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6709 results about "User defined" patented technology

Database access system

An improved human user computer interface system, wherein a user characteristic or set of characteristics, such as demographic profile or societal “role”, is employed to define a scope or domain of operation. The operation itself may be a database search, to interactively define a taxonomic context for the operation, a business negotiation, or other activity. After retrieval of results, a scoring or ranking may be applied according to user define criteria, which are, for example, commensurate with the relevance to the context, but may be, for example, by date, source, or other secondary criteria. A user profile is preferably stored in a computer accessible form, and may be used to provide a history of use, persistent customization, collaborative filtering and demographic information for the user. Advantageously, user privacy and anonymity is maintained by physical and algorithmic controls over access to the personal profiles, and releasing only aggregate data without personally identifying information or of small groups.

Smart access to a dispersed data storage network

An improved system for accessing data within a distributed data storage network (“DDSN”) is disclosed. In a system implementing the disclosed invention, traffic is routed to individual slice servers within the DDSN in accordance with objective criteria as well as user-defined policies. In accordance with one aspect of the disclosed invention, when a data segment is written to a DDSN, the segment is divided into multiple data slices, which are simultaneously transmitted to different slice servers. In accordance with another aspect of the disclosed invention, when a data segment is read from a DDSN, a list of slice servers, each containing a data slice that could be used to reconstruct the requested data segment, is assembled, and sorted in accordance with a preference rating assigned to each of the slice servers. Sufficient data slices to reconstruct the data segment are then read in accordance with the preference ranking of the slice servers.

Hierarchical systems and methods for providing a unified view of storage information

The present invention provides systems and methods for data storage. A hierarchical storage management architecture is presented to facilitate data management. The disclosed system provides methods for evaluating the state of stored data relative to enterprise needs by using weighted parameters that may be user defined. Also disclosed are systems and methods evaluating costing and risk management associated with stored data.

Search system and methods with integration of user annotations from a trust network

Computer systems and methods incorporate user annotations (metadata) regarding various pages or sites, including annotations by a querying user and by members of a trust network defined for the querying user into search and browsing of a corpus such as the World Wide Web. A trust network is defined for each user, and annotations by any member of a first user's trust network are made visible to the first user during search and / or browsing of the corpus. Users can also limit searches to content annotated by members of their trust networks or by members of a community selected by the user.

Motor control system for a surgical handpiece

A system and method for powered surgical handpiece capable of powering various micro-cutting instruments is described. The system is comprised of a controller adapted for controlling / interfacing with a powered surgical handpiece based upon user-defined procedural information. A data entry device is used for entering the user-defined procedural information used by the controller for configuring and operating the motor control system.

Method and system for gesture category recognition and training using a feature vector

A computer implemented method and system for gesture category recognition and training. Generally, a gesture is a hand or body initiated movement of a cursor directing device to outline a particular pattern in particular directions done in particular periods of time. The present invention allows a computer system to accept input data, originating from a user, in the form gesture data that are made using the cursor directing device. In one embodiment, a mouse device is used, but the present invention is equally well suited for use with other cursor directing devices (e.g., a track ball, a finger pad, an electronic stylus, etc.). In one embodiment, gesture data is accepted by pressing a key on the keyboard and then moving the mouse (with mouse button pressed) to trace out the gesture. Mouse position information and time stamps are recorded. The present invention then determines a multi-dimensional feature vector based on the gesture data. The feature vector is then passed through a gesture category recognition engine that, in one implementation, uses a radial basis function neural network to associate the feature vector to a pre-existing gesture category. Once identified, a set of user commands that are associated with the gesture category are applied to the computer system. The user commands can originate from an automatic process that extracts commands that are associated with the menu items of a particular application program. The present invention also allows user training so that user-defined gestures, and the computer commands associated therewith, can be programmed into the computer system.

Systems and Methods for Modifying Power Usage

Systems and methods for providing energy management utilize wireless wide-area network broadcast signals and a decentralized receiver architecture to allow customers to make informed choices with regard to energy consumption and load shedding for particular appliances. A receiver assembly embedded within an appliance receives a broadcast signal, e.g., an FM subcarrier signal, including tariff data and other electrical grid data. A processor coupled with the receiver controls the appliance in accordance with the received data and in accordance with user-defined preferences. In some embodiments, a transceiver assembly is embedded in one or more appliances in a household. Each transceiver is configured to receive broadcast signals regarding grid data, and to communicate with other appliances and / or a usage meter over a wireless personal area network. Meter data from one or more households may be aggregated and uplinked back to the energy provider or other entities.

Event monitoring and management

Described are techniques used in monitoring the performance, security and health of a system used in an industrial application. Agents included in the industrial network report data to an appliance or server. The appliance stores the data and determines when an alarm condition has occurred. Notifications are sent upon detecting an alarm condition. The alarm thresholds may be user defined. A threat thermostat controller determines a threat level used to control the connectivity of a network used in the industrial application.

Optimizing application performance on virtual machines automatically with end-user preferences

A virtual machine management / monitoring service can be configured to automatically monitor and implement user-defined (e.g., administrator-defined) configuration policies with respect to virtual machine and application resource utilization. In one implementation, the monitoring service can be extended to provide user-customized alerts based on various particularly defined events that occur (e.g., some memory or processing threshold) during operation of the virtual machines and / or application execution. The user can also specify particularly tailored solutions, which can include automatically reallocating physical host resources without additional user input on a given physical host, or moving / adding virtual machines on other physical hosts. For example, the monitoring service can be configured so that, upon identifying that a virtual machine's memory and processing resources are maxed out and / or growing, the monitoring service adds memory or processing resources for the virtual machine, or adds a new virtual machine to handle the load for the application program.

Method and apparatus for archiving and visualizing digital images

A computer based, digital image management system that visually presents an entire archive in a manner that facilitates easy, non-textual, searching for specific images. The system consists of two main elements; a file management methodology, and a graphical user interface. The file management method utilizes reference files that contain multiple properties (metadata) relating to each image file. Image files are grouped into a multiplicity of collections based on user-defined associations of the properties. The graphical user interface visually represents the groups of image files on 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional graphic metaphors. In addition, the graphical interface uses multiple display variables such as icons, mnemonics, size, movement, color, and luminance to signify relationships between groups, and / or communicate key properties of individual or groups of images.

Relevancy of advertising material through user-defined preference filters, location and permission information

InactiveUS20120036015A1Improve time relevancyMarketingGeolocationUser defined
The present invention provides methods to improve the relevancy of rendered advertising material to one or more consumers based on user-defined preferences, geolocation, and user-granted permission. The present invention achieves this through the presentation of exemplary methods for: i) the consolidation of advertisement information to include description, inventory, price, quantity and geolocation information of one or more merchants in a commerce network; ii) the delivery of relevant advertising material to one or more consumers using preference filters that can specify one or more merchants, merchant locations, products and services, and / or regions of interest at any time; and, iii) the presentation of location-based advertisements that are based on consumer-based permission and preference filters. These methods improve the user-targeting, geographic and time relevancy of advertisements by connecting merchants with relevant consumers who are looking to purchase items at that point in time.

System and method for dynamic adaptive user-based prioritization and display of electronic messages

A method and system that dynamically ranks electronic messages based on their situational and inherent dimensions, which are judged by a set of filters. These filters evaluate the different elemental metadata constituting a message and produce a priority value based on filters relevance and importance. The system iterates through queued messages, examine the structured content for expected attributes, statistically analyze unstructured content, apply dynamically weighted rules and policies to deliver a priority ranking, and then display the message and its vital attributes in accordance with the priority ranking. The system also adaptive learns and adjusts its weighted rules and policies to permit priority ranking to change on real-time or interval-based (may be user-defined) schedule. The system includes a GUI for increasing reading and processing efficiency. The GUI performs supervised and unsupervised learning from the user's behaviors, and displays messages in accordance with their priority classification.

Methods for electronic document searching and graphically representing electronic document searches

Methods for electronic document searching and graphically representing an electronic document search are disclosed. In one embodiment, a method of graphically representing electronic document searches includes generating a Venn diagram for display on a graphic display device including a first circle that represents a first document set and a second circle that represents a second document set. The first circle overlaps the second circle in an overlap region depicting common electronic documents that are within the first document set and the second document set. The method further includes generating a first visualization chart from the first circle and a second visualization chart from the second circle. The first visualization chart and the second visualization chart depict proportions of the first document set and the second document set according to a user-defined parameter. Additional search queries may be suggested based on similar topics within electronic documents within the Venn diagram.

System and method for connecting security systems to a wireless device

The present invention provides a personal security network where an individual's system or systems of security devices may be connected to a central security network. The central security network of the present invention may monitor a system's status and alert the individual when an alert situation occurs. The present invention provides a security network where a user may set up personalized alarms and alert services; identify various methods of contact; order at which to be contacted; individuals and entities to be contacted; type of situations to be alerted of and other relevant security and other information. The present invention may further provide a personalized web interface where authorized individuals may view current and historical security device status. A user may generate personalized reports based on aggregated historical data based on various user-defined factors. The reports may be displayed to the user in various formats, such as maps, graphs, statistics, and others.

Service for generation of customizable display widgets

A system for presenting dynamically generated images in a computing environment is provided. The system generates visual elements, such as widgets, for example, by combining image data, user-defined data which may include alphanumeric data, and real-time data indicative of current conditions. The widgets may be implemented in a purely server-side application environment which alleviates the need for any installation of client software on the client computing device.

Extraction of facts from text

A fact extraction tool set (“FEX”) finds and extracts targeted pieces of information from text using linguistic and pattern matching technologies, and in particular, text annotation and fact extraction. Text annotation tools break a text, such as a document, into its base tokens and annotate those tokens or patterns of tokens with orthographic, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic and other attributes. A user-defined “Annotation Configuration” controls which annotation tools are used in a given application. XML is used as the basis for representing the annotated text. A tag uncrossing tool resolves conflicting (crossed) annotation boundaries in an annotated text to produce well-formed XML from the results of the individual annotators. The fact extraction tool is a pattern matching language which is used to write scripts that find and match patterns of attributes that correspond to targeted pieces of information in the text, and extract that information.

Configurable geographic prefixes for global server load balancing

In a load balancing system, user-configurable geographic prefixes are provided. IP address prefix allocations provided by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) and associated geographic locations are stored in a first, static database in a load balancing switch, along with other possible default geographic location settings. A second, non-static database stores user-configured geographic settings. In particular, the second database stores Internet Protocol (IP) address prefixes and user-specified geographic regions for those prefixes. The specified geographic region can be continent, country, state, city, or other user-defined region. The geographic settings in the second database can override the information in the first database. These geographic entries help determine the geographic location of a client and host IP addresses, and aid in directing the client to a host server that is geographically the closest to that client.

Multi-chip programmable logic device having configurable logic circuitry and configuration data storage on different dice

The circuitry of a programmable logic device (for example, an FPGA) includes a configurable logic portion and a configuration memory. The configuration memory stores configuration data that configures the configurable logic portion to realize a user-defined circuit. The configurable logic portion is disposed on a first die whereas the configuration memory is disposed on a second die. The second die is bonded to the first die in stacked relation. Each bit of configuration data passes from the second die to the first die through a pair of micropads. One micropad of the pair is disposed on the first die and the other micropad of the pair is disposed on the second die. When the first die and second die are brought together in face-to-face relation, the two micropads form an electrical connection through which the configuration data bit passes from the second die to the first die.

Systems and methods to select media content

Systems and methods to select media content are provided. A method includes dynamically selecting content items for presentation via a media player based on user media selection settings. The user media selection settings specify a proportion of a first category of media content to be presented and a proportion of at least one second category of media content to be presented. The at least one second category includes a user defined category. First media content is associated with the first category based on an intrinsic property of the first media content and second media content is associated with the user defined category based on a property that is not intrinsic to the second media content. The method also includes generating an output stream presenting the dynamically selected content items.

System and methods providing automatic distributed data retrieval, analysis and reporting services

InactiveUS6944662B2Increasing computationalIncreasing storage burdenMultiple digital computer combinationsWebsite content managementData processing systemPush and pull
A data processing system includes a network containing of a set of connected devices, where individual ones of the connected devices include a data processor that executes a program for connecting to and disconnecting from the network and for maintaining a first list descriptive of other connected devices and a second list descriptive of at least some user-defined services published by individual ones of publisher connected devices that form a first sub-set of the connected devices. Individual ones of the publisher connected devices maintain a third list descriptive of an individual one or individual ones of registered service subscriber connected devices that form a second sub-set of connected devices. The publisher connected devices provide a service output to registered service subscriber connected devices upon an occurrence of at least one predetermined triggering event, which may be a push trigger, a pull trigger, or a combination of push and pull triggers. A given one of the connected devices may be a member of only the first sub-set of connected devices, or may be a member of only the second sub-set of connected devices, or may be a member of both the first sub-set of connected devices and the second sub-set of connected devices. The set of connected devices are logically organized into a plurality of clusters each having a top level connected device (TLCD), where the plurality of TLCDs are coupled together in a ring for propagating system administration information between the plurality of clusters. Services remain operative even after the connected device on which they initially reside becomes inoperative. This is accomplished by migrating the publication function to at least one other connected device when a current publisher's connected device becomes inoperative for any reason. A backup of last resort is referred to as a persistent connected device.

Automatic protection of partial document content

Protecting a fragment of a document includes automatically detecting the fragment without user intervention based on the content of the fragment and / or the context of the fragment within a set of documents, selectively encrypting the fragment to prevent unauthorized access, and providing an alternative view of the fragment that prevents viewing and access of content corresponding to the fragment unless a decryption password is provided. Automatically detecting the fragment may include detecting numbers and alphanumeric sequences of sufficient length that do not represent commonly known abbreviations, detecting generic terms, detecting proper names, detecting terms signifying a type of content, detecting mutual location of terms and sensitive content, and / or detecting user defined terms. The generic terms may correspond to password, passcode, credentials, user name, account, ID, login, confidential, and / or sensitive. The proper names may be names of financial organizations and security organizations.

User interface for sharing and searching playlists

The present disclosure provides a user interface for making a playlist available to the public. In another embodiment, the present disclosure provides a user interface for creating a playlist comprising user-defined descriptor information. In another embodiment, the present disclosure provides a user interface for searching for such public playlists.

Location based communications system

A location based communications system uses a physical location system (PLS) or relative position system to determine a communication unit's location in two or three dimensions, and is configured for radiotelephonic calls through intermediary communications satellite systems, cellular systems or other mobile systems and land line systems, based on the location G# of the called telephone or on a caller-defined estimated area or space termed a G zone number GZ# surrounding the desired callee. The system is particularly advantageous for mobile communications, and may be interfaced with conventional stationary telephones, cellular phones and other communications devices. Multiple telephone units may be simultaneously contacted with messages in user-defined languages. Emergency features enable the location based communication system to locate and notify the nearest and / or best equipped party for assistance in the event of an emergency, issue warnings to all phones in a specific area of any size, calculate vehicle velocities and control traffic.
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