A method and
processing node for
processing node redundancy, wherein an
unavailability of a primary
processing node is first detected, and the linkset
route to the unavailable node is inhibited by sending Transfer Prohibited (TFP) messages to
Signal Transfer Point (STPs) adjacent to the unavailable node. Further, Transfer Allowed (TFA) messages are sent to the STPs in order to enable an alternate linkset
route to the secondary processing node, i.e. the standby
backup node. A Virtual Service Address (VSA) is reassigned from the unavailable primary node to the remaining node that takes over the processing of the unavailable node and thus becomes the primary processing node. The
unavailability of the processing node may be detected via a
heartbeat mechanism between the two redundant nodes, or via
receipt of TFP messages from the adjacent STPs. The method and processing node may be used in a hot standby configuration or in a
load sharing configuration.