system and method for generating sample points that can generate the sample points in parallel. The sample points can be used in
processing in parallel, with the results subsequently collected and used as necessary in subsequent rendering operations. Sample points are generated using a coarse Halton sequence, which makes use of coarse radical inverse values Φbi,M(j) as follows:Φbi,M(j)=Φb(jM+i)where base “b” is preferably a prime number, but not a divisor of “M,” and “i” is an integer. Using this definition, the s-dimensional coarse Halton sequence USCHal,i,M, which may be used to define sample points for use in evaluating integrals, is defined asUsCHal,i,M=(Φb1i,M(j), . . . , Φb<sub2>s< / sub2>i,M(j))where b1, . . . , bs are the first “s” prime numbers that are not divisors of “M.” Each value of “i” defines a subsequence that is a low-discrepancy sequence, and so can be used in connection with
processing. Similarly, the union of all subsequences for all values of “i” between “zero” and “M−1” is also a low-discrepancy sequence, so results of
processing using the coarse Halton sequences for all such values of “i” can be collected together and used in the same manner as if the results had been generated using a Halton sequence to define the sample points.