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134 results about "E-assessment" patented technology

Electronic assessment, also known as e-assessment, online assessment, computer assisted/mediated assessment and computer-based assessment, is the use of information technology in various forms of assessment such as educational assessment, health assessment, psychiatric assessment, and psychological assessment. This may utilize an online computer connected to a network. This definition embraces a wide range of student activity ranging from the use of a word processor to on-screen testing. Specific types of e-assessment include multiple choice, online/electronic submission, computerized adaptive testing and computerized classification testing.

Network online examination management information system

The invention provides a network online examination management information system and relates to a computer management system. The system is provided with a student examination unit, a system administrator unit and a teacher test paper management unit under a B / S (browser / server) network architecture, wherein the student examination unit realizes online test paper finishing, test score query and personal password modification operation; the system administrator unit realizes teacher information maintenance, student information maintenance, test question bank maintenance and online examination management operation; and the teacher test paper management unit comprises a subject manager module and a course teacher module, wherein the subject manager module can carry out test question adding, test question deleting and test question modification operation, and the course teacher module can carry out test paper organization, generated test paper checking, test paper evaluation and scored or unscored test paper checking. According to the system, examination cost is reduced; the problem of workload of examination work is solved; paper-free examination is realized; the problems of examination cheating and test paper revealing do not exist; and answer safety and examination fairness are ensured.

Remote stream media online teaching method for supporting the VoD and direct broadcast function

The invention relates to a remote streaming media on-line teachering method which supports ordering program and live program functions of a network information technic field. By B / S communication and interactive implementation, a server runs Microsoft Windows 2000 Server and provides Internet Information Service and Windows Media Service, a client performs on-line courses, on-line examinations, real-time disabusing and message leaving disabusing via an Internet Explorer page. The invention is capable of vividly representing course content, largely improving teaching quality. At the same time, functions of on-line examinations, real-time disabusing and message leaving disabusing can be realized, a teaching circumstance in which teachers and students are interactive is fully simulated in a network. The invention has complete functions, operates stably and reliably, reacts on effect of network remote teaching.

Fire alarm

A fire alarm having an electronic evaluator, an optical module, a temperature sensor, and at least one combustion gas sensor, where the electronic evaluator diagnoses one of a plurality of fire types and selects an application-specific algorithm based on the diagnosed fire type. The electronic evaluator uses the signals from the sensors to diagnose at least one of a plurality of types of fire. The fire alarm may have at least one polarization filter which may be an active polarizer with electrically adjustable polarization plane.
Owner:IP EDGE LLC +1

Presence detector and its application

The presence detector has a passive infrared sensor for detecting the presence of persons in a room, an image sensor operating in the visible spectral range and an electronic evaluator for the evaluation of signals from these sensors. The signal from the passive infrared sensor is used to actuate the image sensor and, if necessary, to switch on the room lighting. Once activated, the image sensor is used to detect both movement and occupancy of a space being monitored. Application of the presence detector for the "on-demand" activation and / or control of conditioning facilities of a room, wherein the signals of both sensors are used for the control of the conditioning facility.

Computer system and method for evaluating scientific institutions, professional staff and work products

A system and method for evaluating the productivity of scientific institutions, performance of their personnel and quality of their work products using electronic evaluation forms and global or customized scoring systems. The computer based evaluation system uses a plurality of evaluating devices and data storage systems including a module management system, a module database evaluation system and a user database management system. The process involves the collection of performance data, the processing and evaluation of the data and generation of evaluation reports and tables. The system and method further comprise recordation of the number of downloads registered for accessing articles by scientists who use the system and calculating a value score. The data processed provide useful estimates for the intellectual potential factor of articles, the research potential factor of individual scientists, the innovation potential of individual scientists and the teaching potential of professional staff.

Filtering apparatus for filtering compressed air

A filter device for filtering compressed air having recognition means (24), which render possible recognition of the degree of contamination of the filter means (6) fitted. The recognition means (24) comprise a pressure differential sensor means (25) responsive to the pressure differential at the filter means (6) and a flow rate sensor means (26) responsive to the flow rate. Furthermore there is an electronic evaluating means (27) for linking the detected pressure differential values and the flow rate values to give a condition value relevant for the degree of contamination of the filter means (6) and to be compared with predetermined threshold values.

Method, computer program product, device, and system for creating an electronic appraisal report and auditing system

The present disclosure discloses a method, computer program product, device, and system for creating an electronic appraisal form with auditing capabilities. The device includes a display, a data input module, a location detection module which detects a geographic position, a communications interface which communicates with a real estate database, and retrieves real estate data for a property located at the geographic position detected by the location detection module. The device further includes a processor which creates an electronic appraisal template including a plurality of data fields, the plurality of data fields being automatically populated based on the received real estate data for the property located at the geographic position, and an audit tracking module which maintains a record of data initially presented for inclusion in an appraisal report, but ultimately excluded from the appraisal report.

Main brake cylinder having a device for the contactless monitoring of the position and movement of a linearly movable piston

A main brake cylinder, for use within an electronic braking system for motor vehicles, having a device for contactless monitoring of a position of a piston that can be linearly moved along a piston axis. The device includes a movable element and a sensor unit. The sensor unit is fixedly arranged on a housing of the main brake cylinder and is connected to an electronic evaluation unit for processing signals from the device. According to the invention, in order to further increase function precision, to lower manufacturing expenditure, number of components, and costs, to reduce overall length, and to improve calibration options, a magnetic field is realized such as to be emittable from the sensor unit, and a yoke is dedicated to the piston for position-dependently changing the magnetic field such that said change can be detected by the sensor unit.

Optoacoustic measuring arrangement and use thereof

The measuring arrangement contains a measuring cell and a reference cell, respectively, and microphones assigned to these cells, to which microphones an electronic evaluation circuit is connected and in which a subtraction of the signals of the microphones takes place, as well as a radiation source for applying a modulated signal to the measuring cell. The modulation frequency of the radiation source coincides with the resonant frequency of the measuring cell, and the measuring cell and the reference cell are open at at least one end to the gas to and / or aerosol to be detected. The measuring arrangement is used as smoke alarm, gas alarm, fire hazard alarm or as combined smoke and gas alarm, wherein each of the measuring cells is exposed to a radiation of a wavelength at which a relevant substance to be detected is absorbent and an opto-acoustic effect is produced as a result.

Method to recognize and avoid premature combustion events

The invention relates to a method for recognizing and avoiding premature combustion events. In order to avoid damage to the engine, the invention provides the following steps:providing at least one sensor and / or an electronic evaluation circuit for recognizing premature combustion;direct recognition of premature combustion;performing at least one measure for avoiding premature combustion when premature combustion is recognized.

Device and method for detecting the loading of pivoted rotor blades

A method and a device for measuring the loading on rotor blades, especially of wind power plants with swiveling rotor blades, the loading of the rotor blades being determined by way of deformation of a bearing ring of the swiveling rotor blade takes place economically with proximity sensors, but can also take place advantageously with fiber optic sensors. With an electronic evaluation device, the deformation of the bearing ring is referenced to the loading of the rotor blade. In one advantageous embodiment, an inclinometer is also provided.

Online examination method and system based on intelligent test paper composition and text analysis, reading and appraising

The invention discloses an online examination method and an online examination system based on intelligent test paper composition and text analysis, reading and appraising. The system comprises an intelligent test paper composition module, the module is based on the genetic test paper composition strategy of an optimal sub question bank, on the basis of the traditional genetic algorithm, an inputquestion bank and a self-adaptive function are improved, then the convergence rate of intelligent test paper composition is improved to a certain degree, the quality and efficiency of the test paper composition work are guaranteed, and the module further comprises a plurality of sub functions including test paper composition template management, test paper maintenance, question bank management, and examination activity management. An online examination module is used for invoking test paper, receiving user input and storing question answering data in real time, so that each examinee has the safe, convenient and rapid, just and fair examination environment. A test paper reading and appraising module provides full-function test paper reading and appraising including objective questions and subjective questions, the reading and appraising strategery based on text analysis is provided, and the accuracy and reading and appraising efficiency of the reading and appraising work are improved. For the online examination method and the online examination system provided by the invention, the test paper composition is efficient and reasonable, the examination form is flexible, the reading andappraising are accurate and scientific, the whole process including the test paper composition, examination and reading and appraising work is covered, and then the examination cost is obviously saved.

Method for producing high-quality reproductions of the front and/or rear sections of the eye

The present invention makes it possible to make high-quality recordings of the anterior and / or posterior segments of the eye as an individual image or also as a sequence of images without increasing the radiation load on the eye to be examined. In the method according to the invention, at least one pre-flash is used in order to determine an optimal exposure time for the main flash based on the recording of the pre-flash which is reflected by the object to be recorded. Both the pre-flash and the main flash are controllable and the recordings of the pre-flash and main flash are recorded with the same sensor of the electronic camera and are evaluated electronically by a control unit, and the recording of the main flash and, as the case may be, of the pre-flash is analyzed and / or corrected and displayed to the user.

Computer online examination method

The invention discloses a computer online examination method, which includes: firstly performing user management to finish user information adding, modifying and deleting and set user rights; building an examination database to store examination data; performing sorting and weighting distribution for examination data, storing the classified examination data in classified entries and giving weight to each classified entry; extracting examination data with different quantities from the classified entries with different weights to form an examination item which has settled weight sum; leading an examination system to perform examination according to the examination item and store examination results; and finally performing estimation according to the examination results to obtain estimation cores which are related to the weights of the classified entries of the examination data and storing examination scores.

Electronic assessment summary and remedial action plan creation system and associated methods

Score results are received from an assessment recorded by a plurality of students in a unitary class. The assessment includes a items that are representative of a plurality of content standards, with each item designed to assess at least one content standard. An electronic correlation is made of incorrect answers for each student with respective content standards. A remedial learning action for each correlated content standard is retrieved, and a remedial learning action plan is automatically produced therefrom. An electronic correlation is also made of incorrect answers for the plurality of students with respective content standards. A proportion of the plurality of students needing remediation is calculated in each of the respective content standards, and a remedial teaching action for each of the content standards for which the calculated proportion exceeds a predetermined value is retrieved. From the retrieved remedial teaching actions is automatically produced a remedial teaching action plan.

Sensor arrangement

A sensor system (1; 20; 30; 40) is proposed for detecting forces which, particularly in the case of a motor vehicle, lead to a deformation of components, e.g. body parts (10) as the result of an accident. The sensor system (1; 20; 30; 40) has a number of contact elements (2, 3, 4; 21, 22, 23; 31, 32, 33) which are arranged on the component (10) staggered one behind the other in a possible deformation direction (11), compressible insulation layers (5, 6, 7; 24, 25; 35, 36) being disposed between the contact elements (2, 3, 4; 21, 22, 23; 31, 32, 33). The contact elements (2, 3, 4; 21, 22, 23; 31, 32, 33) are electroconductively connected to an electronic evaluation circuit by which a contacting and / or de-contacting of adjacent contact elements (2, 3, 4; 21, 22, 23; 31, 32, 33), caused by a deformation, is able to be detected and converted into control and or regulating signals.

Systems and methods for electronic evaluation of candidates

ActiveUS20170229033A1Facilitate electronic evaluationSimple, time-effective and cost-efficientDigital data information retrievalCryptography processingTablet computerHandwriting
Embodiments of present invention provide a system and method for electronic evaluation of candidates. The system provides a central server adapted to be communicably coupled to a plurality of client devices. Graders / evaluators may generate a gradation test that is stored on the central server or any other server communicably coupled thereto. The central servers makes available, to duly authenticated client devices, through exam-center servers, the gradation test over a secure channel, which may be answered by the candidates electronically. The answers of candidates, including answers written in their own handwriting using a tablet and stylus, are stored on the central server and made available to duly authenticated grader / evaluators for evaluation. The present invention enables evaluation to be carried out in a time-effective and cost-efficient manner with utmost security.

Equipment insulation test training system based on VR virtual immersion and circular screen interaction

The invention discloses an equipment insulation test training system based on VR virtual immersion and circular screen interaction, and the system comprises a holographic subsystem which achieves theautomatic welcoming, hosting and teacher role functions through the photographing and recording of a corresponding teaching video based on a holographic projection technology and a virtual host technology; a theoretical learning and examination subsystem which is used for carrying out real-time examination, online examination, test question management, automatic test paper composition, automatic test paper marking and information query on students; a circular screen interaction three-dimensional simulation subsystem which is based on VR virtual immersion, circular screen projection imaging and3D stereoscopic image watching interaction; and a management subsystem which is used for integrating user management, content management, assessment management and log management into a whole for system management. The problems that an existing training mode is insufficient in virtual immersion degree and not deep in feeling, other students repeatedly make mistakes, and the training effect is notideal are solved.

Online test taking and study guide system and method

A system and method for presenting an online study guide and testing program is presented herein. In particular, the system and method includes a plurality of test questions stored within a database or question bank and a plurality of testing materials corresponding to subject areas, topics, and specific categories. Each of the test questions are coded or otherwise include a study code associated therewith, the study code representing a particular subject area, category or sub-category. Similarly, the study materials are also coded to represent a subject area, category, or sub-category. Accordingly, once a student has completed a test or assignment, the system and method will automatically detect the student's weak areas via wrong answered questions and provide the study code. The student can then obtain study materials relating to that study code in order to advance his or her knowledge in those weak areas.

Unmanned invigilation method for online examination

The invention discloses an unmanned invigilation method for an online examination, and the method comprises the steps: S1, collecting the biological data of examinees, and storing the biological datain an examination terminal; s2, collecting biological data of examinees, comparing the biological data with biological data in an examination terminal, and entering an examination room after identification is passed; s3, enabling the examinee to log in, transmitting the corresponding examination computer MAC address to the examination terminal, and enabling the server to issue examination paper; s4, enabling the sound acquisition module and the action acquisition module to acquire sound data and video data and transmit the sound data and the video data to the examination terminal; s5, enablingthe terminal to identify the sound data, converting the sound data into text, performing matching comparison, and calculating text similarity; if the text similarity is greater than a threshold, enabling the alarm to give an alarm; s6, enabling the examination terminal to identify the video data and judge whether there are two or more persons or no persons, if so, enabling the examination terminal to send a signal and enabling an alarm to give an alarm, and S7, enabling the server to collect answer sheets after the examination is ended. The problems of fraud actions, head-to-ear connection and online examination replacement behaviors in the online examination are solved.

Modular laboratory apparatus for analysis and synthesis of liquids and method for analysis and synthesis of liquids

A modular laboratory apparatus for analysis and synthesis of liquids has a liquid tank, a central electronic evaluation unit, a multitude of functional modules, and a multitude of fluid modules. The functional modules and the fluid modules are mechanically connected in rows and are selectively connected to each other electrically and fluidically. At least one fluid module is fluidically connected to the liquid tank, and provision is made for electrical connections which connect the functional modules and the fluid modules to the central electronic evaluation unit. In a method for analysis and synthesis of liquids using a modular laboratory apparatus, the functional modules and the fluid modules are controlled by the central electronic evaluation unit by executing an analysis and / or synthesis program in order to perform an analysis procedure and / or a synthesis procedure.

Head-mounted online examination machine

The invention provides a head-mounted online examination machine and belongs to the technical field of computer education and network. The examination machine comprises a shell, a head-mounted frame, observation mirrors, an observation mirror bracket, a light inductor, a distance inductor, a control board, an iris recognition and eye monitoring camera set, an earphone cover, a playing trumpet and a microphone, wherein the examination machine is provided with a connector connected with a PC (Personal Computer) side; the observation mirror bracket is fixedly connected with the shell; the two observation mirrors are mounted on the observation mirror bracket; the light inductor is arranged at the lower part of the observation mirror bracket; the distance inductor is mounted on the observation mirror bracket; the control board is fixedly connected with the shell; the iris recognition and eye monitoring camera set is used for photographing irises of examiners; and the earphone cover is internally provided with the playing trumpet and the microphone. With the adoption of the device provided by the invention, online closed-book exams can be realized, and identity verification of the examiners can be realized; and a condition that the examiners pick off the device to cheat in an examination process can be prevented and a condition that the examiners cheat by hearing sounds can be prevented.
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