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156results about How to "Light drink" patented technology

Tibet goldenray root health protecting tea

The invention discloses Tibet goldenray root health protecting tea, which is prepared from Tibet goldenray root, picris hieracioides, grenate-leaved heteropappus and Ching's briggsia, wherein the health protecting tea has the effects of moistening lung, descending qi, regulating the lung, relieving cough, resolving sputum, relieving asthma, removing toxicity and diminishing inflammation; the health protecting tea is low in cost, good in effect, reasonable in formula, easy to prepare and store, convenient to drink and good in mouthfeel, is suitable to be drunk at all seasons, and can treat diseases and protect health; the health protecting tea is suitable to be drunk by people who suffer from cough due to wind-cold evil, bronchitis, faucitis, cough and excessive phlegm, cough and asthma, cold and cough and the like and has a good effect; and the health protecting tea is a relatively ideal health protecting drinking product.

Rhodobryum Roseum health tea

The invention discloses rhodobryum roseum healthy tea which is prepared from rhodobryum roseum, sarcococca ruscifolia stapf, paper mulberry fruit, paraphlomis rugosa, and pericarpium trichosanthis in a certain weight proportion. The rhodobryum roseum healthy tea has the purposes of relieving uneasiness of body and mind, nourishing liver and kidney, clearing away liver-fire to treat eye disease, nourishing yin and moistening dryness, moistening lung and reducing phlegm, as well as promoting circulation of qi and relieving chest stuffiness. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the rhodobryum roseum healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as heart diseases of chest panic, palpitation and vertigo, neurasthenic and visual deterioration, edema by retention of fluid in the body, absence of menstruation, phlegm heat and cough, diabetes and constipation, etc., on which the rhodobryum roseum healthy tea performs good effects. The rhodobryum roseum healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Forestry greenstar root health tea

The invention discloses polyalthia nemoralis healthy tea which is prepared from polyalthia nemoralis, stellaria, anthriscus sylvestris, coffee senna fruit or seed, and arundina graminifolia in a certain weight proportion. The polyalthia nemoralis healthy tea has the purposes of invigorating spleen and benefiting stomach, tonifying kidney and stopping emission, strengthening middle-warmer and invigorating qi, and clearing away liver-fire to treat eye disease. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the polyalthia nemoralis healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as chronic gastritis, weakness of spleen and stomach, poor appetite, myasthenia of limbs, body deficiency and anemia, vertigo and chest panic, abnormal menstruation, malnutrition of children, weakness of yin and blood, emission due to kidney-asthenia, asthenia of spleen and flatulence due to improper diet, elderly nocturia, conjunctive congeston with swelling and pain, dyspepsia, qi deficiency and cough, vertigo and tinnitus, etc., on which the polyalthia nemoralis healthy tea performs good effects. The polyalthia nemoralis healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Health tea

The invention discloses healthy tea which is prepared from campanumoea lancifo-lia, Asplenium pekinense Hance, sweet almond, Ardisia japonica, russianolive flower, and Tianshan mountainash branchlet and fruit in a certain weight proportion. The healthy tea has the purposes of moistening lung and eliminating phlegm, invigorating spleen and increasing body fluid, and removing heat from the lung to relieve cough. Owing to reasonable formula, being suitable for four seasons, and convenient drinking, the healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as cold and cough, tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, asthma and cough, deficiency diseases of vitamin A and D, consumptive diseases of cough and asthma, and constipation due to intestinal dryness, etc., on which the healthy tea performs good effects. The healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Nuphar pumilum DC. grass root health tea

The invention discloses spatterdock root healthy tea which is prepared from spatterdock root, dipsacus root, rhizome of medical angiopteris, stem of Bengal Hiptage, and teucrium japonicum in a certain weight proportion. The spatterdock root healthy tea has the purposes of tonifying deficiency and strengthening stomach, tonifying liver and warming kidney, nourishing yin and moistening lung, as well as clearing away heat and cooling blood. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the spatterdock root healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as weak health after illness, dyspepsia, menoxenia, backache, feebleness of feet and knees, neurasthenic, schizophrenia, debility with abnormal sweating, hemoptysis of pulmonary tuberculosis, inappetence, etc., on which the spatterdock root healthy tea performs good effects. The freshwater sponge healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Health-care tea contg. Chinese alpine rush

A health-care tea for the patients of insomnia, neurasthenia, dizziness, anorexia, disturbed sleep, palpitation, anemia, etc is proportionally prepared from devils rush herb, red sage root, tuber fleeceflower stem and white atractylodes rhizome.

Sorbus pohuashanesis health-care tea

The invention discloses a sorbus pohuashanesis health-care tea which is prepared by sorbus pohuashanesis, elaeagnus angustifolia blossoms, herb of ceylon leucas and diantou chrysanthemum according to a certain weight ratio. The health-care tea has the effects of reliving cough and removing phlegm, fortifying the spleen for diuresis, soothing the chest to promote qi, calming panting, releasing exterior, and suppressing cough. The health-care tea has low cost, good effect and reasonable prescription, is simple in preparation, easy to preserve and appropriate for four seasons, has the functions of curing existent disease and keeping healthy from disease, is very convenient for drinking, has good mouthfeel, and has very good effects for patients who suffer from chronic bronchitis, asthma, phlegm panting and cough, etc. The sorbus pohuashanesis health-care tea is a very ideal health-care beverage.

Health tea containing bulbuphyllum incomspicuum

The invention discloses health tea which is prepared from the following components according to a certain weight ratio: bulbuphyllum incomspicuum, tripterospermum, gerbera piloselloides cass, heterocodon and tussilago farfara. The health tea has the effects of eliminating phlegm by cooling, nourishing the stomach to improve the production of body fluid, removing heat from the lung to relieve cough, removing toxicity for detumescence and moistening the lung to relieving a cough, has the advantages of low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, simplicity in preparation, easiness in storage, capability of being drunk in all seasons, great convenience in drinking, and good mouth feel, achieves a curative effect to sick people and a health-care effect to health people, and has a very good effect to patients suffering from lung heat cough, thirsty upset, inappetence, hemoptysis due to tuberculosis, cough due to common cold, asthma and other diseases. The health tea provided by the invention is an very ideal health drink.

Health tea for dispelling effects of alcohol and protecting livers

The invention relates to tea for dispelling the effects of alcohol, and provides health tea for dispelling the effects of the alcohol and protecting livers. The health tea solves the problems that current products for dispelling the effects of alcohol is low in speed of dispelling the effects of alcohol and poor in effect, and the content of the alcohol in blood can not be lowered to the normal level easily within a short time. The health tea for dispelling the effects of alcohol and protecting the livers is mainly prepared from vitis coignetiae flowers, the root of kudzu vine, penthorum chinense pursh, hovenia dulcis thunb and florists chrysnthum flowers. In thirty minutes after the health tea for dispelling the effects of alcohol and protecting the livers is drunk, the content of the alcohol in the blood is reduced greatly, discomfort of the body is reduced obviously, the metal state is improved remarkably, and judgment, reaction speed and the behavior control ability are recovered basically.

Viscidity Chinese potato health tea

InactiveCN101253902AEffective health careInvigorating the spleen and removing dampnessPre-extraction tea treatmentFood preparationDiseasePhtheirospermum
The invention discloses sticky yam healthy tea which is prepared from sticky yam, stellaria, finelydivided phtheirospermum root, cynomorium, daylily according to a certain proportion by weight. The healthy tea has the purposes of invigorate spleen and removing moisture, nourishing heart to calm mind, supplementing kidney and moistening intestine, nourishing blood and calming liver, inducing diuresis to remove edema, invigorating lung and nourishing liver. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the sticky yam healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as spleen deficiency and anorexia, body deficiency and anemia, lack of spirit, vertigo and chest panic, tinnitus and blurring of vision, heart weakness, waist and knee flaccidity, diarrhea, diabetes, impotence, etc., on which the sticky yam healthy tea performs good effects. The sticky yam healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Health-care tea contg. mulberry

A health-care tea for the patients of neurasthenia, dizziness, insomnia, hypomnesia, cough, asthma, etc is proportionally prepared from acanthopanax bark, schisandra fruit, wolfberry fruit, mulberry fruit and granular white sugar.

Spongilla health tea

The invention discloses freshwater sponge healthy tea which is prepared from freshwater sponge, lagotis glauca, cherokee rose, oriental paperbush, and twig and leaf of manyflower supplejack in a certain weight proportion. The freshwater sponge healthy tea has the purposes of warming kidney and strengthening yang-qi, stopping emission and astringing intestine, nourishing yin and soothing nerves, invigorating spleen and eliminating wetness, as well as clearing and activating channels and collaterals. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the freshwater sponge healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as lumbago due to kidney-asthenia, incontinence of urine, frequent incontinence of urination, deficient spleen and diarrhea, spontaneous perspiration and night sweat, lung deficiency and cough, spermatorrhea and enuresis, spleen-stomach weakness, anorexia and gastralgia, etc., on which the freshwater sponge healthy tea performs good effects. The freshwater sponge healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Hard Fimbristylis health tea

The invention discloses fimbristylis rigidula nees healthy tea which is prepared from fimbristylis rigidula nees, alectoria asiatica, hindu lotus stamen, Chinese ladiestresses root or herb, and chamaesyce hirta in a certain weight proportion. The fimbristylis rigidula nees healthy tea has the purposes of nourishing essence to strengthen yang-qi, nourishing yin to moisten dryness, relieving heart and kidney, as well as astringing yin and soothing nerves. Owing to low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, easy preparation, simple preservation, being suitable for four seasons, curing diseases and protecting health, convenient drinking and good taste, the fimbristylis rigidula nees healthy tea is applicable to those who suffer from diseases such as weakness and dizziness, tuberculosis and night sweat, deficiency of kidney and debility, relieving heart and kidney, debility after illness, deficiency of yin and internal heat, palpitation and insomnia, night sweat and spermatorrhea, etc., on which the fimbristylis rigidula nees healthy tea performs good effects. The fimbristylis rigidula nees healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Lepidogrammitis herb healthy tea

The invention discloses Lepidogrammitis herb healthy tea, and is prepared from Lepidogrammitis herb, Utricularia bifida L., wintergreen barberry root and Kyllinga monocephala Rottb according to a certain weight ratio. The healthy tea has efficacies of clearing away heat and toxic materials, relieving exterior syndrome and abating fever, diminishing inflammation, clearing away the lung-heat, inducing mild diaphoresis and relieving a cough, is low in cost, good in effects, reasonable in formula, simple in preparation, easy to store, appropriate for the four seasons, and capable of treating diseases, has healthy effects when people have no diseases, and is convenient in drinking, and suitable for the people who have sore throats, tuberculosis cough, cold, gastroenteritis, diarrhea, pertussis and the like and have good effects, so that the healthy tea is an ideal healthy drink.

Bredia fordii health-care tea

The invention discloses bredia fordii health-care tea which is prepared from the following components of: bredia fordii, bunge hackberry bark and branchlet, syringa pinetorum and amur cork fruits according to a certain weight ratio. The health-care tea has the effects of clearing heat, relieving coughs, reducing phlegm, and eliminating stasis to subdue swelling; the bredia fordii health-care tea has the advantages of low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, simplicity in preparation, easiness of storing and suitableness for being used in four seasons, can treat diseases for a patient and keep the health for a user without diseases, is very convenient to drink and has a good mouth feel; the bredia fordii health-care tea is suitable for the patients with chronic tracheitis, cough with lung heat, amygdalitis, bronchial asthma and the like to drink so as to play the very good effects; and the bredia fordii health-care tea is a very ideal health-care drinking good item.

Health-care tea contg. linsichao

InactiveCN1718064AHas the effect of moisturizing the lungs and relieving coughLow costConfectioneryTea substituesMedicineWeakness
A health-care tea for the patients of chronic bronchitis, cough, weakness, etc is proportionally prepared from waterplantain ottelia herb, glomerate galingale herb, apricot kernel and crystal sugar.

Health-care tea contg. polyporus lucidus

InactiveCN1718057AEffectively calm the mindHave indigestionTea substituesPlant ingredientsMedicineHeadaches
A health-care tea for the patients of insomnia, headache, dizziness, hypomnesia, hypertension, neurasthenia, cough, etc is proportionally prepared from ganoderma, Indian bread with Pine-root, wild jujube and peanut stem and leaf.

Myrsinaceae health-care tea

The invention discloses a myrsinaceae health-care tea which is prepared by myrsinaceae, gomphostemma root, white poplar leaf and Chinese hibisci rosae-sinensis flower according to a certain weight ratio. The health-care tea has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxifying, suppressing cough and reducing phlegm, relieving cough, clearing the lung and cooling blood. The health-care tea has low cost, good effect and reasonable prescription, is simple in preparation, easy to preserve and appropriate for four seasons, has the functions of curing existent disease and keeping healthy from disease, is very convenient for drinking, has good mouthfeel, and has very good effects for patients who suffer from bronchitis, chronic bronchitis, cough with excessive phlegm, etc. The myrsinaceae health-care tea is a very ideal health-care beverage.

Hypecoum erectum health-care tea

The invention discloses hypecoum erectum health-care tea which is prepared from the following components in a certain weight ratio: hypecoum erectum, glandular showy himalayahoneysuckle herb, dutchmanspipe root and mersawa. The health-care tea has the effects of clearing heat, diminishing inflammation, relieving cough, inducing diuresis, relieving liver for smoothening Qi, invigorating stomach and relieving pain, relieving cough and reducing sputum and reducing swelling and detoxifying. The health-care tea is low in cost, good in effect, reasonable in formula, simple in preparation, easy to preserve, appropriate at four seasons and convenient to drink and is used for treating diseases in the existence of diseases and achieving a health-care effect in the absence of the diseases. The health-care tea is suitable for being drunk by patients suffering from the symptoms such as acute laryngopharyngitis, trachitis cough, bronchial asthma, dyspeptic abdominal distention and chronic gastroenteritis, has a good effect and is an ideal health-care drink.

Health-care tea made of littleleaf indianmulberry root and stem

The invention discloses health-care tea made of littleleaf indianmulberry root and stem. The health-care tea is prepared by the following materials according to a certain weight ratio: littleleaf indianmulberry root and stem, common microtoena herb, cordateleaf European hop flower and racemose cyclea root. The health-care tea has the efficacy of clearing away heat and toxic materials, dispersing blood stasis and relieving pain, dispelling pathogenic wind and dissipating dampness, promoting digestion, warming the middle warmer and regulating the flow of qi, is low in cost, simply prepared, easily stored, drunk conveniently, suitable for disease treatment and health care in four reasons, and has good effect and reasonable formula; the health-care tea is suitable for people with dyspepsia, constipation, cold and cough, dyspnea with coughing, flatulence, stomachache, enteritis, diarrhea, poor appetite and the like, and good effects are achieved; and the health-care is an ideal health-care tea.

Medicago falcata health-care tea

InactiveCN103141625AEffective health careHas a wide middle and lower airTea substituesBetel nutsIndigestion
The invention discloses medicago falcata health-care tea which is prepared from medicago falcata, blueflower cicerbita roots, common melastoma herb roots and wild betel nuts according to a certain weight ratio. The health-care tea has the effects of promoting circulation and alleviating middle energizer, tonifying spleen and tonifying deficiency, clearing heat and diminishing inflammation, harmonizing stomach, guiding qi downward and digesting; the medicago falcata health-care tea has the advantages of low cost, good effect, reasonable formula, simplicity in preparation, easiness of storing and suitableness for being used in four seasons, can treat diseases for patients and keep the health for users without diseases, is very convenient to drink and has a good mouth feel; the lindley eupatorium health-care tea is suitable for the patients with chest and abdominal distension, dyspepsia, indigestion and glutting, stomachache and the like to drink so as to play the very good effects; and the medicago falcata health-care tea is a very ideal health-care drinking good item.
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