A hunting arrow for tracking target animals is disclosed and described. The arrow can include a chamber having an angled surface and a compression fitting surface. The arrow can also include a transmitter housing having an angled surface and a compression fitting to securely house the transmitter within the chamber during flight. The transmitter may include removable parts, to enable reuse of the transmitter, including but not limited to: compression fittings, barbed hooks, an attachment assembly and a battery cover. The transmitter is ejected from the chamber when the arrow strikes a target animal and the one or more barbed hooks stops the forward momentum of the transmitter with sufficient force to overcome the friction between the compression fitting and the compression fitting surface within the chamber, thereby ejecting and embedding the transmitter in the hide of the animal. Alternatively, or in addition thereto, the hunting arrow can include a plunger system, retaining member / retaining dimple system and / or an adhesive strip system to secure the transmitter to the arrow during flight.