When a subscriber calls into its Internet
Server Provider(ISP), a central office receiving the call is triggered to perform a
Local Number Portability (LNP) query. This LNP query is sent to an Intelligent
Traffic Routing and Control (INTRAC) unit resident on a
Service Control Point (SCP) which determines whether the call is to an ISP. If the call is to an ISP, the INTRAC unit polls a Remote
Authentication Dial-In User Service (
server to determine whether resources are available. The
RADIUS server tracks the resources of the ISP and of other ISPs and informs the SCP of the available resources. The SCP then inserts the Local Routing Number (LRN) of the preferred resource into a reply that is sent to the central office. If resources are not available, the call is terminated before signaling occurs with any switch associated with the ISP. On the other hand, when resources are available, the subscriber can be directed to the preferred resource for the subscriber. The subscriber, for instance, can be directed to an access
server within the ISP that has excess capacity or can be directed to an access server that provides the best service for the subscriber, whereby subscribers can be directed to X2 type service if they have an X2 modem or to K56Flex type service if they have a K56Flex modem. As another example, if one ISP is at maximum capacity, the subscriber can be directed to a second back-up ISP.