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646 results about "Physical media" patented technology

Physical media refers to the physical materials that are used to store or transmit information in data communications. These physical media are generally physical objects made of materials such as copper or glass. They can be touched and felt, and have physical properties such as weight and color. For a number of years, copper and glass were the only media used in computer networking.

Watermark embedder and reader

A watermark system includes an embedder, detector, and reader. The watermark embedder encodes a watermark signal in a host signal to create a combined signal. The detector looks for the watermark signal in a potentially corrupted version of the combined signal, and computes its orientation. Finally, a reader extracts a message in the watermark signal from the combined signal using the orientation to approximate the original state of the combined signal. While adapted for images, video and audio, the watermark system applies to other electronic and physical media. For example, it can be applied to mark graphical models, blank paper, film and other substrates, texturing objects for ID purposes, etc.

Private Allocated Networks Over Shared Communications Infrastructure

Methods and systems for implementing private allocated networks in a virtual infrastructure are presented. One method operation creates virtual switches in one or more hosts in the virtual infrastructure. Each port in the virtual switches is associated with a private allocated network (PAN) from a group of possible PANs. In one embodiment, one or more PANs share the same physical media for data transmission. The intranet traffic within each PAN is not visible to nodes that are not connected to the each PAN. In another operation, the method defines addressing mode tables for the intranet traffic within each PAN. The entries in the addressing mode tables define addressing functions for routing the intranet traffic between the virtual switches, and different types of addressing functions are supported by the virtual switches.

Reconfigurable test system

A reconfigurable test system including a host computer coupled to a reconfigurable test instrument. The reconfigurable test instrument includes reconfigurable hardware-i.e. a reconfigurable hardware module with one or more programmable elements such as Field Programmable Gate Arrays for realizing an arbitrary hardware architecture and a reconfigurable front end with programmable transceivers for interfacing with any desired physical medium-and optionally, an embedded processor. A user specifies system features with a software configuration utility which directs a component selector to select a set of software modules and hardware configuration files from a series of libraries. The modules are embedded in a host software driver or downloaded for execution on the embedded CPU. The configuration files are downloaded to the reconfigurable hardware. The entire selection process is performed in real-time and can be changed whenever the user deems necessary. Alternatively, the user may create a graphical program in a graphical programming environment and compile the program into various software modules and configuration files for host execution, embedded processor execution, or programming the reconfigurable hardware.

Method for Dynamic Bundling of Graphics Editing Tools presented to Clients engaged in Image-Based Project Creation through an Electronic Interface

A system for creating image and or text-based projects includes a server, the server having access to a processor, a data repository, and a non-transitory physical medium. Software running from the non-transitory physical medium provides a first function for establishing a client server connection between the server and at least one user-operated computing appliance connected to the network, a second function for initiating and maintaining an active data session between one or more users involved in project creation and or in project editing through a graphics user interface (GUI), a third function for detecting user-execution of a project template, a fourth function for analyzing the exact nature and state of the template and any content associated therewith, a fifth function for assembling a customized editing interface according to needs determined by the analysis of the fourth function, and a sixth function for presenting the customized interface to the user.

Watermark embedder and reader

A watermark system includes an embedder, detector, and reader. The watermark embedder encodes a watermark signal in a host signal to create a combined signal. The detector looks for the watermark signal in a potentially corrupted version of the combined signal, and computes its orientation. Finally, a reader extracts a message in the watermark signal from the combined signal using the orientation to approximate the original state of the combined signal. While adapted for images, video and audio, the watermark system applies to other electronic and physical media. For example, it can be applied to mark graphical models, blank paper, film and other substrates, texturing objects for ID purposes, etc.

Method and system for managing and distributing digital media

A system and method that integrates a plurality of media service systems offering different multimedia services such as media storage, syndication, delivery, and billing services. The system and method also provides automated file transcoding. In embodiment, a method of the present invention includes receiving a plurality of physical media files, organizing the plurality of physical media files so that different bit-rates and formats of a single source material are organized into a media database entity, receiving user specified delivery settings for the distribution of the physical media file, generating a release database entity storing the delivery settings of the physical media file, generating an address indicating the storage location of the release, and transmitting the address to a remote computing device.

Method of making secure on-line financial transactions

A method of providing secure financial transactions using the internet creates virtual currency that is used to settle monetary obligations amongst authorized purchasers, merchants, and other financial operators. The network operator maintains available funds in pooled fund accounts at various financial institutions, and uses those funds to purchase and sell virtual currency that may then be used on-line. Actual monetary transfers take place between pooled accounts using traditional automated clearing house (ACH) networks, pursuant to instructions provided to financial institutions by the network operator. User authentication and authorization are provided through a dual registration process, and a user's identity may be authenticated using a physical medium or a PIN. Instructions may be given remotely to the network operator through cellular telephones and PDAs.

Reputation System Based on Driving Behavior

A system has an Internet-connected server having a processor and data storage coupled to the server, and software executing on the processor from a non-transitory physical medium. The software provides functions for collecting driver behavior raw data based on actual driving performance for a plurality of drivers, calculating by pre-programmed algorithm and storing a driver performance score for individual ones of the plurality of drivers, and making performance scores for individual ones of the drivers available to one or both of drivers for whom the performance scores are prepared and to requesting enterprises.

Mesh network of intelligent devices communicating via powerline and radio frequency

Low-cost intelligent control and communication devices are arranged to communicate with one another over one or more shared physical media, such as a powerline or a radio frequency band. No network controller is needed, because any device can act as a master, slave, or repeater. Adding more devices makes the system more robust, by virtue of a simple protocol for communication retransmissions and retries.

Method and apparatus for medium access control in powerline communication network systems

An inventive Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol for powerline networking systems is described. The inventive MAC protocol controls access to and use of a physical medium (power lines) in a powerline networking system. The MAC protocol method and apparatus includes a method of providing “blanking intervals” in which devices using newer versions of the protocol “clear out” earlier version devices. The use of blanking intervals greatly eases backward compatibility of the network when the protocol is upgraded with new versions. The method of using blanking intervals is closely coupled to a technique of using “beacons.” The beacons are used to propagate blanking interval information throughout the network. The beacons also include a mechanism for informing devices of the expiration of blanking information. The MAC also includes a method of establishing and maintaining “virtual circuit” connections between selected devices on the network. The virtual circuits can be established in powerline networking systems not having a central controller. A method of assigning unique Logical Network Identifiers (LNIs) to logical networks in the powerline networking system is also described. The LNIs uniquely identify each of the logical networks in the network. A means for creating, managing and distributing network encryption keys is also described. The encryption keys are used by the devices in the powerline networking system to prevent data from being shared with unauthorized users.

Methods for audio watermarking and decoding

An identification code signal is hidden in a carrier signal (such as an electronic data signal or a physical medium) in a manner that permits the identification signal later to be discerned. The carrier signal can thereby be identified, or some machine responsive action can thereby be taken. The technique can be applied in video imagery embodiments to control associated video equipment, e.g. to serve as a copy control signal.

Methods And Apparatus For HyperSecure Last Mile Communication

ActiveUS20180359811A1Simplified challengeSacrificing network latencyNetwork traffic/resource managementNetwork topologiesData fileClient-side
A variety of techniques for concealing the content of a communication between a client device, such as a cell phone or laptop, and a network or cloud of media nodes are disclosed. Among the techniques are routing data packets in the communication to different gateway nodes in the cloud, sending the packets over different physical media, such as an Ethernet cable or WiFi channel, and disguising the packets by giving them different source addressees. Also disclosed are a technique for muting certain participants in a conference call and a highly secure method of storing data files.

System and method for distributing music and data

A system and method for distributing music and data. The music or data is first transmitted to a consumer via a satellite radio network. The system includes a satellite radio receiver for the user which is capable of receiving the wireless transmission and providing an audio and / or visual output in response thereto. In addition, the receiver is adapted to receive an input (e.g., voice command) from the user by which the user is able to signal an interest in recording a selection of music or data being played and / or displayed. In response to this signal and a record-ability signal, an ID signal is stored on a removable media which identifies the selection being played and / or displayed. The ID signal may be a composite signal indicating the time and channel, a signal that identifies a selection by number, or other suitable ID signal. Finally, the system includes a computer for allowing the user to use the removable media to retrieve the desired selection via the a second network such as private distribution hub or the World Wide Web. In the specific illustrative embodiment, the removable media is electronic (flash) memory. The web site is implemented with software running on a server which translates the ID signal into a human readable identification (e.g., title and artist) of the music or data selected. The user then either downloads the desired selection through the web site or places an order for delivery of physical media (e.g., a CD) on which the desired selection is stored.

Methods, systems and apparatus for providing video transmissions over multiple media

Various embodiments of the invention provide novel apparatus, methods and systems for providing relatively high-speed bandwidth to enable, inter alia, video transmission services over media previously unable to support such services. In accordance with certain embodiments, a device located at the telecommunication service provider can logically couple two or more physical media to provide a single, consolidated source of bandwidth, which can be used to transmit data, which can represent a video signal. In accordance with other embodiments, a device located at the subscriber's location can be used to receive the data from each of the two physical media and recreate the video signal from the data, such that the video signal can be transmitted to a display device, such as a television, monitor, etc.

Electronic Transaction Record Distribution System

A point-of-sale (POS) receipt management system has a computerized appliance at the POS executing first software (SW) from a non-transitory physical medium, and a peripheral device coupled to the computerized appliance, the peripheral device enabled to transmit data wirelessly to a portable communication device in close proximity to the peripheral device, the portable communication device in possession of a consumer. Upon the consumer completing a transaction at the POS, the POS computerized appliance prepares transaction data, which is transmitted to the peripheral device, and hence wirelessly to the portable communication device in possession of the consumer.

Personal electronic text library system patent

The Personal Electronic Text Library System [PETLS] invention is a means for the collection, storage and distribution of text book and / or printed material in electronic format protected against unauthorized duplication according to the proprietary PETLS Protection Standard. Said protection applies to text book and / or printed material in electronic format originating from a plurality of sources of said material transferred into PETLS, the storage of said material within PETLS, the transfer of copies of said material to portable physical media through a plurality of points of access and the display of said material from said portable physical media on dedicated PETLS display devices, the B-Books. Text book and / or printed material in electronic format stored on the portable PETLS Electronic Storage Media being protected against unauthorized duplication can be purchased and / or shared and / or lent and / or traded and / or donated between any and / or all individuals and / or users of the B-Book dedicated display devices.

Methods for Real Time Discovery, Selection, and Engagement of Most Economically Feasible Printing Service Vendors among Multiple Known Vendors

A system for routing electronic print orders includes a server connected to the network, the server having access to least one processor and a data repository, the server including a non-transitory physical medium and software running from the non-transitory physical medium, the software providing for acquiring current job capacity capabilities, delivery time estimates, historical production times, and current cost estimates for printing and shipping relative to one or more products resulting from completion of the one or more electronic print orders, scoring the values and comparing the scores to identify more preferable scores, and routing one or more of the electronic print orders according to the results of scoring performed by the second function.

Method and system for interacting with a writing

InactiveUS20050060232A1Promote audience attentivenessFacilitate product purchasesResonant circuit detailsAnalogue secracy/subscription systemsPrint mediaRemote control
A remote control that tunes an appliance, such as a television or a radio, can scan marks on physical media, such as barcodes on products, publications, and print media. The remote control can present a user with a question regarding advertising content on a physical medium to immerse the user in such advertising content. The user can receive a reward, such as a coupon for a discounted purchase, for correctly answering the question. The remote control can generate a shopping list by scanning and identifying products that a consumer or household consumes. A remote server that is affiliated with a particular manufacturer or distributor can maintain the shopping list as a consumer service. The shopping list service can be a vehicle for promoting product brands associated with the manufacturer or distributor.

Global media exchange

A system and methods of providing a globally accessible media exchange, whereby media creators, media rights holders, and agents can offer media and media rights to a world-wide market. Media users and publishers can find and preview the media that they need or want and purchase media ownership or license media rights through the media exchange. The media exchange can store digital graphics, audio, and video. The media exchange can also manage the transfer of media and media rights for physical media. In some embodiments, the media exchange can establish a dynamic fair market value based on matching asking prices and bids. Some embodiments could be limited to a single media type such as just audio media.

Watermark embedder and reader

A watermark system includes an embedder, detector, and reader. The watermark embedder encodes a watermark signal in a host signal to create a combined signal. The detector looks for the watermark signal in a potentially corrupted version of the combined signal, and computes its orientation. Finally, a reader extracts a message in the watermark signal from the combined signal using the orientation to approximate the original state of the combined signal. While adapted for images, video and audio, the watermark system applies to other electronic and physical media. For example, it can be applied to mark graphical models, blank paper, film and other substrates, texturing objects for ID purposes, etc.

Hiding encrypted messages in information carriers

An identification code signal is hidden in a carrier signal (such as an electronic data signal or a physical medium) in a manner that permits the identification signal later to be discerned. The carrier signal can thereby be identified, or some machine responsive action can thereby be taken. The technique can be applied in video imagery embodiments to control associated video equipment, e.g. to serve as a copy control signal.

Security Layer and Methods for Protecting Tenant Data in a Cloud-Mediated Computing Network

A system for protecting data managed in a cloud-computing network from malicious data operations includes an Internet-connected server and software executing on the server from a non-transitory physical medium, the software providing a first function for generating one or more security tokens that validate one or more computing operations to be performed on the data, a second function for generating a hash for each token generated, the hash detailing, in a secure fashion, the operation type or types permitted by the one or more tokens, a third function for brokering two-party signature of the one or more tokens, and a fourth function for dynamically activating the one or more signed tokens for a specific time window required to perform the operations permitted by the token.

Method and system for data delivery and reproduction

A system and method for distributing title data, such as songs, videos or computer games. The title data is provided from a central location to a customer who may purchase or rent a copy of the title data. The title data is made available on a computer readable media, which may be physical media, such as a CD or DVD, or virtual media, such as a computer network. Before distribution, the title data is watermarked with information to identify the customer to whom the title data was distributed. The watermark may be created using identifying information to modulate the title data using a randomly selected modulation scheme at multiple randomly selected locations. The system stores an indication of the locations and frequency modulation scheme, allowing the identifying information to be recovered from the watermarked copy of the title data.

System and method for protecting a title key in a secure distribution system for recordable media content

A title key protection system includes a title key with recordable media content; storage in a repository is not required. The title key is decrypted when needed by a clearinghouse, and then re-encrypted. The title key confers rights from the content owners to the user to play and copy the content for personal use. A user downloads encrypted content from a content repository. The user's media recording device extracts an encrypted title key from the content and obtains a media key block and media ID from the physical media on which the content will be recorded. The encrypted title key, media key block, and media ID are transmitted to a clearinghouse. The clearinghouse decrypts the title key and derives a media unique key from the media key block and media ID. The clearinghouse re-encrypts the title key with the media unique key and returns this re-encrypted title key to the media recording device for recording with the content on the physical media.

Systems and methods for data indexing and processing

Systems and methods are disclosed that allow for indexing, processing, or both of information from physical media or electronic media, which may be received from a plurality of sources. In embodiments, a document file may be matched using pattern matching methods and may include comparisons with a comparison reference database to improve or accelerate the indexing process. In embodiments, information may be presented to a user as potential matches thereby improving manual indexing processes. In embodiments, one or more additional actions may occur as part of the processing, including without limitation, association additional data with a document file, making observations from the document file, notifying individuals, creating composite messages, and billing events. In an embodiment, data from a document file may be associated with a key word, key phrase, or word frequency value that enables adaptive learning so that unindexed data may be automatically indexed based on user interaction history.
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