

Ointment for treating perianal abscess and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to an ointment for treating perianal abscess and a preparation method of the ointment. The ointment is a traditional Chinese medicine ointment prepared from muskone, calculus bovis factitius, pearl, calcined calamine, borax, borneol, chrysophoron, dimethylsulfoxide, vaseline, and lanum. The traditional Chinese medicine ointment has the efficacies of clearing away heat, drying dampness, invigorating the circulation of blood, removing swelling, removing the necrotic tissue and promoting granulation, is mainly applied to the hemorrhoid and anal fissure caused by dampness and hotness obstruction, specifically is applied to the symptoms of defecate haemorrhage, pain, and bearing down and is also applied to the symptoms of perianal eczema and the like. Compared with the prior art, the ointment is more reasonable in prescription, obviously improved in effect of clinical pharmacodynamics experiment, high in bioavailability and free from any toxic effect and side effect.

Chinese medicament preparation for tocolysis and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a Chinese medicine preparation for preventing miscarriage and a preparation method thereof. The preparation is prepared from 14 traditional Chinese medical herbs including 20 to 30 portions of prepared rhizome of rehmannia, 20 to 30 portions of oyster shell (calcined), 15 to 15 portions of Schisandra chinensis, 5 to 15 portions of colla corii asini, 15 to 25 portions of mistletoe, 10 to 20 portions of Morinda officinalis (without core), 15 to 25 portions of bighead atractylodes rhizome (roasted), 15 to 25 portions of grains of paradise, 20 to 30 portions white paeony root, 20 to 30 fossil fragments (calcined), 15 to 25 portions of teasel root, 15 to 25 portions of medlar, 15 to 25 portions of bark of eucommia (carbonized) and 15 to 25 portions of dodder seed( cake). The preparation has functions of tonifying kidney, nourishing thoroughfare and conception vessels and preventing miscarriage, and, compared with the prior art, has characteristics of more reasonable formula, steady curative effect and remarkably improved potency and high cure rate. The preparation has extremely good curative effect on threatened abortion, habitual abortion and infertility caused by abortion.

Traditional Chinese medicine formulation for treating cataract and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a Chinese medicine for curing cataract and a preparation method thereof. The medicine is prepared by processing the mixture of active pharmaceutical ingredients obtained from processing aloe, operculina turpethum, rose flowers, medicine terminalia fruit, mastic, saffron, Secmonia, and lutein, and a carrier acceptable by the drug according to a certain proportion. The drug carrier is simple syrup and starch. Compared with the prior art, the Chinese medicine provided by the invention is used for curing cataract induced by the degeneration of yellow spots and the abnormal savda and bile, and after-cataract, with a noticeable efficacy.

Chinese herbal combination for raising blood platelets and preparation method of combination

The invention relates to a Chinese herbal combination for raising blood platelets, and a preparation method of the combination. The Chinese herbal combination is prepared from five traditional Chinese medicines including indigo naturalis, fructus forsythia, hairyvein agrimony, moutan bark and liquorice. The Chinese herbal combination has effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, cooling blood for hemostasis, dissipating stasis and eliminating ecchymosis, and is mainly applied to primary thrombocytopenic purpura which has the symptoms of petechia or ecchymosis all over the body, having a fever, polydipsia, scanty dark urine, constipation, or epistaxis, gum bleeding, red tongue, yellow coated tongue, and slide number or string number of vessels. The Chinese herbal combination has remarkable test results of clinical pharmacodynamics and high biological availability, and is free from any toxic and side effect.

A traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating constipation, acne and hyperlipidemia and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal composition for treating constipation, acne and hyperlipidemia, and a preparation method. The Chinese medicinal composition is prepared from the following Chinese medicines: rhubarb, rhizoma atractylodis macrocephalae, American ginseng, mirabilite, immature bitter orange, cynanchum otophyllum, root of Yunnan madder, cistanche deserticola and lotus leaf; and the Chinese medicinal composition has the effects of supplementing qi and activating blood circulation, and relaxing the bowels and expelling toxin, and is mainly used for treating qi deficiencyto blood stasis, pyretic toxicity accumulated inside, constipation, acne, color spots, and hyperlipidemia. Compared with the prior art, the Chinese medicinal composition has the advantages that: the formula of the Chinese medicinal composition is reasonable, the test effect of the clinical pharmacodynamics is obviously improved, and the Chinese medicinal composition has high bioavailability and does not have any toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating pruritus and urticaria and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating pruritus and urticaria and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from cocklebur fruit, broom cypress fruit, ligusticum wallichii, safflower and solanum lyratum thumb. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has functions of dispelling wind and invigorating the circulation of blood, and dispelling dampness and relieving itching, and can be mainly used for treating pruritus and urticaria. Compared with the prior art, the preparation method has more reasonable processes and substantially improves clinical pharmacodynamics test effects. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has the advantages of high bioavailability, good medicine stability and no toxic or side effect.

Blood platelet raising capsules, namely Chinese herbal combination, and preparation method of capsules

The invention relates to blood platelet raising capsules, namely a Chinese herbal combination, and a preparation method of the capsules. The Chinese herbal combination is prepared from five traditional Chinese medicines including indigo naturalis, fructus forsythia, hairyvein agrimony, moutan bark and liquorice. The Chinese herbal combination has effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials,cooling blood for hemostasis, dissipating stasis and eliminating ecchymosis, and is mainly applied to primary thrombocytopenic purpura which has the symptoms of petechia or ecchymosis all over the body, having a fever, polydipsia, scanty dark urine, constipation, or epistaxis, gum bleeding, red tongue, yellow coated tongue, and slide number or string number of vessels. The blood platelet raising capsules have remarkable test results of clinical pharmacodynamics and high biological availability, and are free from any toxic and side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating neurasthenia, and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating neurasthenia, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from the following sixteen traditional Chinese medicines: steamed sealwort, epimedium, wolfberry fruit, antler, deerhorn glue, deglued deerhorn, red ginseng, pitted jujube, tuckahoe, ophiopogon root, tortoise shell, fried wild jujube seed, magnolia vine fruit, prepared polygala root, prepared rehmannia root and cocklebur fruit. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has the efficacies of strengthening bymeans of tonics and tranquilizing and allaying excitement, and is mainly used for treating neurasthenia, headache, dizziness, amnesia, insomnia, tinnitus and the like. Compared with the prior art, the traditional Chinese medicine composition has a more reasonable process, high bioavailability, good drug stability and no toxic side effects, and is notably improved on the clinical pharmacodynamic testing effects.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for invigorating kidney and strengthening Yang and enriching essence and supplementing marrow and preparation method thereof

The invention provides a traditional Chinese medicine composition for invigorating kidney and strengthening Yang and enriching essence and supplementing marrow and a preparation method thereof.The traditional Chinese composition is prepared from herba epimedii, cornua cervi pantotrichum, salted morinda officinalis, the salted seed of Chinese dodder, salted fructus psoraleae, fried gecko, giseng, milkvetch roots and the like.Through the reasonable preparation method, the traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared into capsules and other clinically common dosage forms, and the medicine being exact in treatment effect, safe and effective and used for invigorating kidney and strengthening Yang and enriching essence and supplementing marrow is provided clinically and is worthy of being applied and popularized.

Traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating diabetes mellitus and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicinal composition for treating diabetes mellitus and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicinal composition is prepared by ten types of traditional Chinese medicines: coptis chinensis, phellodendron bark, ginseng, giant knot weed, salvia miltiorrhiza, astragalus mongholicus, cortex lycii radicis, rhizoma anemarrhenae, radix scrophulariae and rhizoma atractylodis and the like. The traditional Chinese medicinal composition is used for nourishing yin and clearing heat, tonifying qi and yin, activating blood and removing stasis, invigorating the spleen and tonifying the kidney, and mainly treats the diabetes mellitus caused by dryness-heat unbalance, weakness of the spleen and the kidney, blood stasis of collaterals and the like. In the invention, the clinical pharmacodynamic test effect is obviously improved, the process is advanced, the preparation method is simple and convenient, the content of effective ingredients is high, the preparation stability is good, the curative effect is obvious and no any toxic and side effect is caused.

Traditional Chinese medicine eye drops used for treating acute conjunctivitis and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a traditional Chinese medicine eye drops used for treating acute conjunctivitis and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine eye drops are processed and prepared from honeysuckle flower, mulberry leaf and wild chrysanthemum flower in certain proportion, have the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, eliminating red and reducing swelling and are applicable to treatment of the acute conjunctivitis. Compared with the prior art, the traditional Chinese medicine eye drops have the advantages that a process is advanced, a clinical pharmacodynamic experiment effect is more remarkable, biological availability is high and no toxic or side effect is produced.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for promoting blood circulation to stop pain, and eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration, and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for promoting blood circulation to stop pain and eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from six traditional Chinese medicines namely pseudo-ginseng, ligusticum wallichii, radix angelicae, angelica sinensis, ground beeltle and flowers carthami. The drug has the effects of promoting blood circulation to stop pain and eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration, is mainly used for treating traumatic injury, hemostasis swelling pains of muscles and bones, and rheumatic numbness. A clinical pharmacodynamic experiment shows that the traditional Chinese medicine composition is significant in effect, high in bioavailability and free of toxic and side effects.

Chinese medicine composition used for tonifying qi and spleen, tonifying kidney and calming heart and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a Chinese medicine composition used for tonifying qi and spleen, tonifying kidney and calming heart and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese medicine composition is made by processing American ginseng, herba epimedii and schisandra chinensis in certain proportion. The Chinese medicine composition is applicable to deficiency of both qi and yin, fatigued spirit caused by deficiency of heart and kidney, dizziness and insomnia, spontaneous perspiration and palpitation, soreness and weakness of waist and knees and the like. Compared with the prior art, the Chinese medicine composition has the advantages that a clinical pharmacodynamic experiment effect is more remarkable, the biological availability is high and no toxic or side effect is produced.

Chinese traditional medicine composition for clearing retardation, promoting subsidence of swelling and alleviating pain and preparation method thereof

The invention discloses a Chinese traditional medicine composition for clearing retardation, promoting the subsidence of swelling and alleviating pain and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese traditional medicine composition is prepared from folium sennae, colchicum autumnale, medicine terminalia fruit, operculina turpethum, almond, saffron and the Secretary ComforSpin Virginia fat in certain proportion. Compared with the prior art, the Chinese traditional medicine composition is more reasonable in formula and remarkable in curative effect, has the effects of clearing retardation, promoting the subsidence of swelling and alleviating pain, and is used for treating articular pain, rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and sciatica. The Chinese traditional medicine composition and preparation method thereof have the advantages of reasonable formula, advanced technique, remarkable curative effect and no toxic side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating traumatic injury and quality control method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating traumatic injury and a preparation method and a quality control method of the traditional Chinese medicine composition. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from six traditional Chinese medicines of pseudo-ginseng, ligusticum wallichii, radix angelicae, Angelica sinensis, ground beeltle and safflower carthamus; the medicine has the effects of promoting blood circulation to arrest pain and eliminating blood stasis and promoting tissue regeneration, and is mainly used to treat traumatic injury, blood stasis and swelling of muscles and bones, rheumatism and numbness. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is advanced in process, high in content of effective elements, remarkable in test effect of clinical pharmacodynamics, and high in bioavailability, and has no toxic and side effects.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition used for treating coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis, and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition used for treating coronary heart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from ten traditional Chinese medicines of mongolian milkvetch root, salvia miltiorrhiza, desertliving cistanche herb, wenchow turmeric root tuber, szechwan lovage rhizome, hawthorn, siberian solomonseal rhizome, ginkgo seed, rhubarb, and lumbricus. The traditional Chinese medicine composition provides functions of vital energy benefiting, blood circulation activating, spleen strengthening, and collaterals dredging. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is mainly used in the auxiliary treatment of Qi deficiency and blood stasis syndromes caused by coronaryheart disease and cerebral arteriosclerosis. Compared to prior arts, the clinical pharmacodynamical test effects of the traditional Chinese medicine composition are substantially improved, the bioavailability of the traditional Chinese medicine composition is high, and the traditional Chinese medicine composition brings no toxic or side-effect.

Throat stagnation eliminating Chinese medicinal composition and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a throat stagnation eliminating Chinese medicinal composition and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese medicinal composition is prepared from sixteen traditional Chinese medicines, including puffball, vinegar-treated curcuma zedoary, honeysuckle flower, water-boiled peach kernel, figwort, vinegar-treated common burreed rhizome, safflower, red-rooted salvia root, isatis root, dwarf lilyturf root, thunberg fritillary bulb, oriental waterplantain rhizome, cicada shell, fried chicken gizzard membrane, indian trum etflower seed and dandelion, has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, removing dampness through diuresis and reducing phlegm, and is mainly used for treating hoarseness, injection ofvocal cord and swelling caused by accumulation of toxic heat and qi depression to blood stasis, chronic laryngitis, vocal nodule and polyp of vocal cord. The clinical pharmacodynamic study effect of the Chinese medicinal composition is enhanced remarkably, and the Chinese medicinal composition does not have any toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating chronic hepatitis and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating chronic hepatitis and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is characterized in that four traditional Chinese medicines, namely Chinese magnoliavine fruit extract, baicalin, licorice extract, mulberry radix salviae miltiorrhizae extract are processed to prepare the composition. The traditional Chinese medicine composition has the efficacies of clearing heat, detoxicating, activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, protecting the liver, regulating the spleen, and reducing aminotransferase, is mainly used for treating persistent and chronic hepatitis, has remarkable clinical pharmacodynamic testing effect, is high in bioavailability, and has not any toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating lumbar intervertebral disc herniation and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for treating lumbar intervertebral disc herniation and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared from the following 13 traditional Chinese medicines: pseudo-ginseng, safflower, draconis resin, ground beetle, rhizoma drynariae, rhubarb root and rhizome, frankincense, myrrh, ephedra, native copper, white paeony root processed with wine, Chinese angelica processed with wine and medicated leaven. The composition has the functions of promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis and activating meridians to stop pain, and is mainly used for treating symptoms caused by blood stasis type lumbar intervertebral disc herniation such as lumbago and the like. Compared with the prior art, the composition has the advantages of reasonable component, high active ingredient content, obviously improved clinical pharmacodynamic test effect, high bioavailability and no toxic or side effect.
Owner:哈尔滨市康宝药业有限责任公司 +5

Chinese medicinal composition having effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, removing dampness through diuresis and reducing phlegm and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal composition having effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, removing dampness through diuresis and reducing phlegm and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese medicinal composition is prepared from sixteen traditional Chinese medicines, including puffball, vinegar-treated curcuma zedoary, honeysuckle flower, water-boiled peach kernel, figwort, vinegar-treated common burreed rhizome, safflower, red-rooted salvia root, isatis root, dwarf lilyturf root, thunberg fritillary bulb, oriental waterplantain rhizome, cicada shell, fried chicken gizzard membrane, indian trum etflower seed and dandelion, has the effects of clearing away heat and toxic materials, promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasis, removing dampness through diuresis and reducing phlegm, and is mainly used for treating hoarseness, injection of vocal cord and swelling caused by accumulation of toxic heat and qi depression to blood stasis, chronic laryngitis, vocal nodule and polyp of vocal cord. The clinical pharmacodynamic study effect of the Chinese medicinal composition is enhanced remarkably, and the Chinese medicinal composition does not have any toxic or side effect.

Traditional Chinese medicinal composition and preparation method of depression resolving pills

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicinal composition and a preparation method of depression resolving pills. The traditional Chinese medicinal composition is prepared through processing white peony root, radix bupleuri, Chinese angelica root, Radix Curcumae Aromaticae, Poria cocos, lily, Cortex Albiziae, licorice root, wheat and jujubes. The pills have the efficacy of coursing liver, resolving depression, nourishing heart and tranquilizing mind, and are mainly used to treat sternal rib turgor, depression uneasiness, vexation and palpitation, testiness, insomnia and dreaminess induced by liver-qi stagnation and malaise. Compared with depression resolving pills in the prior art, the depression resolving pills provided by the invention has the advantages of advanced technology, substantially improved clinic pharmacodynamic test effect, high bioacvailability, and no toxic or side effects.

Traditional Chinese drug composition for blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and preparation method thereof

The present invention relates to a traditional Chinese drug composition for blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese drug composition is prepared from the following nineteen traditional Chinese drugs: cattail pollen, salvia miltiorrhiza, rehmannia, eclipta, chrysanthemum,baikal skullcap root (charred radix scutellariae), obtuseleaf senna seed, asiatic plantain seed, common motherwort fruit, glossy privet fruit, common selfheal spike, Chinese gentian root, wenchow turmeric root tuber, common scouring rush, red peony root, tree peony root-bark, hawthorn, angelica and szechwan lovage rhizome. The traditional Chinese drug composition has effects of blood cooling, hemostasis, yin nourishing, blood stasis dissipating, liver nourishing and eyesight improving, and is mainly applicable for yin deficiency, liver hyperactivity, and subhyaloid hemorrhage caused by collateral thermal injury. Compared to the prior art, the clinical pharmacodynamics test effects of the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention are significantly increased, the bioavailability of the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention is high, and the traditional Chinese drug composition provided by the present invention does not cause any toxic and side-effect.

Traditional Chinese medicine composition for tonifying qi and invigorating blood circulation, invigorating spleen and dredging collaterals and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a traditional Chinese medicine composition for tonifying qi and invigorating blood circulation, invigorating spleen and dredging collaterals and a preparation method thereof; the traditional Chinese medicine composition is prepared by the following ten traditional Chinese medicines of radix astragali, salvia, cistanche, radix curcumae, ligusticum wallichii, hawthorn, polygonatum rhizome, gingko, rheum officinale, and lumbricus; The medicine has the efficacy of tonifying qi and invigorating blood circulation, invigorating spleen and dredging collaterals; the medicine is mainly applicable to the adjuvant therapy of qi deficiency and blood stasis syndrome including coronary heart diseases, and cerebral arteriosclerosis. Compared with the prior art, the composition ofthe invention has significantly improved clinical pharmacodynamic test effect, high bioavailability, and no toxic or side effect.

Chinese medicinal composition for clearing throat and pharynx, and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a Chinese medicinal composition for clearing throat and pharynx, and a preparation method thereof. The Chinese medicinal composition is prepared from tuckahoe, immature bitter orange (stir-fried), arisaema cum bile, cardamom, areca catechu, medicated leaven (stir-fried), ginger, oroxylum indicum, rhizoma pinellinae praeparata, pericarpium citri reticulatae viride (stir-fried), red orange, cardamine, cortex albiziae, perilla stem, periostracum cicada, and officinal magnolia bark (processed); and the medicine has the effects of soothing the liver and regulating vital energy, and reducing phlegm and clearing pharynx, and is mainly used for pharyngeal foreign body sensation, throat discomfort, and hoarseness which are caused by internal retention of phlegm dampness, stagnation of liver-qi, and hypertrophy of vocal cords. Clinical pharmacodynamics experimental effects of the Chinese medicinal composition are improved obviously, a preparation is stable, and the Chinese medicinal composition has an obvious curative effect and does not any toxic or side effects.

Chinese medicinal enteric capsules for treating medium-term and advanced tumors and chronic hepatitis B and preparation method for capsules

The invention discloses Chinese medicinal enteric capsules for treating medium-term and advanced tumors and chronic hepatitis B and a preparation method for the capsules. The capsules are prepared by processing a medicinal active ingredient prepared from dried toad skin and a medicinally acceptable carrier in a certain ratio, wherein the medicinal carrier consists of sodium carboxymethylcelluloseand starch. Compared with the prior art, the Chinese medicinal enteric capsules and the preparation method have the advantages that 60 percent ethanol is adopted for reflux extraction, so that the content of indole alkaloid and toad venom lactone which serve as active ingredients is improved, the curative effect is enhanced, the toxic or side effect of medicaments is reduced, the administration effect of a patient is remarkable, and the capsules are safe and convenient.

Bergenia scopulosa traditional Chinese medicinal composition and preparation method thereof

The invention relates to a bergenia scopulosa traditional Chinese medicinal composition and a preparation method thereof. The traditional Chinese medicinal composition is prepared from 29 traditional Chinese medicines, namely bergenia scopulosa, caryophyllaceae, cortex acanthopanacis, encommiae ulmoide, angelica, panax pseudo-ginseng, iris tectorum, aconite-leaved ampelopsis root bark, largeleaf gentian root, elecampane, cirald daphne bark, Chinese starjasmine stem, common monkshood mother root, cantonese disporum root, aconitum pendulum busch, kusnezoff monkshood root, hovenia acerba lindl, polygonum suffultum, safflower, myrrh, disporopsis fuscopicta, valerian, lycopodium clavatum, achyranthes bidentata, red-rooted salvia root, aconitum cannabifolium, Bowley Sage Root, Sambucus chinensis, polyphylla and frankincense. The bergenia scopulosa traditional Chinese medicinal composition has the effects of activating blood circulation to dissipate blood stasis, dispelling wind-evil and wetness-evil, and relieving swelling and pain, and is mainly used for treating rheumarthritis, lumbar muscle strain, fracture and soft tissue injury. The clinical pharmacodynamics test effect of the composition is obviously improved; the bioavailability is high; and the composition does not have any toxic and side effects.
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