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291 results about "Client cache" patented technology

Client cache is simply RAM cache for client PC which used client's RAM to cache read/write data. When the client cache gets full, it will be flushed to the server as writeback data to the writeback disk. This way, client cache provides better performance for the diskless client and also reduce the load on server writeback disk.

Accelerating user interfaces by predicting user actions

A client assistant, sometimes called a browser helper, runs on a client computer. The client assistant monitors a user's browsing activities and infers one or more next documents that are most likely to be requested by the user. The client assistant attempts to locate a fresh copy of the inferred next document within a client cache. If a fresh copy of the inferred document is not found in the client cache, the client assistant submits a document download request to a document server.

Truth on client persistent caching

The present invention provides a novel client side caching (CSC) infrastructure that supports transition states at the directory level to facilitate a seamless operation across connectivity states between client and remote server. More specifically, persistent caching is performed to safeguard the user (e.g., client) and / or the client applications across connectivity interruptions and / or bandwidth changes. This is accomplished in part by caching to a client data store the desirable file(s) together with the appropriate file access parameters. Moreover, the client maintains access to cached files during periods of disconnect. Furthermore, portions of a path can be offline while other portions upstream can remain online. CSC operates on the logical path which cooperates with DFS which operates on the physical path to keep track of files cached, accessed and changes in the directories. In addition, truth on the client is facilitated whether or not a conflict of file copies exists.

Efficient algorithm and protocol for remote differential compression

A method and system are related to updating objects over limited bandwidth networks. Objects are updated between two or more computing devices using remote differential compression (RDC) techniques such that required data transfers are minimized. In one aspect, efficient large object transfers are achieved by recursively applying the RDC algorithm to its own metadata; a single or multiple recursion step(s) may be used in this case to reduce the amount of metadata sent over the network by the RDC algorithm. Objects and / or signature and chunk length lists can be chunked by locating boundaries at dynamically determined locations. A mathematical function evaluates hash values associated within a horizon window relative to potential chunk boundary. The described method and system is useful in a variety of networked applications, such as peer-to-peer replicators, email clients and servers, client-side caching systems, general-purpose copy utilities, database replicators, portals, software update services, file / data synchronization, and others.

System and method for patch enabled data transmissions

A system and method relating to techniques to efficiently update data transmissions, and more particularly to a system and method for using patch enabling Web traffic or Web Internet transmissions, using existing infrastructure so that “difference” information can be sent to an application rather than a complete updated data set, therefore increasing the effective bandwidth along the transmission medium / channel. A proxy server tracks previous versions of content being sent to various clients. In the case where this is new data to the requesting client, then the proxy server sends back the most recent version of this data to the client. If the requested data is an updated version of something already stored in cache on the client side (i.e., data already known to be sent to the client), then the proxy server runs a differencing algorithm and generates a binary patch file identifying steps to perform to update the information. If there is no version of the requested information already on server side and client side, then the entire information packet is sent to the client. Both the server and client must be “patch-enabled”.

Method and system for scrollable cursors

A method and system for implementing scrollable cursors is described. A multi-tier caching structure is maintained, in which a partial result set is cached at the client computer and a more-complete result set is cached at the server computer. If the cursor is scrolled in either the forward or backward directions, the partial result set cached at the client computer is first checked to see if requested data is present. If so, then the requested data is fetched from the client cache and the current position of the cursor is moved to the appropriate position in the result set. If the requested data is not present in the client cache, then those data items are fetched from the cache at the server computer.

Indicator to show that a cached file is being displayed on a client system

A modified client application within a network for use in accessing and displaying cached files. The modified client application has access to a client cache in which a copy of files downloaded from the network server is stored. When a particular file is requested, logic components within the client application determine if the requested file is resident in the client cache. If the requested file is resident in the client cache, the file is displayed within the graphical user interface (GUI) of the requesting application along with an indicator by which the user is notified that the displayed file is a cached file. Different indicator types are possible, including a cache message button which is displayed within the application GUI, and a color coded scheme which causes the file or fileile border to be displayed in a different color whenever the displayed file is cached.

Systems and methods for avoiding server push of objects already cached at a client

This patent document describes, among other things, methods, apparatus, and systems for tracking those resources that a server has pushed to a client, e.g., using the HTTP 2.0 or other server push mechanism. Pushed resources may be cached at the client. By tracking such pushed resources, a server can avoid pushing such cached resources in response to subsequent requests from that client; doing so would be wasteful if the client already has the resource cached. Among other things, techniques for storing, encoding, organizing, and managing data about pushed resources in cookies are disclosed.

Useability features in on-line delivery of applications

Systems, methods, and computer program products for enhancing useability of on-line delivered applications. Access control is provided by generating and delivering an activation key to a client whenever the client seeks access to an application. A security process, integral to the application, validates the key. With respect to displaying information, a client inserts itself between the application and the renderer. This allows the client to provide information to the renderer for display to the user. In addition, content at a client can be upgraded or downgraded by providing only modified blocks to the client. The client saves blocks that reflect locally updated information. The efficient caching of blocks in persistent memory of a client is also described. Blocks in the client's cache are sequenced according to a calculated discard priority that depends on the most recent usage of each block and it's frequency of usage. Newly downloaded blocks are cached if space is available. Otherwise, previously cached blocks are discarded based on discard priority until sufficient space is available.

System and method for operating a client network computer in a disconnected mode by establishing a connection to a fallover server implemented on the client network computer

A system and method of operating a client network computer in a disconnected mode. A client computer system includes a client storage device, a processor, a network interface, a failover server and a software manager. The processor is configured to execute software instructions stored in the client storage device. The network interface is configured to connect the client computer system to a remote network server unit. A failover server implemented on the client computer system is configured to provide functionality similar to the remote network server unit by accessing a copy of a network database file stored on the client storage device. A software manager stored in the client storage device is configured to cause the client computer system to connect to the remote network server unit if the remote network server unit is available or to cause the client computer system to connect to the failover server if the remote network server unit is not available. The remote network server unit is configured to provide a client cache image file to the client computer system. The client cache image file contains information, such as a copy of the operating system, a copy of client boot configuration files and a copy of the network database file, which causes the client computer system environment to appear to a user as though the client computer system is connected to the remote network server unit when the client computer system is actually connected to the failover server.

Persistent caching directory level support

The present invention provides a novel client side caching (CSC) infrastructure that supports transition states at the directory level to facilitate a seamless operation across connectivity states between client and remote server. More specifically, persistent caching is performed to safeguard the user (e.g., client) and / or the client applications across connectivity interruptions and / or bandwidth changes. This is accomplished in part by caching to a client data store the desirable file(s) together with the appropriate file access parameters. Moreover, the client maintains access to cached files during periods of disconnect. Furthermore, portions of a path can be offline while other portions upstream can remain online. CSC operates on the logical path which cooperates with DFS which operates on the physical path to keep track of files cached, accessed and changes in the directories. In addition, truth on the client is facilitated whether or not a conflict of file copies exists.

Hierarchical tile-based data structure for efficient client-server publishing of data over network connections

In a system of a client and a server, the server stores three dimensional CAD data in a cache. The CAD data is stored in the cache in levels of detail further divided into tiles. When a client receives a request from a user to view part of a CAD file, the client determines which portion of the CAD file is being viewed, and at what resolution. The client then checks a client cache for tiles already stored for the desired view. The client requests the view data from the server by providing to the server the client's resolution, the boundary of the viewing area and a list of tiles that the client already has. The server uses the request information to return to the client only the data that is needed for the client's resolution and that is not already stored on the client.

System and method of accessing a document efficiently through multi-tier web caching

The present invention is directed to a client-server network system implementing a multi-tier caching strategy for a user to access a document efficiently. The system comprises a client cache assistant serving as proxy for web browsers, a remote cache server managing user-requested documents and a search engine repository storing a huge number of documents as a backup for the remote cache server. Upon receipt of a document request, the client cache assistant examines its client cache to identify the requested document. If not successful, the remote cache server then identifies a copy of the requested document in its own cache and transmits a content difference between the two copies to the client cache assistant. If the server copy is still not fresh or not found, the remote cache server seeks another copy of the requested document from the search engine repository and transmits another content difference to the client cache assistant. The client cache assistant merges the content differences and the original copy into a new copy of the requested document.

Offline source code control

A source code control architecture. A client user checks out a copy of a source code file to the client using a file checkout process. A client cache maintains a pristine copy of the file, and a client activity list maintains a list of commands executed during the offline mode to effect modifications to the copy. The client cache contains a pristine copy of all source code files that are modified or deleted in a local client workspace. The cache is maintained whether the user is online or offline. When the user is offline, the cache is utilized to facilitate many of the activities that historically would require server connectivity. The command activity list allows a developer to continue changing the source code while offline by automatically recording the executed commands. The offline commands are reconciled to the server, and used to update the server file(s) when the client returns online.

Method for storing and processing small log type files in Hadoop distributed file system

The invention relates to the field of an HDFS of a computer, and discloses a method for storing and processing small log type files in a Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS). According to the method, files are combined in a nearby mode according to physical locations, and a Copy-On-Write mechanism is used for optimizing read-write of the small files; specifically, the small log type files are combined in a nearby mode according to a physical path, a client side reads and writes the combined files from a NameNode and Metadata information of indexes of the combined files when reading and writing the small log type files, and then all the small log type file data are read and written from the combined files according to the indexes of the combined files. According to the new processing method of the small log type files, the memory load of the metadata of the small files are transmitted to the client side from the NameNode, and the problem that when the HDFS processes a large number of small files, efficiency is low is effectively solved. The client side caches the metadata of the small files, so that the speed of access to the small files is improved, and a user does not need to send a metadata request to the NameNode when sequentially accessing small files which are adjacent in physical location.

Data cache techniques in support of synchronization of databases in a distributed environment

A method for synchronizing a database server to a current status of a client database using data cache techniques is provided. Upon initiating synchronization, the database server receives an identification of a client connection, and creates a server-cache-table having a structure that is compatible with the client database. Database records from a corresponding client-cache-table are received through the client connection and inserted into the server-cache-table. The server-cache-table is merged into the database server. Similar cache-tables can be utilized to synchronize data from the database server to the client. Optionally, a parent-cache-table can be created on the server and populated with records associated with the identified client. Queries and other database operations during synchronization can be performed over the parent-cache-table to further optimize performance.

Resource file inquiry method and system based on server and client caches

The invention discloses a resource file inquiry method and system based on server and client caches, and belongs to the technical field of information digital processing. The method comprises the following steps: when a user requests to acquire required resources, checking whether or not resource list data to be inquired exists in a client local cache; if the resource list data to be inquired exists in the client local cache, and the timestamp of the data is unexpired, directly reading corresponding resource list data in the cache, and transmitting the read resource list data to a client for displaying; and if the resource list data to be inquired does not exist in the client local cache or the resource list data to be inquired exists in client local cache but the timestamp of the data is expired, sending an acquisition request to an institution server, a center server or a back-end web server in sequence. Through the method and the system, the occupation of network bandwidth and server resources is greatly reduced while the resource acquisition instantaneity of a user is ensured.

Client side caching of printer configuration

A server-client system is configured to store, on a client, server configuration information relating to a peripheral device connected at the client and parameter settings for the peripheral device. The information is updated as changes occur. After the client has been disconnected from the system and the peripheral device uninstalled, the peripheral device is automatically installed and the parameter settings restored without requiring significant user interaction when the client reconnects. The automatic installation and restoring is performed even if the client is connected to a different server than it was originally.

Adaptive control method of multi-rate media stream based on hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) streaming

The invention provides an adaptive control method of multi-rate media stream based on hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) streaming, and relates to the technical field of media transfer. The adaptive control method is applied to a multi-rate adaptive transmission system based on HTTP streaming. The adaptive control method comprises the following steps: a client side requests a media stream slice through an HTTP and meanwhile estimates the current available bandwidth according to the bit rate, duration and receipt time for the current media stream slice; the client side estimates the current cached play time according to the difference value of request time for two continuous media stream slices and the difference value of timestamps; and the client side determines the quality grade of next media stream slice requested according to the current available bandwidth and the cached play time. The adaptive control method has the beneficial effects that bandwidth is effectively utilized and user experiences are enhanced maximally.

Methods and systems for implementing a cache model in a prefetching system

The present invention relates to systems and methods of enhancing prefetch operations. One potential method comprises fetching an object from a page on a web server. The method may further include storing, at a proxy server, caching instructions for the fetched object. The proxy server may be connected with the client and the object is cached at the client. Furthermore, the method may include identifying a prefetchable reference to the fetched object in a subsequent web page and using the caching instructions stored on the proxy server to determine if a fresh copy of the object will be requested by the client. Further, the method may include, based on the determination that the object will be requested, sending a prefetch request for the object using an If-Modified-Since directive, and transmitting a response to the If-Modified-Since directive prefetch request to a proxy client. The proxy client may then either serve the response to the client or a copy of the object stored at the proxy client, depending on the request for the object from the client.

Webpage resource cache control method, device and system

The invention is suitable for the network technology field and provides a webpage resource cache control method, device and system. The method comprises the following steps: rendering a webpage resource according to the access request of a client and setting a rendering identifier by a server, wherein the rendering identifier is used for identifying the update information of the webpage resource; generating a webpage document containing the rendering identifier; and sending the webpage document to the client so that the client judges whether the webpage resource is updated by the server according to the rendering identifier contained in the webpage document. The method, the device and the system provided by the invention have the following beneficial effects: by rendering the webpage resource needed by the client at the server to identify the update condition of the webpage resource, the client instantly judges whether the webpage resource can be uploaded from a client cache in the obtained webpage document, thus effectively considering both effective utilization of the client cache and timely update of the webpage resource.

Method and apparatus for correlating nameserver IPv6 and IPv4 addresses

A method of correlating nameserver addresses is implemented in a multi-tier name server hierarchy comprising a first level authority for a domain, and one or more second level authorities to which the first level authority delegates with respect to a particular sub-domain associated with the domain. Preferably, the first level authority is IPv4-based and at least one second level authority is IPv6-based. The first level authority responds to a request issued by a client caching nameserver (a “CCNS”) and returns an answer that includes both IPv4 and IPv6 authorities for the domain. The CCNS is located at an IPv4 source address that is passed along to the first level authority with the CCNS request. According to a feature of this disclosure, the first level authority encodes the CCNS IPv4 source address in the IPv6 destination address of at least one IPv6 authority. Then, when the CCNS then makes a follow-on IPv6 request (with respect to the sub-domain) directed to the IPv6 authority, the IPv6 authority knows both the IPv6 address of the CCNS (by virtue of having received it in association with the request) as well as its IPv4 address (by virtue of the encoding). The IPv6 authority maintains the IPv4-IPv6 correlation. Over time (i.e., as other CCNSs make requests), the IPv6 authority builds up a database of these CCNS IPv6-IPv4 associations.

Cache management method and system for block-level data

The invention discloses a cache management method and a cache management system for block-level data, wherein the method comprises the following steps: adding an SSD (solid state disk) as a second-level cache between a first-level cache and a disk array of a storage server; when a client side sends a writing request, writing a data block into the second-level cache having a free space if the judgment is performed that the data block required to be written does not exist in a client side cache, a first-level cache of a home terminal and a second-level cache of the home terminal; when the client side sends a reading request, reading the data block from the disk array to the second-level cache if the judgment is performed that the data block required to be read does not exist in the client side cache, the first-level cache of the home terminal and the second-level cache of the home terminal; and floating the data block in the second-level cache upwards to the client side cache if the judgment is performed that the data block required to be read exists in the second-level cache. According to the cache management method and the cache management system, the redundancy of the data block of the client side in the system is reduced.

Hierarchical metadata cache control method of distributed file system

The invention discloses a hierarchical metadata cache control method of a distributed file system, which is used for grading different client side cache access behaviors. The hierarchical metadata cache control method comprises the following steps of: 1, receiving a directory access request from a client side by a metadata server side, carrying out statistic analysis; 2, judging according to a result of the statistic analysis, determining a corresponding metadata grading cache policy; and 3, feeding back according to the determined cache policy and judging to complete the metadata cache control. According to the invention, high cost of call back during high sharing is reduced, and consistency and reliability of metadata of the whole system are improved.
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