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403 results about "Care-of address" patented technology

Used in Internet routing, a care-of address (usually referred to as CoA) is a temporary IP address for a mobile device. This allows a home agent to forward messages to the mobile device. A separate address is required because the IP address of the device that is used as host identification is topologically incorrect—it does not match the network of attachment. The care-of address splits the dual nature of an IP address, that is, its use is to identify the host and the location within the global IP network.

Method and system capable of providing mobility support for IPv4/IPv6 inter-networking

A method and system capable of providing mobility support for IPv4 / IPv6 inter-networking to a mobile node is disclosed. The mobile node in the system has an address mapper, an IPv4 protocol stack and an IPv6 protocol stack in the network layer. When moving from IPv4 to IPv6 networks, the mobile node registered an IPv4 address receives router advertisement packets from an IPv6 router, so as to obtain a IPv6 care-of-address, and resolve the IPv6 care-of-address by an IPv4 care-of-address. The address mapper issues an IPv4 message to register the IPv4 care-of-address. When moving from IPv6 to IPv4 networks, the mobile node registered an IPv6 address receives agent advertisement messages from a foreign agent, so as to obtain an IPv4 care-of-address, resolve the IPv4 care-of-address by an IPv6 care-of-address. The address mapper issues an IPv6 message to register and update binding information by the IPv6 care-of-address.

Packet transfer control device and mobile node

A technique is disclosed, by which it is possible to perform retransmission control of a packet effective for a mobile node in a home agent. According to this technique, after being intercepted, among the packets encapsulated and transmitted and addressed to MN 10, MN 10 selects a packet to be transferred to a specific care-of address at HA, a packet having a specific flow information, or a packet transmitted to a specific correspondent node (e.g. CN 40). Then, MN 10 requests HA to perform buffering on the selected packets when the selected packets are to be transferred. As a result, even when the connection of MN is turned to unstable and the packet cannot reach MN from HA, HA can transfer the packet currently in buffering. This makes it possible to reduce the delay of the packet to reach MN compared with a case where the packet is retransmitted from CN.

Methods and systems for a generalized mobility solution using a dynamic tunneling agent

Methods and systems are provided for facilitating intra-domain mobility. A first network or domain includes a home agent or SIP proxy of a mobile node. A second network includes two or more subnetworks and at least one dynamic tunneling agent (DTA). Each subnetwork includes an associated subnet agent. To communicate, the mobile node first registers with a subnet agent, receives a local care-of-address and a global care-of-address, and then registers with a DTA. The local care-of-address received from the subnet agent may enable communication with the mobile node without determining a specific route to the mobile node. The global care-of-address received from the subnet agent may include the address of the DTA with which to register. On registering with the DTA, the DTA may provide the mobile node with a unique, globally reachable global care-of-address, which the mobile node may then forward to a home agent, SIP proxy, or a correspondent node. Accordingly, the mobile node may transition from any of the subnetworks to another subnetwork without communicating to the home agent information about the transition and without communicating to the DTA information about a security association between the mobile node and the home agent.

Method and program code for communicating with a mobile node through tunnels

Location update messages for a mobile node can be made interceptible by routers which form tunnels for communication with the mobile node. A correspondent agent intercepts a Binding Update with a Router Alert and binds the address of the mobile node with a care of address for the mobile node provided in the Binding Update. The correspondent agent will thereafter intercept messages from its correspondent host destined for the mobile node and redirect them to the care of address thereby bypassing the home agent of the mobile node. A border router intercepts a Registration Request with Router Alert and binds the address of the mobile node with a care of address for the mobile node. If a binding existed previously, then the border router terminates the Request. Otherwise, the Request is forwarded to the home agent of the mobile node after substituting its own address for the care of address.

Method and apparatus for providing IP mobility for mobile networks and detachable mobile network nodes

An IP mobility solution for mobile network(s) (110) defining mobile routers (112) detachably connected to one or more mobile network nodes (116). When attached to the mobile router, the mobile network nodes create a binding between their home address and a home address of their attached mobile router. The mobile router creates a binding between its mobile subnet prefix (or home address) and a care of address. The bindings are sent to various correspondent nodes (126) having sent packets non-optimally to the mobile network nodes. The bindings are updated, as appropriate, responsive to movement of the mobile network to other networks, including other mobile networks, and / or responsive to the mobile nodes detaching from the mobile network and roaming independently to other networks, including other mobile networks. The correspondent nodes store the bindings and updates, if any, in a binding cache (208) and consult the binding cache to determine how packets should be directed on next attempt(s) to reach the mobile network node.

QoS signaling for mobile IP

A quality of service (QoS) signaling packet for arranging QoS connections upon handoff between a mobile node (MN) and a correspondent node (CN) using Internet Protocol (IP), the signaling packet includes one or more QoS flow requirements, one or more classifier parameters, QoS session identification information composed of a previous QoS session ID, a new QoS session ID, and a sequence number. The QoS session IDs are used for establishing a new data path and for added security against spoofing, can be composed of a key-based signature combination of a mobile node's new care of address (CoA) and the sequence number. The packet may also include a previous node address and a cookie, both of which are inserted by a previous node. The previous router address is used for backtracking communications and establishing / updating flow tables while the cookie is used for authentification of node-to-node messages.

Methods in Mixed Network and Host-Based Mobility Management

A first aspect of the invention relates to a method for verifying an attachment of a mobile node to a network element in a network. A second aspect of the invention relates to a method to be implemented in a mobility anchor node, which detects whether a race condition between registration messages occurs and resolves the most recent location of a mobile node. A third aspect of the invention relates to a method for detecting whether a binding cache entry for a mobile at a correspondent node has been spoofed and to a method for registering a care-of address of a mobile node at a correspondent node. A fourth aspect of the invention relates to a method for providing from a mobile node to a local mobility anchor information on an attachment of a mobile node to a network element.

DHCP over mobile IP

A protocol that enables an 802 mobile host to obtain a “home IP address,” and other configuration parameters via DHCP or BOOTP, while attached to either its home subnet or a foreign subnet. Inner and outer encapsulation headers are used to forward DHCP messages from a DHCP server outbound through a “forward tunnel,” to a mobile host on a foreign subnet and are also used to forward DHCP messages from a mobile host on a foreign subnet inbound through a “reverse tunnel” to the home subnet. A mobile host must add an inner encapsulation header to inbound DHCP packets with the source IP address set to 0 to indicate that the packet is from a mobile host that does not have a registered home IP address. Outer encapsulation headers contain the home address and the care-of address for the mobile host.

Mobile node

A mobile node is arranged to perform a high-quality hand-over operation for eliminating an interruption time in communication and keeping the continuance of communication excellent. The mobile node has a function of interfacing with networks and includes a network quality monitor, a hand-over controller, and a network controller. The network quality monitor operates to monitor a network quality based on at least one of an intensity and a radio bandwidth of a radio wave received by network devices. The hand-over controller performs the hand-over operation of transmitting a care of address to an address registering destination in response to a state of the network quality before a communication is disconnected, changing a route of communication information, and switching a connecting destination into a new network. The network controller receives a response that indicates an update of the care of address in the address registering destination and keeping a function of receiving data from the network before being switched until the communication is disconnected.

Temporary unique private address

A communication network providing mobile IP services to mobile nodes sharing the same private IP address. A mobile node visits a foreign network from its home network and transmits a registration request including its private IP address to a foreign agent on the foreign network. If the foreign agent determines that another mobile node with a valid registration shares the same private IP address, the foreign agent requests the mobile node to use a temporary address. The temporary address is sent along with the registration request to the registering mobile node's home agent. When the home agent receives a packet addressed to its mobile node, it creates two tunnels. An outer tunnel is created using a care-of address associated with the foreign agent. An inner tunnel is created using the temporary address assigned to mobile node. The packet is then forwarded via the two tunnels. Upon receipt of the tunneled packet by the foreign agent, it de-tunnels the outer tunnel to uncover the inner tunnel, and forwards the inner tunnel to the mobile node. The mobile node de-tunnels the inner tunnel to recover the original packet.

Method and system for inter-operability between mobile IP and RSVP during route optimization

A correspondent host that needs to begin a real-time packet-data session with a mobile node sends a mobile IP binding request message to a home agent of the mobile node. The correspondent host does not send any further messages until it has received a binding update message in response to the binding request message. Upon receipt of the binding update message, the correspondent host knows a care-of address of the mobile node. A binding to the care-of address is created responsive to receipt of the binding update message. An RSVP PATH message is sent by the correspondent host responsive to receipt of the binding update message. The RSVP PATH message explicitly binds a data path of a packet flow to the mobile node. The correspondent host perceives a RSVP RESV message in response to the RSVP PATH message.

MPA with mobile IP foreign agent care-of address mode

In the preferred embodiments, a system and / or method is disclosed for performing an MPA proactive handover of a mobile node in a Mobile IP scenario which includes, employing a care-of address assigned by a previous foreign agent (pFA-CoA) as a mobile node's tunnel outer address of a forward proactive handover tunnel from a new foreign agent to the mobile node.

Mobile terminal device and hand-off method thereof

A mobile terminal that ensures smooth, continuous communications sessions even when in transit, regardless of base station capabilities and functionalities, in a packet-switched data communications network. With this terminal, each of a plurality of lower interfaces 101-1 to 101-M, when its associated access mechanism is in an active state, can obtain a connection to packet-switched data communications network 150 using its home-address HoA.1 or its care-of-address CoA.BS1. When lower interface 101-a loses its connection obtained using the care-of-address CoA.BS1, multiple access decision unit 104 instructs mobility support unit 102 to set up a binding of the home-address HoA.1 and either one of the home-address HoA.2 and the care-of-address CoA.BS2 of another lower interface 101-b. Mobility support unit 102 sets up the binding according to the instruction from multiple access decision unit 104.

Telecommunication enhanced mobile IP architecture for intra-domain mobility

Methods and systems are provided for facilitating intra-domain mobility. A first network or domain includes a home agent or SIP proxy of a mobile node. A second network includes two or more subnetworks and at least one mobility agent (MA). Each subnetwork includes an associated subnet agent. To communicate, the mobile node first registers with a subnet agent, receives a local care-of-address and a global care-of-address, and then registers with an MA. The mobile node may then provide the global care-of-address to the home agent. The local care-of-address may enable communication with the mobile node without determining a specific route to the mobile node. The global care-of-address received from the subnet agent may include the address of the MA. Accordingly, the mobile node may transition from any of the subnetworks to another subnetwork without communicating to the home agent information about the transition and without communicating to the MA information about a security association between the mobile node and the home agent.

Technique for providing multi-homing capability in data networks

Various aspects of the present invention are described herein for providing multi-homing capability to networks, subnetworks, and / or hosts through the use of a multiplicity of topologically correct IP addresses. For example, according to various embodiments of the present invention, extensions to Mobile IP (MIP) technology may be used as an alternative solution to the present-day problems associated with IP address multi-homing of a particular host, network, and / or subnet. According to one implementation, Specialized Home Agents may be deployed in a data network and configured to have the ability to register and manage multiple Care-of-Addresses (CoAs) for one or more multi-homed hosts (MHHs) to achieve ends similar to traditional “multi-homing” of hosts implemented via conventional routing protocols.

Home agent apparatus, mobile router communication system, and communication method

A mobile router notifies a care-of address to a home agent apparatus, and generates a tunnel for local scope packet transmission between it and the home agent apparatus, and thereby, even if a terminal device moved onto a foreign link, communication becomes available in the same manner as on a home link. In addition, the home agent apparatus and the mobile router carry out transfer only to a necessary destination, by use of information of the terminal device which is accommodated in itself. Further, the home agent apparatus manages information of the terminal device which is accommodated in the mobile router, and thereby, it is possible to carry out packet communication only to the terminal device which corresponded to a destination, and it becomes possible to reduce useless transmission processing and reception processing in a network.

Handover method

In a handover method, a mobile node receives a Layer 2 trigger message; requests information on Layer 3 of a new access router (NAR) from a previous access router (PAR) by using information included in the Layer 2 trigger message and information on an IP address of the NAR and a new Care of Address (NCoA) to be used when moving to the NAR; and performs registration with a Home Agent (HA) of the mobile node and sending binding update to an associated correspondence node by using the NCoA when a Layer 2 handover is occurred. With this configuration, the present invention provides a handover method automatically creating an address using a MAC (Medical access control) address in the mobile IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6).

Method for providing virtual private network services to mobile node in IPv6 network and gateway using the same

Provided are a method for providing virtual private network (VPN) services to a mobile node (MN) in an IPv6 network and a gateway using the same. The method includes: performing IKE (Internet key exchange) negotiation with an MN (mobile node) which has performed handover, acquiring SA (security association) and then authenticating a terminal of the MN; receiving a BU (binding update) message from the MN and verifying the BU message, storing new position information of the MN, transmitting a BA (binding acknowledgement) message and performing mobility processing; if the mobility processing is completed, performing IPsec processing on packets which the MN transmits to a CN (correspondent node), and transmitting the packets; and re-configuring and transmitting packets so that packets which the CN transmits to a home address of the MN can be transmitted to a CoA (Care-of-Address) of the MN. A function performed by a home agent (HA) of Mobile IPv6 is performed so that IP mobility in VPN services can be provided and both mobility inside a VPN domain of the MN and mobility outside the VPN domain can be supported.

Enabling mobile IPv6 communication over a network containing IPv4 components using a tunnel broker model

InactiveUS20050099976A1Reducing packet lossTime-division multiplexWireless network protocolsData packTunnel broker
A mobile dual-stack node engages in IPv6 communication while roaming within an IPv4-only network. The node determines that it has moved and obtains a new IPv4 address. After determining that the visited network contains no IPv6-enabled components, the node communicates with a tunnel broker to obtain a care-of address and a tunnel to an IPv6 connect agent (e.g., a tunnel server). If the obtained care-of address differs from the care-of address that the node had been using prior to the move, the node sends MIPv6 binding updates to its home agent and corresponding peers. The node can optimize the handoff when it has obtained a different care-of address by sending a binding update to the connect agent comprising the previous care-of address and the current care-of address. When the connect agent receives a packet destined for the previous care-of address, it forwards the packet to the current care-of address.

Local mobility anchor relocation and route optimization during handover of a mobile node to another network area

The invention relates to a method for managing the mobility of a mobile node that moves to a different network, but keeps the same IP address. It is proposed to perform route optimization by a Proxy MIP agent on behalf of the MN, thereby shortening the data-path while allowing network-based mobility. At session setup with a correspondent node, the PCC system in the home network derides whether route optimization is to be performed for the communication session. The PMIPa requests relevant information for the route optimization, including the decision for route optimization and the addresses of MN and CN, from the PCC system in the home network, when the MN attaches to the new network area. Accordingly, route optimization is performed by using the Return Routability Procedure according to MIPv6, thereby applying the MN's IP address as Home Address, and the PMIPa's address as Care-of Address of the MN.

End-to-end location privacy in telecommunications networks

A method and system for routing messages between hosts while maintaining end-to-end location privacy are disclosed. In order to make routing more efficient, while maintaining location privacy, an encapsulation cache may be created in access routers that have a trust relationship with the respective home networks of the hosts. The encapsulation cache can be used to store home-address to care-of-address correspondences so that the access router, when a host is roaming, can route a message directly to the message's intended recipient, yet still maintain location privacy for the sending host by replacing the host's care-of address at the roaming network with the host's home address.

Non-encapsulation mobile IP

A method is provided of directing an internet protocol (IP) packet to a mobile node. The mobile node has a home address in a home network and is temporarily connectable in a foreign network having a foreign agent. The IP packet has a header portion including the destination address to which the IP packet is to be sent. The method comprises the steps of: receiving, in the home network, the IP packet including a destination address corresponding to the home address of the mobile node; modifying the IP packet by removing the home address of the mobile node from the header portion of the IP packet and replacing it with the foreign agent care-of address, and appending a mobile node identifier to the IP packet, and transmitting the modified IP packet.

Ip mobility

A method of forwarding IP packets, sent to an old care-of-address of a mobile node, to the mobile node following a handover of the mobile node from a first old access router to a second new access router. The method comprises, prior to completion of said handover, providing said first router or another proxy node with information necessary to determine the new IP care-of address to be used by the mobile node when the mobile node is transferred to the second access router. At said first router or said proxy node, the new care-of-address for the mobile node is determined using said information and ownership of the new care-of-address by the mobile node confirmed, and subsequently packets received at said first access network and destined for said old care-of-address are forwarded to the predicted care-of-address address.

Methods in mixed network- and host-based mobility management

A first aspect of the invention relates to a method for improving security at a local mobility anchor implementing both a network-based and a host-based mobility management scheme for managing the mobility of a mobile node. It suggests a method for verifying an attachment of a mobile node (MN) to a network element in a network. A second aspect of the invention relates to a method to be implemented in a mobility anchor node, which detects whether a race condition between registration messages occurs and resolves the most recent location of a mobile node. A third aspect of the invention relates to a method for detecting whether a binding cache entry for a mobile at a correspondent node has been spoofed and to a method for registering a care-of address of a mobile node at a correspondent node.

Mobile internet protocol system and route optimization method therefor

There is provided a route optimization method in a mobile Internet Protocol (IP) system using a mobile Internet Protocol. When a mobile host (MH) moves over the Internet and is assigned to a care-of-address (CoA) corresponding to a changed point of attachment to the Internet, it sends a registration request message containing the care-of address to a home agent (HA) via a foreign agent (FA). The home agent stores the care-of address in relation to a domain name of the mobile host in an internal domain name server database. Upon receipt of a query about the mobile host by domain name from a correspondent node (CN), the home agent sends the care-of address corresponding to the domain name of the mobile host together with caching prevention information to the correspondent node. The caching prevention information is set to prevent the correspondent node or another domain name server from caching the care-of address of the mobile host. The correspondent node communicates with the mobile host using the care-of address.
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