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106 results about "Missing person" patented technology

Child locator apparatus and method

A method and apparatus for rapidly soliciting the help of nearby people in a crisis situation such as a kidnapping is disclosed. The invention allows a person such as a parent to alert people who are within a specified radius of the person to voluntarily assist in looking for a missing child, pet, elderly person or other party in the area immediately surrounding the site where the party was last seen. The system allows for this assistance to be solicited within seconds of recognition of the fact that the party is missing. The system operates over the public mobile phone network using available location based services (LBS) technology such as those mandated by the FCC for enhanced 911 mobile emergency calls. Users, once notified of the missing child, could log their locations into the system if they spot the child at a specific time after they receive the alert. The resultant child tracking record is reported to the initial caller periodically by mobile. In addition, local “hot spot” wireless networks based at retail stores, museums, amusement parks etc can also be used to specify the users' location. The alert signal received from a particular wireless hot point in a retail store, for example, would initiate a request for help in searching for the missing person to be broadcast to the same hot point in the same retail store or nearby hotspots over a network managed by a wireless hot spot aggregator or a wireless carrier.

Essential data communication system

The present invention provides a communication system forming a safety mechanism for people likely to be disoriented or lost. Using the system, a user provides personal details and defines access restrictions for that data. The access restrictions can include predefined events such s the user being reported lost. The data is disseminated to specified recipients, such as emergency services and police, when conditions of the access restrictions are met. The system has particular application to the location of missing persons.

Comprehensive traffic control system

The present invention provides a system that utilizes radio signals, cellular network and GPS technologies to provide a multi task system that deals with a variety of traffic related aspects such as intersection design systems, in-car traffic light systems, in-car traffic light system app for both drivers and pedestrians, roadside assistance and safety alert systems, high speed chase systems, roadway radar systems, law enforcement safety systems, emergency vehicles preemption systems, vehicle location logging systems, security and crime-fighting systems, missing person search systems and children in vehicles safety systems. The system consists of a number of electronic units, each one of these units perform a number of programmed functions. Examples of these units are: Police Vehicle Unit, Emergency Vehicle Unit, Vehicle Unit and Roadway Intersection Unit.

Method and apparatus for locating missing persons

A system for locating a person including a mobile transmitter removably secured to the person and a portable monitoring unit carried by a user monitoring the location of the person. The mobile transmitter receives GPS ranging signals from GPS satellites. Each of the GPS ranging signals includes an offset proportional to the distance of the mobile transmitter from the respective GPS satellite broadcasting the GPS ranging signal. The GPS ranging signals, including the respective offsets, are transmitted to the portable monitoring unit. The portable monitoring unit comprises a GPS circuit which determines the location of the mobile transmitter based on the GPS ranging signals received by the mobile transmitter, and superimposes the location of the mobile transmitter on a map displayed on the portable monitoring unit.

Coordinated autonomous vehicle automatic area scanning

Methods and systems for autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicle control, routing, and automatic feature adjustment are disclosed. Sensors associated with autonomous operation features may be utilized to search an area for missing persons, stolen vehicles, or similar persons or items of interest. Sensor data associated with the features may be automatically collected and analyzed to passively search for missing persons or vehicles without vehicle operator involvement. Search criteria may be determined by a remote server and communicated to a plurality of vehicles within a search area. In response to which, sensor data may be collected and analyzed by the vehicles. When sensor data generated by a vehicle matches the search criteria, the vehicle may communicate the information to the remote server.

Electronically tracking a path history

Methods and systems for electronically tracking the progress of teams as they cover an assigned geographic area are described herein. A server computer establishes a coverage area, divides the coverage area into a plurality of regions, and assigns each region to a team. Each team carries a tracking device capable of autonomously determining its present location without user assistance, thus allowing the team to focus on the assigned task, such as searching for a missing person, plowing a field, paving a road, etc. The server monitors the location of each tracking device as each team covers its assigned region, and updates on a visually displayed geographic map a historical path associated with each tracking device based on the monitored location of each tracking device. In this manner, users can quickly view the visual depiction of the historical to determine as yet uncovered areas.

Methods of associating an unknown biological specimen with a family

The present invention provides at least three methods of predicting whether an unknown biological specimen originates from a member of a particular family. These methods compare DNA profiles from unknown biological specimens to DNA profiles of more than one family member, which significantly increases the methods' identification ability. In particular, the invention describes combining at least a ranked first family member list and a ranked second family member list to create a combined ranked list and identifying the unknown biological specimen as one contained among a list of specimens having the highest combined rankings representing the candidates that are most likely related to the family. A second method encompasses comparing test DNA profiles from unknown biological specimens to a family pedigree comprising target DNA profiles obtained from multiple biological specimens of family members. This method also embodies using a modified Elston Stewart algorithm to determine a pedigree likelihood ratio to rank and identify the test profile of the unknown biological specimen most likely to be the missing person sought after by the corresponding family represented by the family pedigree. A third method encompasses construction of a database or directed graph of discovered or known relationships between biological specimens and comparison to a graph representing a family pedigree to identify portions of the database or directed graph that correspond to portions of the family pedigree, in order to rank or identify one or more unknown biological specimens as most likely related to one or more family pedigrees.

Unmanned aerial vehicle with biometric verification

Disclosed herein are system, method, and computer program product embodiments for locating, identifying, and tracking a known criminal, fugitive, missing person, and / or any other person of interest. An embodiment operates by deploying an unmanned aerial vehicle, determining the mode of operation of the UAV, operating the UAV in accordance with the mode of operation of the UAV, determining whether a subject has been detected, capturing a first voice sample associated with the subject, authenticating the identity of the subject, and transmitting the GPS location of the unmanned aerial vehicle to a computing device.

Method and system for remotely controlling LED display screen to play information through intelligent terminal

InactiveCN104168328AFlexible customization of play timeEasy to publishTransmissionMarketingLED displayNetwork service
The invention provides a method and system for remotely controlling an LED display screen to play information through an intelligent terminal. A two-dimensional code is arranged on the LED display screen. The intelligent terminal scans the two-dimensional code and then has access to an assigned website. By means of the intelligent terminal, content to be issued is input, the LED display screen and the play time are selected, and the content, the LED display screen and the play time are submitted to a network server. After the verification is passed, expenses are paid through the intelligent terminal, and the network server sends the information, submitted to the network server through the intelligent terminal and needing to be sent to the LED display screen, to the assigned LED display screen to the played. According to the method and the system, a user scans the two-dimensional code arranged on the LED display screen through the intelligent terminal, the customized information of the user can be autonomously and flexibly pushed to the LED display screen assigned by the user to be played, application of the LED display screen is greatly expanded, and information such as advertisements, notices for missing persons and the like can be conveniently issued through the LED display screen.

Missing person seeking system and implementation method for seeking missing person

The invention relates to a missing person seeking system and an implementation method for seeking a missing person. The missing person seeking system comprises a relative client, a user client and a server, wherein the relative client is used for uploading a reference photo of the missing person to the sever; the user client is used for shooting a clue photo of the missing person and uploading the clue photo to the server; and the server is used for storing the clue photo and the reference photo, calculating the matching degree of the clue photo and the reference photo, judging whether the clue photo and the reference photo are matched, and sending the matching result to the relative client and the user client. The missing person seeking system enables the public to participate in search and rescue so as to seek the missing child more effectively.

Finding Missing Persons by Learning Features for Person Attribute Classification Based on Deep Learning

An embodiment of the invention provides a method for finding missing persons by learning features for person attribute classification based on deep learning. A first component of a neural network identifies geographic locations of training images; and, a second component of the neural network identifies weather information for each of the identified geographic locations. A third component of the neural network generates image pairs from the training images. For each image pair of the image pairs, the third component of the neural network determines whether images of the image pair include the same person. The neural network generates neural network parameters with the identified geographic locations, the weather information for each of the identified geographic locations, and the determination of whether the images of the image pairs include the same person.

Kinship analysis program for missing persons and mass disaster

A kinship analysis program for missing persons and mass disasters for kinship and missing persons analyses. The inventive device includes consensusG, Kinship Indices, Matching, cross-checking, pedigree that performs the following: Extract a list of unique victims' genotypes from the remains or missing persons database, make perfect matches to personal effect, identify next-of-kin related to a victim, make matches through parentage trios, confirm consistency of family pedigrees, exclude nearly all fortuitous hits on the basis of the SM scoring performance of the entire family of the relative that triggered the fortuitous hit, make matches despite the known existence of errors in sample names and reported relationships, flag samples with inconsistent reported relationships, display matches in their context, so that “close-calls” are brought to the attention of the data reviewer. An algorithm which reduces very large collections of complete / partial STR (Short Tandem Repeats) genotypes derived from the remains down to a restricted number of consensus genotypes believed to reflect the many different victims. An algorithm which calculates Kinship Indices through a segregated score approach and likelihood ratio calculations through a linkage to the KinTest software. An algorithm which contrasts the consensus genotypes against the data set of genotypes from next-of-kin and personal effects for direct matches to personal effects, for evidence of genetic relatedness to kin through the Kinship Indices, or for successful production of a parentage trio with any two members of the next-of-kin cohort. An algorithm which cross-checks matches to parentage trios against other kinship scoring results between the victim and other members of the same family to confirm that the purported family structure is consistent with Mendelian inheritance rules. A schematic diagram describing the relationship of the relatives to a matched victim. A user interface that is accessible to a broader range of users.

Monitoring system

The invention discloses a monitoring system comprising a background server (2) and at least one camera terminal (1). Each camera terminal (1) comprises a control module (11), a camera (12) connected with the control module (11) and used for acquiring a video file, a locating module (13) used for acquiring position information corresponding to the video file, a time module (14) used for acquiring time information corresponding to the video file, and a first communication module (15) used for communicating with the background server (2). The camera terminal (1) sends a video file, position information corresponding to the video file and time information corresponding to the video file to the background server (2) according to a control instruction of the background server (2). The monitoring system of the invention can be applied to public security monitoring, large market monitoring and the like, is used for searching missing persons, escaped prisoners and the like, can perform time and position locating on a person needing to be searched and timely acquire position and time information of the person in real time so as to facilitate real-time tracking on the person, and is highly practical.

Method and apparatus for mobile disaster victim identification

Mobile telecommunications or personal computing apparatus may be specially programmed for predicting whether an unknown biological specimen of an individual to be identified originates from or is related to a member of a particular family. The apparatus may comprise an input device including a barcode reader and a virtual touch screen keyboard whereby DNA profile or mass spectrometry test data may be entered among other data for an individual to be identified, for example, a missing person, victim, crime perpetrator or other unknown individual in hypothetical relationship to another individual or to a family pedigree of typed family members. The typed family pedigree in relation to the individual to be identified in hypothetical relation may be displayed on an output display of the apparatus including at least two different profile typing indicators for each displayed member of the pedigree.

System, method of portable USB key interfaced to computer system for facilitating the recovery and/or identification of a missing person having person's unique identification, biological information

A system, method, and software for facilitating the identification and recovery of missing persons. In one aspect, the invention is a system comprising a portable device comprising a computer memory medium and means for interfacing with a computer system having a display device; a software program loaded on said computer memory medium, said software comprising means for receiving data indicative of a person's unique identification information, means for storing said received data on said computer memory medium, said computer memory containing data indicative of said person's unique identification information stored thereon, and means for displaying said stored data on said display device when said portable device is interfaced to the computer system. The invention stores all necessary data identification data for a person in a single location for ease of access and distribution to authorities in time of crisis.

Location identification balloon system

A location identification balloon system for use by lost or injured hikers and the like that includes a balloon filled with helium that is secured with a tether and allowed to float above the tree level to allow a search plane or helicopter to readily locate the missing person. Cause the balloon to provide a flickering effect, the balloon has a number of air capturing pockets that cause the balloon to spin in the wind. The balloon and tether are attached by a swivel to allow the balloon to spin freely. The balloon is filled by pulling on a spool driven compression mechanism to cause a compression plate to compress the sealed tip end of a pressurized helium canister over the piercing tube end of a valve.

Personal safety check-in and follow-up system and method

An automated check-in and follow-up membership service, the use of which enhances personal safety. So long as membership is current, the system and method of the service allow a member to create, modify and digitally store member-entered information as a member profile, including specific follow-up contact preference periods. The service then provides the member space within a database in which to store a member-created check-in message, and, in the event timely check-in by the member does not occur, the service provides a series of automated follow-up based on the contact preferences pre-selected by the member. The service could ultimately provide a missing person's report to an appropriate party on a member's behalf, and the member profile information could be used by authorities as an additional tool when searching for a missing person.

Method for Confirming the Identity of an Individual While Shielding that Individual's Personal Data

A method for confirming the identity of an individual while shielding that individual's personal data. At least one biometric such as the image of the iris of an individual is captured and stored in a database. A unique identification code is assigned to the biometric without reference to the first individual's personal information. A subsequent biometric data collect is compared with the contents of the database. If a match between the subsequent biometric is found with the original biometric, the system transmits the identification code corresponding to the matched biometric. In a second aspect of the invention, in order to protect the privacy of individuals, the unique identification code is encrypted such that only the individual to whom the biometric belongs holds the de-encryption key. In a third aspect of the invention also intended to protect the privacy of individuals, a non-unique group identification code is assigned to the biometric. Preferably, in the case where the biometric used is the iris, the system replaces enrollment and live iris images with iris templates and bases comparisons on these templates, rather than storing / comparing actual images. The system is adapted to assist in locating missing persons and in verifying transactions. If an individual is missing and a live iris template is matched to that person's stored template, the system automatically contacts another individual.

Communications utility with integrated mapping grid

An electronic notification protocol using both proprietary and open-source architecture to improve emergency search outcomes and enhance the probability of locating a missing person by privately registered system users and emergency support personnel. A series of electronic, copyrighted database files and forms support and expedite both the registered data files and the required communication workflow via standard computer networks and mobile peripheral devices. An electronic mapping component is also utilized to depict the most likely elopement locations based upon historical statistics and proprietarily integrated algorithms, while specific signage icons can be embedded into the electronic mapping grid to identify relative risk scenarios surrounding the most probable elopement locations. The application core is a system of integrated web services and proprietary software coding dictating data authentication, access, logic, configuration, user interface control, third party data translation, and relational communications. A historical tracking log also provides real-time communication updates to registered participants.

Missing person rapid positioning method and device based on image matching, and medium

The invention relates to the field of artificial intelligence, and discloses a missing person rapid positioning method and device based on image matching, a medium and electronic equipment. The methodcomprises the steps of obtaining face information, missing time information and missing position information of missing persons in a person searching enlightenment issued by a user; According to themissing time information and the missing position information, determining a target camera for tracking the missing person and a picture extraction time period of the target camera; Receiving a picture shot by the target camera in the picture extraction time period; Matching the received photo with the face information; Responding to successful matching of the photo and the face information of themissing person, and obtaining time information of the shot photo and position information of a camera; And predicting the real-time position range of the missing person according to the time information of the shot picture and the position information of the camera. In conclusion, the method enhances the pertinence of obtaining pictures, reduces the task load of face picture matching, and improves the efficiency of finding missing persons.

Mobile phone type multi-modal biological characteristic multidimensional-code encrypted identity card

An identity card used at present is simple in information, erroneous judgment always occurs when the reality of the identified card and the authentication consistency of an identified card holder and the identified card are judged, and inconvenience is brought to case solution and social management work. According to a mobile phone type multi-modal biological characteristic multidimensional-code encrypted identity card, the basic information, the biological characteristic information and the associated information of natural people are stored on a chip, identified card information is conveniently read out through the mobile phone functions of storing information, reading information and communicating, the identified card information can also be automatically compared with a population database, a fugitive database, a missing person database, a criminal database and other information stored in an identified card authentication device of a public security organization in real time, comparison results are sent to a corresponding mobile phone, and an alarm system is started when the identity information of a fugitive is received. The electronic identified card has great practical significance for improving the working efficiency of police officers and promoting social management innovation.

ProtectEM (Domestic Abuse and Emergency App)

ProtectEM is a mobile application created to provide emergency (911) services to individuals in cases of domestic abuse, rape, kidnapping, sexual assaults, and any other form of un-provoked violence. The app can be downloaded from regular app stores to any mobile device, or can be embedded into wearable device / accessories like earrings, watches, necklaces, clothing, skin patches, or electronic tattoos etc., which can be easily activated in an emergency to alert emergency responders that the wearer is in danger and needs help. It would also beam the wearers' exact location so that responders can quickly get to the scene. The physical accessories can be configured to start taking pictures of the attacker and immediate surroundings, and / or to start recording audio (which could assist responders in understanding the nature of the attack. In case of missing persons, a friend, care-taker, or next-of-kin can remotely activate the accessory so as to assist in locating the individual quickly.

Automated decision support for associating an unknown biological specimen with a family

Three methods of predicting whether an unknown biological specimen of a missing person originates from a member of a particular family comprise an initial automated decision support (ADS) algorithm for determining a list of relatives of the missing person for DNA typing and which typing technologies of available technologies to use for a listed relative. The ADS algorithm may be implemented on computer apparatus including a processor and an associated memory. The ADS method comprises determining a set of relatives of available family member relatives for DNA typing via a processor from a stored list of family member relatives according to one of a rule base, a table of hierarchically stored relatives developed based on discriminatory power or by calculating the discriminatory power for available family relatives to type. The ADS method may further comprise comparing at least one set of DNA typing data for the unknown biological specimen to DNA typing data from biological specimens from the determined set of relatives; calculating by the processor a likelihood function that the person is related to the family; and outputting a decision whether or not the person is related to the family.

Business model for recovery of missing goods, persons, of fugitives or disbursements of unclaimed goods using the internet

A method and apparatus using the worldwide web portal site to provide, publish and maintain a database for missing / stolen items and missing persons / fugitives. The method and apparatus further utilize this database as a backbone for an internet portal, providing for automated contact of interested parties, automated e-commerce for replacement of assets, and immediate distribution of published information. The invention allows for extracting information from entered police reports to create an all encompassing database, and provides a method for deterring the selling of stolen items, increasing the potential of recovering stolen or missing items, and simplifying the claim processing process and finding missing persons and fugitives.

Missing person positioning method, cloud server and positioning system

The invention discloses a missing person positioning method, a cloud server and a positioning system. According to the method, after the human body feature information and the geographical location information of a missing person are acquired, the acquired human body feature information is compared with pre-stored human body feature information to identify the identity information of the missing person; if the identification is successful, identification time and the geographical location information are sent to a personal account corresponding to the missing person; and when the relatives of the missing person login the personal account of the missing person, the search range of the missing person is locked through the information. According to the invention, missing person identity information identification is based on automatic human body feature information identification; the identification efficiency is improved compared with human eye identification; and the identification time, the geographical location information and the like of the missing person are simultaneously recorded, which is convenient for people to quickly find the missing person.

Offroad search and rescue vehicle

The invention is directed to an apparatus to attract a missing person in a search and rescue operation. The apparatus includes a vehicle having a body; a plurality of equipment for use in response to a search and rescue emergency disposed within and on the vehicle, the plurality including a siren and a beacon; a power source for powering at least the siren and the beacon; and a circuit coupled to the siren and the beacon for controlling the siren and the beacon.

Methods of associating an unknown biological specimen with a family

The present invention provides at least three methods of predicting whether an unknown biological specimen originates from a member of a particular family. These methods compare DNA profiles from unknown biological specimens to DNA profiles of more than one family member, which significantly increases the methods' identification ability. In particular, the invention describes combining at least a ranked first family member list and a ranked second family member list to create a combined ranked list and identifying the unknown biological specimen as one contained among a list of specimens having the highest combined rankings representing the candidates that are most likely related to the family. A second method encompasses comparing test DNA profiles from unknown biological specimens to a family pedigree comprising target DNA profiles obtained from multiple biological specimens of family members. This method also embodies using a modified Elston Stewart algorithm to determine a pedigree likelihood ratio to rank and identify the test profile of the unknown biological specimen most likely to be the missing person sought after by the corresponding family represented by the family pedigree. A third method encompasses construction of a database or directed graph of discovered or known relationships between biological specimens and comparison to a graph representing a family pedigree to identify portions of the database or directed graph that correspond to portions of the family pedigree, in order to rank or identify one or more unknown biological specimens as most likely related to one or more family pedigrees.
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