The present invention relates to a protection switching method in a communication network, the communication network including plurality of communication devices forming a linear chain and at least one non-ERPS on the nodes ERPS (
Ethernet Ring Protection Switching) device connecting terminal ports of the linear chain and thereby forming a ring. In one embodiment this is accomplished by instantiating ERPS on each
communication device that forms a linear chain and on each non-terminal ports of the linear chain, identifying a node or link fault in the network, wherein the link or node fault is detected by Continuity Check Message (CCM), Loss of Light (LOL), Loss of
Signal (LOS), Loss of periodic continuity check messages (IEEE 802.1 ag) or any other mechanisms thereof, blocking ports of the
communication device in response to the detection of fault, periodically
broadcasting a fault message by the blocked ports of the communication devices, wherein the message gets terminated at the ports of the
communication device within the linear
chain network without reaching the non-ERPS device, flushing the
Media Access Control (MAC) table entry upon
receipt of the fault message by all the communication device and unblocking of a root port link (RPL) of the linear for providing an alternate path to
route network traffic after
receipt of the fault message.