The continuous safe suction device safely removes fluids from a patient's body. The device has a housing for storing a suction-producing member. The suction-producing member is a collapsible
bulb or, in another embodiment, a spring-loaded membrane and casing that when compressed, upon
recoil will apply gentle suction to an input tube that drains fluid from the patient and transports it into the suction
bulb or membrane and casing. The suction
bulb or casing has a pair of one-way valves secured in-line with respective input and output tubes. Upon complete filling it is recompressed to force the fluid in the bulb out through the output tube, which transports the fluid to an exterior fluid collection bag. The suction bulb or casing is compressed by a screw
piston, controlled by a sensor that determines when the bulb is filled and emptied, the screw
piston, in one embodiment, being withdrawn incrementally.