microprocessor circuit that is used to monitor and control a firearm. The
microprocessor circuit accomplishes this by monitoring various sensor & control inputs, and acting on these inputs to execute
user defined functions. The
microprocessor circuit can use the
sensory input to determine firearm statistics. These statistics can include the number of times the firearm has been shot, the efficiency of the firearm automatic action, range-to-target, and et cetera. The firearm
system can also use a combination of sensors to fabricate a bullet chronograph whereby the
muzzle velocity of a
cartridge can be determined. These statistics can be date-stamped and recorded into memory. Statistics from Law
Enforcement firearms can be used for courtroom evidence and police reporting. These statistics can also be used for firearm maintenance and warranty repair. The microprocessor circuit can display the statistical data to the user via simple light emitting diodes, or sophisticated
liquid crystal displays. Data can also be downloaded to a computer
docking station as well. The microprocessor circuit can also display the information within the
optics of a riflescope. When used in conjunction with a
laser range finder sensor, the microprocessor circuit can adjust the electronic cross-hairs (
reticle) to compensate for the bullet trajectory.